As expected, the reboot of the Laser Online Ponzi scheme has collapsed a few weeks after launch.

Disgruntled investors also appear to have uncovered the true identity of Laser Online’s CEO, “Antonio Garley”.

Receiving Online surfaced in late November and for all intents and purposes was a 1:1 clone of Laser Online.

Today the Receiving Online website domain redirects to “Guarding Online”, yet another Laser Online clone relaunch.

The Guarding Online website domain (“”) was privately registered on November 30th, 2017.

Like Laser Online, Guarding Online offers a 12% daily ROI for 12 days (144%).

There’s no external revenue, with all three scams simply recycling newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.

While Receiving Online and Guarding Online were launched with faceless management, Laser Online was purportedly headed up by CEO Antonio Garley.

Garley appeared on Laser Online’s social media profiles, including videos published on Laser Online’s official YouTube channel.

In the wake of Laser Online’s collapse (including their failed LZR Ponzi points launch), disgruntled affiliate investors have discovered Garley’s actual identity.

Turns out Antonio Garley’s actual name is Bodi Klamph.

Klamph was based out of Toronto, Canada, however it’s believed he moved to the Ukraine prior to launching Laser Online.

Laser Online management photographed with Klamph are based out of Odessa, the same city Klamph is believed to be residing in.

In the wake of Klamph’s outing, he’s been busy deleting all traces of himself from the internet.

Both Laser Online’s and Klamph’s respective social media profiles have begun disappearing over the last few days, although there’s still a few Google cache snapshots still online.

How much money Klamph stole from Laser Online affiliates is unclear.

I expect Guarding Online will disappear shortly and then, pending intervention from Canadian or Ukrainian authorities (lol), that’ll be that.