Adrian Jacuzzi’s Mize Network has collapsed again, prompting the launch of PowerMine.

Mize Network launched last year and saw affiliates pay up to €25,000 EUR to join.

Commissions within Mize Network itself were tied to the recruitment of new affiliates.

Cryptocurrency fraud was introduced with the launch of PowerNodes, a Ponzi scheme within a pyramid scheme if you will.

PowerNodes saw affiliates invested in an unnamed ERC-20 token. The company gave them more tokens as a return, and if there was enough new investment Mize Network affiliates could cash out.

As I write this the PowerNodes website has an Alexa ranking of 5.7 million, which for a Ponzi scheme corresponds with a collapse.

Cue the launch of PowerMine last month, which appears to be more of the same.

POWERMINE is a BHF-Tokens package (asset-backed tokens) that allows you to participate in the PRE-STO, a gateway to Blue Hill Mining, which is made by Blue Hill Foundation as a financing strategy.

One key characteristic of POWERMINE is that it’s limited and exclusive for the registered Mize Network’s members.

BHF tokens appear to be new, with whatever token was used in PowerNodes being abandoned.

Tokens can set up at little to no cost, so it’s not surprising to see Mize Network set them up on a whim each time they reboot.

As for Blue Hill Mining, it doesn’t exist beyond a website set up to dupe investors.

The ruse behind the company is imaginary mining operations in Mongolia, purportedly “almost the entire size of” Lichtenstein.

Even if it did exist though, the fact remains that neither Adrian Jacuzzi, Mize Network, PowerNodes, PowerMine or Blue Hill Mining are registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction they operate in.

Despite operating illegally, PowerMine are soliciting investment in BHF tokens from €247 (4251 tokens) to €4997 (86,001 tokens).

Same story as Mize Network’s previous Ponzi. Affiliates invest in worthless tokens and can cash out for as long as there’s new investment to steal.

Once that new investment dies down, kaboom.

Seeing as this is Mize Network’s third reboot (second Ponzi reboot), expect a similar timeline with inevitable losses as PowerNodes.