Click Prime 8 Review: $150 – $4000 investment scheme
Click Prime 8 launched in early 2014 and operate in the advertising MLM niche.
A Click Prime 8 website domain (“”) was registered on the 13th of February and lists an “Inovative Group”, operating out of the US state of Massachusetts as the owner.
The email address used to register the domain is also the same that appears on an abandoned trademark application dating back to 2006:
The trademark was a “service mark” for the “Abroad World Telecom Corporation”, who described themselves on the application as being
Retail stores featuring telecommunication products; Wholesale stores featuring telecommunication products.
Abroad World Telecom Corporation’s trademark lasted a year, being classified as abandoned in 2007 after the owner could not be contacted.
I couldn’t find any specific information revealing the owner(s) of Abroad World Telecom, so I’m not sure who was behind it.
Update 9th May 2014 – Upset at being called out in the comments of this review as the owner of the above email address, Marcio Alves has had his lawyers write in.
The domain “” is not the official Click Prime 8 website, but rather that of an affiliate (Marcio Alves). Alves’ lawyers advise:
(Alves) has received inquiries about the post that are negative, and newspapers are threatening to post articles linking Mr. Alves (sic) current businesses with Click Prime 8.
Mr. Alves was registered only as an affiliate of Click Prime 8, and has since cancelled his subscription and affiliation with the company.
Indeed, if one visits the domain “” today, the website is down. Alves’ lawyers failed to mention who the owners of ClickPrime8 team are, or why Alves suddenly abandoned ship (regulatory heat?). /end update
On the Click Prime 8 website, Lui Shau Shing is identified as the company’s CEO.
On his Click Prime 8 corporate bio, Shau Shing (right) is described as being
a successful investor, investment specialist with low cost.
He obtained 70% of its equity only seeking partnerships with great offers and fascinating projects. He has interests in over eight companies among them an ad that merged with three other companies to launch the project, he is always in touch with their employees and promotes constant motivational speaking and corporate training.
Aims by 2015 to have the largest advertising company in the world. Graduated in Economics, Master in Marketing Management is a successful businessman who began his career at 19 years, where he was already helping his father with the family business.
Why Shau Shing himself appears to be currently for sale is not clarified.
Outside of Click Prime 8, I was unable to find any further links between Shau Shing and the MLM industry, indicating that Click Prime 8 is likely to be his first MLM venture. There was also no information tying Shau Shing to Abroad World Telecom, so that appears to be a dead-end too.
A quick search on YouTube revealed that, despite the Massachusetts address provided, Click Prime 8 appears to be operating out of China (Hong Kong?).
As per the screenshot above, South American affiliates film an office space purportedly in China, claiming it is the office of Click Prime 8. The basis for this claim appears to be one room in the office having a Click Prime 8 branded canvas stuck up on the wall (pictured above).
No mention of a Chinese office or address appears on the Click Prime 8 website. From the video above it appears Shau Shing is running things from China, with the question of who or what is at the four US office addresses (three in Massachusetts, one in Florida), as provided on the Click Prime 8 website, going unanswered.
Read on for a full review of the Click Prime 8 MLM business opportunity.
The Click Prime 8 Product Line
Click Prime 8 appears to have no retailable products or services. The company mentions a whole bunch of internet marketing terminology on their “products” page, however no specific prices are provided.
Various third-party companies are also featured, with whom Click Prime 8 appear to have affiliate membership to (I’m aware of at least one company featured, Deal Extreme, having an open affiliate program).
At the time of publication, there is no retail offering of any kind of the Click Prime 8 website.
The Click Prime 8 Compensation Plan
The Click Prime 8 compensation plan is poorly written and fails to adequately explain how affiliates are paid. Despite it being full of broken English and non-standard industry terminology (degrees for pay-period? really?), I’ve done my best to summarize the plan as it is presented below.
Start-Click Replicated Store Commissions
For a fee of $50, Click Prime 8 affiliates gain access to a replicated storefront, stocked with third-parry merchant company products.
