Details of the Dutch investigation into Ed Zimbardi have emerged, including the revelation that Zimbardi was released “after interrogation”.

Whereas Zimbardi is under investigation in the US for MLM crypto Ponzi fraud, in the Netherlands he is a suspected accomplice.

Dutch authorities suspect Zimbardi assisted Corina de Jong with defrauding over 1400 consumers. Specifically, Zimbardi is alleged to have helped De Jong launder over €56 million EUR.

Brandon over at Ponzi Patrol covered De Jong’s arrest in September 2023, as well as going into the non-MLM Ponzi scheme in greater detail.

Long story short, victims of “Hebburn” were pitched on 10% a month. Corina de Jong ran the Ponzi and Zimbardi is alleged to have handled the money.

De Jong funnelled investor funds into Mugan Markets, a sham broker Zimbardi controlled.

Beyond that, Dutch publication FD reports [paywalled];

Due to the importance of this ongoing investigation, the Public Prosecution Service cannot answer questions at this time.

FD also reports Dutch authorities are “collaborating” with their US counterparts, which makes Zimbardi’s release all the more puzzling.

Justice arrested [Zimbardi] in the Netherlands last week on suspicion of money laundering and offering illegal investment services.

After interrogation he was released.

Pending further developments, Zimbardi’s current whereabouts and status are unknown.