Coinciding with its website traffic stalling, BitHarvest has launched two low-effort spinoff Ponzis.

As tracked by SimilarWeb for February 2025, BitHarvest’s website traffic grew only 3%. This isn’t an overall decline but for context, traffic was up 24% the month prior.

We won’t know whether BitHarvest’s website traffic declined this month till next month.

In any event, BitHarvest has rushed out two spinoff Ponzis in an attempt to trap as much money in the system.

On or around March 22nd, BitHarvest announced the launch of BitBull and BitFarming.

BitFarming is a simple staking Ponzi:

There’s no attempt at a ruse, it’s just bitcoin in and the promise of up to “10x” over 15 days (1000%).

BitBull is… well, see for yourself:

BitHarvest is an MLM crypto Ponzi fronted by Boris CEO Logan Lee.

Lee is played by Steve Ng, a Singaporean national and Prudential insurance agent:

BitHarvest’s primary Ponzi ruse is a magical USB device that increases mining hardware efficiency. A secondary ruse is crypto mining in Texas, which ties the scam to Jaz Pee (aka Wei Haw Pee).

As of February 2024, 62% of BitHarvest’s 655,000 monthly website visits originated from the US.  California’s DFPI issued a BitHarvest fraud desist and refrain order in October 2024.

Ukraine was the next largest source of BitHarvest website traffic at 12%. The Central Bank of Russia issued a BitHarvest pyramid fraud warning in February 2025.

When exactly BitHarvest will collapse is impossible to predict but declining website traffic and low-effort Ponzi spinoffs present a predictable trajectory.