OneBiz Review: Spam content as an MLM product?
Identified as the “the people behind” OneBiz on the company website are Heiko Häusler, Thomas M. Duda and Tobias Knoof.
As per their supplied corporate bios, all three have internet marketing experience, however any MLM credentials are noticeably absent.
The OneBiz HangOuts are broadcast out of Germany, indicating that this is where Häusler is operating the company out of.
Contact details provided on the OneBiz website clash with this, and instead point to an address in St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Possibly due to language-barrier issues (I believe all three owners are German), I was unable to independently track down an MLM history for any of the company’s owners.
In any event, read on for a full review of the OneBiz MLM business opportunity.
The OneBiz Product Line
Whether or not OneBiz has any retailable products is unclear.
As per the company’s own product description:
OneBiz is a novel cloud based service for fully automated content, traffic and link building online. It enables the distribution of personal content such as blog posts, expert articles, videos, press releases, social news, audio files, documents, software, apps and other digital information or data.
Desired content can be spinned in various ways. It can be remixed and newly rehashed or simultaneously “drip-fed” (time delayed and delivered little by little) and published into dozens or hundreds of personal profiles, accounts and websites. Every account will thereby receive its own variation of the published content.
Reading between the lines, OneBiz would appear to offer a marketing platform that either scrapes or spins content from pre-approved sources. This is then published on a hosted platform (the OneBiz website uses Drupal), with the idea being that the content will be passed off as unique.
The OneBiz website doesn’t go into the specifics of pricing, but does mention ‘starting products with a price range from 1000 to 5000 euro‘.
Additionally the OneBiz compensation plan material mentions a “monthly fee”, indicating some or all of OneBiz’s products and/or services will be offered on a subscription basis.
The OneBiz Compensation Plan
The OneBiz compensation plan revolves around upfront commissions being paid out on affiliate purchases, and residual commissions paid through a 3×14 matrix.
Upfront Commissions
Upfront commissions in OneBiz vary depending on whether a product or service has a one-time or annual cost, or whether it’s subscription based (monthly).
One-time or annual priced products attract a 35% commission on the total sum paid.
Monthly subscription products attract a 100% commission on the first month’s subscription fees.
Residual Matrix Commissions
Referred to as “passive income”, OneBiz pay out residual monthly commissions via a 3×14 matrix.
A 3×14 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them (level 1):
In turn, these three positions branch out into another three positions each (level 2), and so on and so forth down a total of 14 levels.
Each position in the matrix represents the purchase of a OneBiz product or service. Commissions are paid either as a percentage of either a monthly subscription fee or 35% of the sales volume generated by an annual or one-time fee product.
The percentage paid out depends on what level of the matrix a sale was made.
Levels 1 to 7 pay out a flat-rate 7% commission. Levels 8 to 16 are paid out as follows:
- level 8 – 6%
- level 9 -5%
- level 10 -4%
- level 11 – 3%
- level 12 – 2%
- level 13 – 1%
- level 14 – 0.5%
Note that levels 8 to 14 must be unlocked, which requires a OneBiz affiliate to “acquire points”. On a OneBiz presentation Heiko Häusler explained that affiliates can acquire points via promotion of the opportunity.
No explicit specifics were provided.
Leadership Bonus Pool
OneBiz’s Leadership Bonus Pool is made up of “at least” 1% of the company-wide sales revenue.
The pool is paid out equally to affiliates at “the two highest levels in the internal level system”.
No specifics on the OneBiz affiliate ranks nor their respective qualification criteria are currently provided with the OneBiz compensation plan.
Incentives and Rewards
OneBiz holds regular special team events and rewards successful and active partners consistently with extraordinary incentives (prizes), or, for example, expense paid trips for teams to exclusive locations around the world.
The above is quoted verbatim from the OneBiz compensation plan material, appearing under the “incentives and rewards” header. Once again, no specifics are provided.
Joining OneBiz
Affiliate costs for joining OneBiz are sketchy. The website currently appears to be accepting free affiliate registrations, urging visitors to “secure your position at the top of the matrix”.
With the mention of products costing between 1000 to 5000 EUR and monthly membership fees, one can safely assume affiliate costs will be similar (plus an ongoing monthly fee).
Despite months of prelaunch and affiliate signups, OneBiz very much feels like it is being run by people who don’t really know what they’re doing.
The compensation plan is not available to the general public and the OneBiz website excels in vague banality without providing any specifics.
What the game-plan is going forward for OneBiz is entirely unclear.
On a OneBiz presentation uploaded on June 20th, Heiko Häusler states the company was to launch in early July. At the time of publication, whether or not this launch actually happened is a mystery. The OneBiz website certainly doesn’t reflect the launch of a bona-fide MLM business opportunity.
What is clear however is that from a product/service point of view, OneBiz makes little sense.
At its core, is a blogging platform, Containing a fully automated distribution tool Allowing the buiding of automated content and traffic in a timely-controlled manner.
Google and other search engines have progressively been targeting spun automated content, so much so that it’s now a mostly dead niche.
There is of course nothing stopping you from setting up an automated spam blog, just don’t expect it to rank or generate any backlink juice for you.
Furthermore, if OneBiz host affiliate blogs with spun content on their own domain, expect it to tank rankings-wise within a few months of launch.
Whether that’s reflective of ignorance on behalf of OneBiz’s owners or by design, I have no idea. Either way, pretending like anyone is going to be paying up to 5000 EUR for an automated spam/spun content service is ridiculous.
What that leaves us with is a compensation plan that would appear to then primarily rely on the plan itself to market the opportunity.
Sign up, pay fees and then earn a monthly commission off of affiliates who are recruited after you.
One could argue legitimacy on the basis of a product or service having legitimate retail appeal in the marketplace, however when it comes to OneBiz that doesn’t hold water. Marketing the merits of ranking automated spun content when search engines are actively targeting such content and marking it as spam is both deceptive and disingenuous.
Probably best to give this one a miss.
I’d suggest that as a general rule of thumb a claim of “internet marketing experience” can safely be read as “internet scammer experience” for “MLM” and “make money online” flopportunities.
Definitely seems the case with this one.
In general any sort of “internet marketing” without involving the big names is likely a part of the Scamworld “Syndicate” as exposed in “The Verge” article, or a pale imitation thereof.