BitHarvest’s latest ruse is its USB “BitBooster” devices are being used in Texas cryptocurrency mining farms.

Which mining farms in Texas BitHarvest’s devices are purportedly being used in can’t be disclosed for verification because… well y’know, reasons.

An August 9th marketing video from UK-based promoter Marcos Caleb shows BitHarvest admins presenting aerial photos of purported cryptocurrency mining farms in Texas.

The footage is purportedly from a July 2024 BitHarvest marketing event held in Malaysia.

Notably, none of the mining machines in the footage appear to have BitHarvest’s gigantic USB devices in them.

Naturally viewers of Marcos Caleb’s marketing video wanted to know where BitHarvests’ purported partner’s operations were.

Here’s the excuse Caleb (right) came up with;

It will not and cannot be disclosed. There are powers that be that would love to blow these mines up and destroy them. Or then they’d have to put up with tons of visitors asking questions.

They are out in the middle of nowhere, and go by the pseudonym of “Texas Mining Farms.”

A quick Google search reveals multiple Texas-based bitcoin mining farms openly disclosing their location (none of the public photos really matched what BitHarvest showed).

While Texas residents certainly might be tempted, to the best of my knowledge nobody has ever “blown up” a cryptocurrency mining operation in Texas.

As for people asking questions as part of their due-diligence into BitHarvest, can’t have that now can we.

Footage of purported Texas cryptocurrency mining facilities was presented by a gentlemen who only introduced himself as “JB”.

JB claimed he represented the cryptocurrency mining firm in Texas that BitHarvest had partnered with.

To that end JB and BitHarvest CEO “Logan Lee”, played by Singaporean national Steve Ng, signed a meaningless “memorandum or understanding”.

We haven’t seen one in a while but these signing ceremonies were typical marketing for Asian MLM Ponzi schemes about a decade ago (e.g. uFun Club).

Ultimately whoever BitHarvest has dug up to sign a document on stage in Malaysia doesn’t matter. We now have an MLM company representing it is generating passive returns revenue from within Texas.

While we know BitHarvest isn’t registered with the SEC, another company operating in Texas might now be attached to BitHarvest’s securities fraud.

This goes for both the SEC at the federal level and the Texas State Securities Board at the state level.

Pending any further developments there, we’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, BitHarvest’s website traffic plunged 78% between June and July 2024.

As tracked by SimilarWeb, top sources of BitHarvest website traffic for July 2024 were

  • Russia – 30% (down 33% month on month)
  • India – 26% (up 154% month on month
  • the US – 22% (down 61% month on month)
  • Thailand – 17% and
  • Malaysia – 6% (down 96% month on month)

Outside of gullible saps in India, BitHarvest’s Malaysia launch event doesn’t appear to have done anything for the company anywhere else.


Update 16th August 2024 – Making a note that BitHarvest’s event was hosted by “Caely See EmCee”.

See doesn’t appear to be in on the scam events she hosts but has popped up multiple times, suggesting she might be being booked by the same group of scammers tied to Singapore and/or Malaysia.

Caely hosted HyperFund marketing events, including HyperNation, as well as FVP Trade in 2022.