
The KASA Friends website domain (“kasafriends.com”) was registered on the 14th of November 2013, however the domain registration is set to private.

On the “contact us” page of the KASA Friends website, the company lists “Bonus Card Centar ltd” as a “processor company”. A contact address in Serbia, Belgrade is also provided.

Management wise a “Boban Savic” and Aleksandra Savic” are listed as “represent company” (company representative?) and “leader team” (team leader?) respectively.

Outside of the KASA Friends website, I was unable to find any further information on any past MLM opportunities the Savic’s were involved in.

Read on for a full review of the KASA Friends MLM business opportunity.

The KASA Friends Product Line

KASA Friends has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership to the opportunity itself.

The KASA Friends Compensation Plan

The KASA Friends compensation plan revolves around affiliates paying a $11 membership fee and recruiting others who do the same.

Once an affiliate has paid their membership fee, they then earn a $5 commission for every new paid affiliate they recruit. A $1 commission is also paid out on any “indirect” referrals (level 2).

KASA Friends also have what they call the “KASA Bonus”, which appears to pay out according to how many personal recruits and affiliate has.

The minimum KASA Friends commission withdrawal is $50, with the company keeping $6 out of an affiliate’s first withdrawal for ‘maintenance and use of web resources‘.

The company then keeps 50% of what’s left and of any future withdrawals, attributing the fee to ‘30% Taxes, 10% banking transactions and 10% KASA Bonus‘.

Joining KASA Friends

Affiliate membership to KASA Friends is a one-time $11 fee. There appears to be a one-month free option available, after which an affiliate then needs to pay the standard $11 fee.


The “KASA” in KASA Friends is claimed to stand for Key to financial Aid and Support Association, with the premise being that members will contribute to “humanitarian organizations”.

Whilst it is claimed that some of the affiliate membership fee goes towards said organizations, the amount betrays the true pyramid scheme nature of the business.

Just $1 of the $11 membership fee charged is purportedly donated to humanitarian organizations, with the rest simply shuffled around affiliates who recruit the most.

The ultimate winners in KASA Friends however are the owners of the company, who skim 50% off of every dollar withdrawn by affiliates.

As is typical with pyramid schemes, once the recruitment of new affiliates dries up so too will the commissions. With a $50 minimum withdrawal and 50% withdrawal fee, that leaves a sizeable sum of money in the admin’s hands when the system collapses.

But yeah, humanitarian organizations… right.