Click Prime 8 pay affiliates 30% of the commission they receive from the third-party merchant companies, whenever a product is sold through the replicated storefront.
Note that the $50 “Start-Click” fee appears to be tri-monthly.
Investment ROIs
Click Prime 8 offer affiliates investment positions ranging from $150 to $4000.
- Ruby -$150
- Sapphire – $350
- Emerald – $900
- Diamond – $1480
- Diamond 8 – $4000
Advertised annual ROIs are advertised as follows:
- Ruby – $45 monthly ROI ($540 annual)
- Sapphire – $105 monthly ROI ($1260 annual)
- Emerald – $270 monthly ROI ($3240 annual)
- Diamond – $440 monthly ROI ($5280 annual)
- Diamond 8 – $1200 monthly ROI ($14,400 annual)
Note that some of the advertised annual ROIs are off. The figures quoted above include corrections.
In order to qualify for their ROI, Click Prime 8 affiliates must watch supplied videos on YouTube, and spam the internet with product recommendations and Facebook likes.
Investment Position Referral Commissions
Referral commissions are offered on all investment positions made by recruited affiliates. How much of a commission is paid out depends on how much is invested:
- Ruby – $15
- Sapphire – $35
- Emerald – $90
- Diamond – $148
- Diamond 8 – $400
Consumption Bonus
What the “Consumption Bonus” is isn’t clear, however it appears to be a residual percentage commission, paid out on merchant shopping taking place within an affiliate’s downline.
Payable down seven levels of recruitment, the Consumption Bonus percentage paid out depends on how much an affiliate has invested with Click Prime 8:
- Ruby – 10%
- Sapphire – 15%
- Emerald – 20%
- Diamond – 25%
- Diamond 8 – 30%
I believe this is a cut of the affiliate commission paid to Click Prime 8 when affiliates purchase products through their affiliate referral code.
Binary Bonus
This appears to be a binary commission paid out monthly and based on the amount of money invested by an affiliate downline.
Click Prime 8 use a binary compensation structure to pay out the Binary Bonus, which means each affiliate has two teams directly under them:
Each position in the binary represents a position invested in by an affiliate’s downline. Points are accumulated in each team (left and right), with an affiliate getting paid 30% of the total amount invested on their weaker side each month.
This value is then flushed from both sides, with whatever remains on the stronger side being carried over the next month.
Note that in order to receive their binary commissions, affiliates must maintain their $50 Start-Click fee.
2% Bonus Tripling Prime
If an affiliate has at least 8 Sapphire or higher investment positions made on both sides of their binary, they qualify for a share in 2% of Click Prime 8’s total revenue intake.
The 2 2% Bonus Tripling Prime is paid out every 35 days.
Career Bonuses
Click Prime 8 reward affiliates who encourage their downlines to invest. Once certain investment milestones are achieved, the following bonuses are awarded:
- Prime Silver ($50,000 invested) – a $5000 prepaid card for a “Maritime cruise”
- Prime Gold ($100,000 invested) – a $10,000 Rolex watch
- Prime Platinum ($500,000 invested) – a $15,000 prepaid card for a “Maritime International cruise”
- Platinum ($2,500,000 invested) – a $30,000 prepaid card for an “international trip”
- Double Platinum ($7,500,000 invested) – a $50,000 prepaid card for the “purchase of a car”
- Triple Platinum ($25,000,000 invested) – a $100,000 prepaid card for the “purchase of a luxury car”
- Ambassador ($50,000,000 invested) – a prepaid card for the purchase of “property”
Joining Click Prime 8
Affiliate membership to Click Prime 8 appears to be $50 every three months.
Investment positions are likely to be a mandatory additional cost for affiliates, raising the defacto Click Prime 8 affiliate membership by $150 to $4000.
The main difference between the amount spent on Click Prime 8 membership is the commissions, investment returns and bonuses an affiliate receives.
