Following months of decline and a bungled acquisition of Q Sciences, Awakend has collapsed.

At time of publication Awakend’s website has been scrubbed, leaving visitors in the dark as to what’s going on.

Further research reveals earlier this month Awakend distributors began posting about a “relaunch”.

Awakend’s reboot has been revealed as Sol People, set up on the recently acquired domain “”:

Despite still being owned by Rodney James, Sol People is marketing itself as a “female-led movement”.

The original face of Awakend, Danelle Meoli, is long gone. This time around James has put Awakend “founder” Ashlee Headlee James and Whitney Rose in charge as co-CEOs.

Whitney Rose I’m not familiar with but Ashlee Headlee is known to BehindMLM as the person who put together Awakend’s doctored Zenith study.

On the product side of things, Sol People will market a range of nutritional supplements, personal care and digital products.

A marketing video on Sol People’s website provides a glimpse of the supplements and personal care range…

…apparently Sol People’s digital products are courses but I haven’t seen anything specific yet.

BehindMLM does have a copy of Sol People’s compensation plan but I figure we’ll wait for their website to go live for product pricing before publishing anything.

Awakend was one of the more memorable MLM launches over the past few years.

Originally a silly NFT gimmick combined with a product whose right to manufacture was still hotly disputed, Awakend’s launch is a good lesson on why rushing something out the door doesn’t work.

With direct access to the mastermind behind it all, perhaps Sol People can put together an Awakend case-study course.


Update 19th June 2024 – Between me researching this article and publishing, Awakend has updated its website.

Here’s what it looked like when I began researching:

After publishing I closed the wrong window and had to refresh the page, resulting in this update: