Convicted BitConnect Ponzi scammer Glenn Arcaro wants to change his name.

The request was noted in a petition to modify Arcaro’s release conditions.

Having served his time, Arcaro (right) was released from custody to supervised release on May 29th, 2024.

In the lead up to Arcaro’s release, the United States Probation Office requested the terms of Arcaro’s supervision release be modified.

The USPO’s request was filed on April 19th and notes;

In anticipation of Mr. Arcaro’s release, he has reached out to the assigned probation officer … to request approval for a legal name change.

It is Mr. Arcaro’s belief that based on the coverage of the details of the case in the media, indictment and prosecution, he will face numerous barriers following [h]is release from custody to include struggles finding and securing employment.

Describing Arcaro’s proposed name-change as a “unique request, the USPO sought comment from the DOJ.

It is noted the AUSA’s office reported concerns regarding Mr. Arcaro’s name change, noting it could present a risk in other fraud schemes, thus placing the community at risk.

Furthermore, the FLU unit expressed concerns specific to the nature and circumstances of the instant offense, relative to fraud.

Additionally, it was noted that a name change could present challenges specific to restitution, financial investigations, and tracking [Arcaro’s] financial activities and profile following his release from custody if he is operating under more than one name.

As an apparent compromise the DOJ did noted, if the USPO could monitor both of Arcaro’s identities, “this could possibly mitigate further risks”.

Upon review of the DOJ’s response and factoring in Arcaro’s presentence report, which noted he was “”very mobile”, traveling to Thailand, Mexico, Singapore and Columbia”, the USPO opted amend Arcaro’s supervised release conditions.

Glenn Arcaro shall not legally change his name during the period of supervised release.

Arcaro signed off on the amendment and the court approved it on April 19th.

Arcaro was subsequently released from prison under the revised terms of the supervision order on May 29th.

In related news, two additional forfeitures, totalling $107,526, has brought Arcaro’s restitution to $20.2 million recovered. As of July 2nd, 2024, a balance of $3.7 million remained.