Val Smyth’s We Got Friends pyramid scheme has collapsed.

Participants, the majority of whom have lost money, are now being funnelled into Got Backup?

We Got Friends’ collapse is preceded by consistently declining website traffic month on month.

SimilarWeb tracked just ~57,000 visits to We Got Friends’ website in September 2023. This was down 28% from August.

We Got Friends affiliates report they are receiving unsolicited recruitment emails for Got Backup?, a pyramid scheme run by Joel Therien.

Examination of the emails received reveals We Got Friends victims are being pressured into joining Got Backup? through fear of loss marketing.

Right now for all We Got Friends we are:

[+] Waiving the $40 affiliate fee

[+] Giving you a completely done for you email marketing and auto responder system valued at $300 absolutely free

Tho bonuses will be gone soon so upgrade now

I wanted to resend this email because in the past few days over 1000 people have upgraded in your downline…


Because there is no other business online that you can start for less than $10 a month and costs for life less than $10 a month.

Don’t miss out on another commission!!

Upgrade right here right now so you don’t miss out on commissions from your downline!

Here is what we are doing for all WGF members…

If you lock in now you will get:

[+] All your downline integrity will remain from WGF into the GotBackup system

[+] Normally we have a one time $40 affiliate fee. That has been completely removed…

Which means that you can get started right here right now, lock in your position for just $9.97 per month

Not only that…

Those that lock in NOW will get a fully automated email marketing system valued at $300 per year absolutely free!!

One We Got Friends affiliate reports they’re being bombarded with these emails “many times every hour”.

Val Smyth is reported to be the sender of the emails. The “downline integrity between We Got Friends and Got Backup? suggests Smyth sold the database to Joel Therein.

As reviewed here on BehindMLM earlier this month, the current incarnation of Got Backup? operates as a $9.97 a month pyramid scheme.