C12V2 has collapsed. And as the Ponzi scheme was collapsing, the scammers behind it launched C12V3.

C12V2 was a short-lived reboot of the collapsed Carnelian12 Ponzi scheme.

C12V2’s website domain was registered on May 8th, with the scam launching shortly after.

On or around May 23rd, the day BehindMLM published its C12V2 review, C12V2 began delaying withdrawals.

Then, on or around May 29th, C12V2 advised investors it had collapsed. The cited reason for the collapse was a lack of new investment.

The volume of new deposits from external wallets started to decline daily from the second week of the platform’s operation.

We deeply regret to inform you that we must stop all further payments.

That brings us to C12V3, which like the previous two Ponzi schemes also pitches 12% a day.

One change they’ve made, and this ties into encouraging recruitment of suckers to lose money, is expanding referral commissions to 12% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on level 4.

For comparison, C12V2 offered 5% on level 1, 2% on level 2 and 1% on level 3.

Personally I don’t think this is going to work. Recruiters will make a bit more money but the vast majority of C12V3 investors are still going to lose money when it inevitably collapses again.

C12V3’s website domain (“c12v3.net”), was privately registered on May 16th, 2024.

At 12% a day and being a third Ponzi reboot, C12V3 will probably collapse within the next fortnight.


Update 5th June 2024 – C12V3 has reportedly stopped paying withdrawals.