For US based Zeek Rewards net-winners who have thus far failed to pay back money they stole, it appears their time is up.

Following the granting of Summary Judgment against the same net-winners last November, on June 27th the Zeek Rewards Receiver has now filed for Final Judgement.

Each of these members of the Net Winner Class have agreed with the amount of their net winnings through the Court ordered process for determining the amount of individual net winnings, the Receiver has accepted their proposed alternate amount of net winnings or have failed to timely respond to the Receiver’s notice of the amount their net winnings.

The Receiver states that over 1300 affiliates have settled with the Receiver.

The 8047 affiliates on an attached exhibit list are those that have as of yet failed to do so.

Once Final Judgment has been granted, the Receiver will be able to escalate collection proceedings against net-winners named in the exhibit list.