I don’t know what it is about the Chinese guy + South American investment stooges + Ponzi scheme formula, but it’s certainly a model that’s persisting in the MLM underbelly.
There’s apparently no shortage of self-professed Chinese business tycoons willing to target South America with investment fraud, and also no shortage of South Americans all too willing to hand over their money.
Quite obviously, Click Prime 8 are simply taking new investments from affiliates and using it to pay out an annual ROI to those who have already invested. In an paper-thin attempt at legitimacy, the company has tacked on a bunch of third-party affiliate programs, which are neither here nor there to the core Ponzi investment scheme.
Due to the monthly nature of the ROIs, there’s a good chance of affiliates not seeing the eventual collapse coming. Couple that with the likelihood of offshore banking (Chinese) being used by Click Prime 8 and well, I don’t think any more needs to be said.
For an idea of what to expect with Click Prime 8 later down the track, one can turn to the two pioneers of the Chinese guy ripping off South Americans business model, WCM777 and Better Living Global Marketing.
WCM777 was shut down by the SEC recently for being a Ponzi scheme. Before that they were issued a cease and desist in Massachusetts, where Click Prime 8 claim three of their four US offices rented PO Boxes are located.
Better Living Global Marketing has thus far evaded US regulatory attention, however there’s been widespread reports of the company having failed to pay affiliates for months now (see the comments in the BehindMLM Better Living Global Marketing review).
When Click Prime 8 collapses (or is shut down), expect Lui Shau Shing to disappear without a trace, along with your money.
The two lectures shown at 1:48 in the video are completely unrelated to this scam. The first is a students meeting and the second is a congress for engineers. Particularly, the second one had the scam logo poorly added to the big screen. Check the actual images:
Oh dear.
In addition to which, the first pic is hijacked from Flickr:
My gosh… How easily can people be fooled nowadays? It seems stupid people believe in anything and everything scammers post on Youtube.
The guys are clearly nervous and rushing to film some sort of hotel/convention center as being the (Beijing, per what they say) headquarter of the scam.
How about the fake images then? That alone is proof enough those guys are just a bunch of low class criminals.
What amazes me is that we see people from all countries taking part on those scams.
At first, I thought it had something to do with a lack of education, poverty and unemployment rates. I’m still pretty sure those itens influence a lot when it comes to select the “target group” but, the internet and its pseudo-privacy seems to attract people who have education, who have money, ’cause they may be thinking “whatever… no one will ever know I am trying this”.
What’s worse: knowing you’re a crook or being fooled into becoming one?
Oh come on those image could fool anyone if u haven’t seen them before. And secondly with economic crisis these countries face its easy to risk the little you have for something new. Things are bad in the third world ….really bad
Marcio Alves was the original owner of Abroad World Telecom Corporation (registered in 2006, voluntarily dissolved in 2010).
The victims are self selected. The crooks don’t want any involvement from those who aren’t easily fooled.
This company will be closed as a TelexFree Clone.
They’re probably listed as “low hanging fruits” in multiple lists? 🙂
I wish that was just another “third world” problem, my dear, but it simply isn’t. We see people from ALL AROUND the globe falling for those scams.
There are at least one “Marcio Alves” (and a Marcia Alves) in TelexFree.
That guy in the photo looks like Marcio Celestino Alves Santos
Without this video translated, can’t really figure out what their intentions are.
Are they trying to portray this building as their headquarters? If so, they are the lowest of the low scumbag scammers!
Yes, they claim in the video those offices belong to Click Prime 8. Lying Bastards !
Good old times when they at least make a little effort to put a facade on a ponzi scheme.
The video is amazing -“Hey guys, we are here on the main building of the Click Prime company in “China” ( there is no one in the building), check how this company has a amazing structure (but in the wall there is a really shabby banner lol) there is no one in this building because everybody has finished their work, and now we gonna have a meeting with someone very important”
-They probably aren’t in china
-If they are in china, it must be one of those conferences room for rents
-Really a poor effort into making something barely believable.
