Herbal Alchemy has terminated it’s MLM opportunity.

Strangely enough Herbal Alchemy hasn’t issued a public statement about its decision. It’s “leadership group” however was informed on the termination on or around August 6th.

As per an August 11th FaceBook post from former Herbal Alchemy distributor Jaclyn Gnew;

Tuesday evening I received a notification that the owner of Herbal Alchemy (the skincare brand I have been partnered with) wanted to jump on a quick phone call with the leadership group of the company.

Jaime Cross, the founder of our company decided to move away from the network marketing aspect of our business therefore, all team commissions obsolete.

I have many emotions right now and still little answers. All I know now is that a large portion of paychecks are relatively gone from this company.

Gnew joined Herbal Alchemy since launch in late 2019. Without going into specifics, Gnew speculates Herbal Alchemy canned its MLM opportunity due to “some poor business decisions” and the economy.

I wasn’t familiar with Herbal Alchemy. The company was launched as MIG Living back in 2010 by founder Jamie Cross.

MIG Living prelaunched its MLM opportunity in late 2019. In November 2022 the company changed its name to Herbarie Farm & Herbal Alchemy. The MLM side of the business appears to just go by Herbal Alchemy.

Herbal Alchemy sells nutritional supplements and a personal care range. The company claims it products are “farm fresh”, “American made” and “waterless”.

Curiously Herbal Alchemy’s Ambassador sign up page is still functional on their website.

Joining Herbal Alchemy’s MLM opportunity cost $99. Optional “launch packs” were also available, costing $199 to $999.

Gnew didn’t specify when Herbal Alchemy was terminating its MLM operations and, as previously stated, Herbal Alchemy themselves haven’t issued a public statement.

Gnew does mention an “affiliate link” though…

I will have an affiliate link, but I do not know how that will look yet.

…so it sounds like Herbal Alchemy intends to proceed with a single-level affiliate plan over MLM.

Still, probably want to disable the ambassador signup part of your website if you told your leaders you were canning the MLM opp two weeks ago.