251 Coins provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the business.

The 251 Coins website domain (“251coins.com”) was privately registered on May 16th, 2018.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

251 Coins Products

251 Coins has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market 251 Coins affiliate membership itself.

The 251 Coins Compensation Plan

251 Coins affiliates sign up and gift cryptocurrency to an existing affiliate.

This gifting payment in turn qualifies the affiliate to receive gifting payments from subsequently recruited 251 Coins affiliates.

251 Coins tracks gifting payments via a 3×5 matrix.

A 3×5 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix.

The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Levels three to five of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Initial gifting payments are either or a combination of 0.001 bitcoin, 0.001 ethereum or 0.001 dash.

Each cryptocurrency operates in a separate matrix tier, with an affiliate able to buy into one, two or all three tiers.

Gifting payments across each of 251 Coins’ gifting tiers are as follows:


  • level 1 – gift 0.0001 BTC and receive 0.0001 BTC from three affiliates
  • level 2 – gift 0.0002 BTC and receive 0.0002 BTC from nine affiliates
  • level 3 – gift 0.001 BTC and receive 0.001 BTC from twenty-seven affiliates
  • level 4 – gift 0.01 BTC and receive 0.01 BTC from eighty-one affiliates
  • level 5 – gift 0.1 BTC and receive 0.1 BTC from two hundred and forty-three affiliates


  • level 1 – gift 0.001 ETH and receive 0.001 ETH from three affiliates
  • level 2 – gift 0.002 ETH and receive 0.002 ETH from nine affiliates
  • level 3 – gift 0.01 ETH and receive 0.01 ETH from twenty-seven affiliates
  • level 4 – gift 0.1 ETH and receive 0.1 ETH from eighty-one affiliates
  • level 5 – gift 1 ETH and receive 1 ETH from two hundred and forty-three affiliates


  • level 1 – gift 0.001 DASH and receive 0.001 DASH from three affiliates
  • level 2 – gift 0.002 DASH and receive 0.002 DASH from nine affiliates
  • level 3 – gift 0.01 ETH and receive 0.01 ETH from twenty-seven affiliates
  • level 4 – gift 0.1 DASH and receive 0.1 DASH from eighty-one affiliates
  • level 5 – gift 1 DASH and receive 1 DASH from two hundred and forty-three affiliates

Joining 251 Coins

251 Coins affiliate membership is attached to a minimum 0.0001 investment in bitcoin and/or 0.001 investment(s) in ethereum and dash.


Under the guise of giving donations, 251 Coins operates as a simple gifting scheme.

New 251 Coins affiliates sign up, gift funds to existing affiliates and in turn receive gifting payments from subsequently recruited affiliates.

Over time the amount of people who have gifted in but are yet to recoup their losses increases, with the scam collapsing once recruitment dies off.

Sitting at the top of the 251 Coins company-wide matrix is the anonymous admin and early affiliates.

The admin and early affiliates make off with the majority of funds gifted in through pass-ups on each matrix level.

All donations you voluntarily and directly send to a fellow member are final. No Refunds.

They do so at the expense of the rest of the 251 Coins affiliate-base, who ultimately are guaranteed a loss.