With TranzactCard shaping up to be another pile of broken promises from Richard Smith, the company has trotted out Peter Rancie for a July 3rd Corporate Update.

While TranzactCard’s update does contain some information (more promises), Rancie takes up a good deal of the real-estate babbling on about a “war against inertia”.

It’s now obvious that when BehindMLM reviewed TranzactCard last month, we were reviewing a concept. None of what is promised actually yet exists.

Well, except the part where you can pay fees to sign up as an affiliate and get paid to recruit. The pyramid scheme part.

TranzactCard’s July 3rd Corporate Update is an attempt to address that, but affiliates are instead presented with disturbing indoctrination-style rhetoric.

We are at war! It’s a war that we – you, me, us – must win.

War is messy. How dramatic you say. No, it’s not a war fought with guns or tanks or planes and missiles. But in some ways, it’s even more important than that.

It’s a war against inertia, a war against doubts and fears, a war against poverty, a war against yours, our, other people’s earlier failures, a war against the attrition of the US community banking system, against the erosion of the buying power and savings capacity of the average American family, against the erosion of the Great American Dream.

TranzactCard is not the whole answer to anything, of course.

The grand experiment of democracy embodied in the United States of America, with its importance to the world at large, circumscribes much more than TranzactCard.

But we are part of it. The tides of time and history have brought us to here and now.

Shall we fight the good fight, or shall we let the moment pass because of inertia or dissatisfaction, or lack of vision?

We – you – are part of the war against inertia, doubt, and disintegration, against the devaluing of the wellbeing of individuals and families.

We’re not all of it, we are part of it.

If you came only for yourself, if you came only for what you can get in the short term, you came for the wrong reason. You might not make it through the mess, through the war.

If you came to help build something that can last for generations and make a tangible difference for millions of American families, then hold on. This is all bigger and more important than you had previously imagined.

Mate, TranzactCard is an MLM company. Take a breath, calm your tits and settle down.

As it stands, TranzactCard has launched without a product, without anything to purchase and with a “placeholder” platform.

Does the TranzactCard Banking Platform look like and function like it will at launch?

No, the current format is a placeholder.


Does the Z-Club E-Commerce Platform look like and function like it will at launch?

No. The current experience using the old tech platform is now simply a laboratory, delivering a range of beta tests of products, Z-Bucks, shipping, handling purchasing experiences, product experiences, etc.


Will the current back office experience be similar (to) the post launch back office experience?

No, please take a look at the DBO back office currently being built.

And the elephant in the room; why collect fees from people if what TranzactCard is pitching doesn’t actually exist?

If TranzactCard wasn’t ready, why did you enter the pre-launch phase?

We were ready for the pre-launch phase. (Ozedit: obviously)

What we weren’t ready for was hundreds and perhaps thousands of Digital Branch Offices being established in a frenzy, people joining with little or no education about the objectives of TranzactCard, little or no awareness of available back office resources, and a plethora of similar, very basic questions being repeated over and over.

Ah yes. It’s your fault for signing up, realizing most of what you were pitched on either doesn’t work or is missing entirely, and daring to ask questions.

Right now TranzactCard is looking an awful lot like Richard Smith’s last launch failure, R Network. That’s perhaps not surprising, as TranzactCard is basically a continuation of what Smith started with R Network.

The problem is R Network never amounted to anything other than a bunch of marketing promises that went nowhere. People lost money buying into Smith’s promises though – that part was very much real.

What perhaps differentiates TranzactCard from R Network is Smith’s self-imposed launch deadline.

Why did TranzactCard change the dates for the launch event, and will the dates change again?

No, the dates are final, they will not change.

There were several competing factors that had to be taken into account. The date range for TranzactCard to be ready to launch version 1.0 in 2023 rather than 2024 had a narrow window in November only.

So uh, there it is. November 12th to 14th or bust.

To be clear: I’m not saying Smith won’t deliver TranzactCard’s launch and everything affiliates are being promised on November 12th.

All I can do is point to similarities in the past and draw comparisons. Valid comparisons, seeing as the same people are involved.

November is roughly four months away, which isn’t a lot of time to wait. If TranzactCard has piqued your interest I’d probably wait till November before signing on.

For those that can only see problems, the refund option is still available.

Further, TranzactCard is willing to buy a number of founder DBO position based on hardship or other mitigating circumstances for $1000 each, thus delivering a 200% ROI for those hardship cases.

Rules and guidelines for the qualified buyback offer will be forthcoming.

If you were gullible enough to fall for handing over $500 for TranzactCard marketing promises, apparently it’s not too late to get a refund.

Looking forward, Smith has said it himself; “The dates are final and they will not change”.

If TranzactCard doesn’t launch with everything that’s been marketed thus far on November 12th, 2023, it’ll officially be R Network’s broken promises 2.0.

Personally I had some questions about TranzactCard’s Power Save Account. Should it actually launch in November, I’d be keen to explore further and provide a more definitive answer on potential securities fraud.

Tick tock.