Fintoch appears to have wrapped up its exit-scam by disabling its website.

At time of publication attempts to visit Fintoch’s website return an “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED” DNS error.

This doesn’t appear to be a temporary error as I noted Fintoch’s website has been manually removed from Google’s search results.

Typically a previously accessible website can linger for up to a week in search results.

Fintoch was a Boris CEO Ponzi scheme that collapsed on May 23rd.

In an attempt to create as much distance from themselves and their victims, Fintoch continued to string investors along with techno babble about FTC tokens.

Fronting Fintoch were US actors Mike Provenzano and Joel Fry, playing CEO “Bobby Joe Lambert” and Chairman of the Board “William Thompson” respectively.

Fintoch last social media upload was on June 5th. It featured what is believed to be an old March 2023 video featuring Provenzano and Fry.

Provenzano otherwise disappeared from representing Fintoch in March 2023. Fry took over as the face of Fintoch the same month but hasn’t been seen since the late May collapse.

At time of publication Fintoch’s social media profiles, although abandoned, are still accessible. We’re assuming they’ll disappear shortly.

Fintoch is believed to be run by scammers hiding in Singapore during the Ponzi scheme’s run.

As of May 2023, SimilarWeb tracked top sources of Fintoch website traffic as the US (29%), Malaysia (13%), Vietnam (8%) and India (7%).

Total Fintoch investor numbers and how much they’ve collectively lost remains unknown.


Update 18th August 2023 – Fintoch is trying to reboot as Standard Cross Finance.