Skainet Systems begs investors to lock funds up for another 6 mths
Skainet Systems is complaining about “liquidity issues”, which is Ponzi speak for “new investment isn’t covering withdrawals”.
Skainet Systems’ solution is to beg investors to take them up on another six month fund freeze, incentivized by a “loyalty bonus”.
What happens after the second six-month period? Well here’s the thing…
Skainet Systems launched on or May/June 2024. The unregistered investment scheme is run by Michael Baur, a serial MLM Ponzi promoter hiding out on Dubai.
Consumers are pitched on passive returns of up to 40% a month, but the catch is invested funds are locked for six months.
Exact Skainet Systems monthly ROI rates aren’t public but they probably aren’t anywhere near 40%.
Anyway, six months from April/May 2024 puts as at November/December. Not surprisingly, as early investors began cashing out Skainet Systems delayed withdrawals in late November.
As the Ponzi scheme continued to hemorrhage money leading up to Christmas, a “loyalty bonus” was announced mid December.
In a nutshell, instead of withdrawing, Skainet Systems investors are incentivized to reinvest again for another six months. This pays up to 10% on the amount reinvested, but funds are once again locked for six months.
Anyone with half a brain should be able to identify this for what it is; Skainet Systems kicking the can down the road.
Fast-forward to April/May 2025, and Skainet Systems has to pay out even more money it very obviously doesn’t have.
Between November and December 2024, SimilarWeb tracked a 38% drop in Skainet Systems’ website traffic. Early investors have cashed out, recruitment of new suckers has tanked and things are only going to get worse.
What little Skainet Systems recruitment is taking place is occuring in the UAE and Sweden. These saps evidently missed the first six-month period and are counting on there still being a gravy train six months from now.
While it is possible Skainet Systems continues to find enough new suckers to kick the can down the road a little longer, you also have inevitable Ponzi math bubbling away in the background.
The longer a Ponzi scheme operates, the more its ROI liabilities spiral out of control.
Hat tip to the FaceBook group “Skainet Systems Scam – Now What!?” for the heads up on this one.
Do you know how much they stole? Some sayed its more than 500 million usd.
Impossible to know without access to the backend or knowing and tracing crypto wallets.
Over 900% lol. But they believe it’s real. And they believe that it’s impossible for myfxbook results to be faked by a dodgy broker!
Skainet has just turned off commenting in their official telegram group because of all the negative comments!