That email address, marcioa70(at)yahoo(dot)com is registrar of
It’s also linked to “Premier Financial”, “Premier Realty”, “Primex Financial” and similar sounding names.
The “video” ended with a shot of a hotel… The “Grand Millenium” hotel in Beijing
This photo of Grand Millennium Beijing is courtesy of TripAdvisor
I think they’re just using the “business center”. 🙂
They probably figured that silly photo of Merrill standing outside the rented PO Box building did wonders for TelexFree’s reputation and were going for the same.
They could probably hire this guy to make a hummer to get someone to stand infront of too. is registered to a “wallace motta ventura”. The domain was created in September 2013. was reigstered in August 2013, indicating Ventura might just be an affiliate.
Whatever the case, he’s certainly spamming ClickPrime8 on his Facebook page:
And it sounds like the company is already experiencing payment problems:
Actually, Wallace Motta could be an owner:
Additional information:
This has lots of info –
Looks like they abandoned the (registered to Wallace Motta) after concerns were raised.
They also encourage people not to join a company unless there’s at least ten websites stating they are fraudulent:
Talk about going after low-hanging fruit…
Ah, the “neg”, mainly works on people with low self-esteem… i.e. sheeple.
Marcio Alves is the “top promoter in the world” for clickprime8Team
Just another brazilian with an Advertising voip company…What happened with middlesex mortgage company?
Hell, this sounds like what the gold, silver and Forex hucksters in Panama do: Set up some sort of “office” and require prospects who want to visit it to provide notice.
It reads like an HYIPs take of the script from the Newman/Redford movie, “The Sting.”
Why is the star click taking to long
Because it’s not important.
You handing over money so they can use it to pay off existing affiliates is the core business model.
Article updated to better reflect Marcio Alves is not the owner of Click Prime 8.
He was an investor, who has allegedly now left the company.
I just find out that biggest promoter/upline for is Roberto Da Silva.
He uses his radio WSRO 650 AM to promote this pyramid company and have recruited thousands of people on Metro west area including my brother, and now he joined forces with to promote another braziliam scam.
I signed up for this and I am regretting it, I only invested $200 because I was told in a year I would make my $200 plus a little more. I thought if I lose $200 it will not be the end of the world and it was not like I was making this money overnight.
After getting into this I will explain what I have learned about this. What I did not realize is they change the rules every day. To make me more furious the letters are in a very poor excuse of the English language. I believe it is being translated, and not well.
Monday through Friday you click on page. From what I gathered they help people’s web pages get more clicks to help them raise up in search engine searches, so the clicks are worth something a couple of cents a click, one of the reasons it takes about a year to make your money back.
Within your year you are supposed to also purchase products, when you purchase something you get a commission, I think about 30%.
Between the clicking and the purchasing it seemed to calculate to me making about $220 for a years worth of work.
I started in February, the site was very slow and down a lot so I could not click. Ok they said they would add the daily click money for time lost. Never seemed to see that.
When I signed up they said you can take the money out they send you the money and you do what you want. Another change, you will now get your money on a credit card that you can spend. They also said you can use the card to purchase stuff from the web sites you visit.
I am thinking great I get my commission can buy things and sell them on eBay. Have yet to see this card or have not been able to purchase from a web site.
Next they tell you, you will only be able to make a withdrawal after you have I think it was $600 in your account. By my estimations I should be able to withdraw in about 3 years.
The latest they are no longer giving money, money will be converted into points. I can only wait to see what this means.
I know I should have been smarter then this, but it was not a big investment, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, this time I have appeared to have lost.
Received another email from Marcio Alves, make of it what you will:
For the record, I stand by the research presented in this article. It was based entirely on what was publicly available at the time.
Brazilian scams are a sprawling mess of lies, deceit and deception… whodathunkit?
Something about making your own bed and lying in it comes to mind…