Yes Global is a Malaysian MLM company with offices in Ghana. The company operates in the nutritional supplements MLM niche.

Heading up Yes Global we have co-founders YB Leo (CEO), Jonathan Abbey (Director of Africa) and Zims Tee (Director of Asia Pacific).

“Dr. Chan” is also cited as being part of Yes Global’s leadership team (Medical & aesthetic advisor).

In addition to Yes Global, YB Leo also owns Navi Group. Part of Navi Group is Navi Marketing and Natusvincere Consultancy, two Malaysian companies that manufacture white label products.

Curiously, Navi Marketing also claims to have

10 years of experience in developing and designing MLM and affiliate software and system.

Putting two and two together, it appears Leo created Yes Global to sell Navi Group products through.

Read on for a full review of Yes Global’s MLM opportunity.

Yes Global’s Products

Yes Global has no retailable products or services as far as their MLM opportunity goes.

Within its MLM opportunity, Yes Global markets a range of nutritional supplements to prospective affiliates:

  • SunRise – anti-aging supplement containing plant stem cells
  • SunSet – “formulated to help you find relief from stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders”
  • ColonGuard – “designed to promote optimal colon health and support the body’s natural detoxification process”
  • AlphaMax V+ – “meticulously crafted to revolutionize women’s health”
  • AlphaMax M+ – “supports prostate health, male libido, sexual function, and overall vitality”
  • AlphaMax M+ Coffee – “supports prostate health, increase libido, boost testosterone levels, and improve energy levels”
  • Pro Bio C+ – “integrates the synergistic benefits of Vitamin C, probiotics, zinc, and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), a type of prebiotic, and Vitamin D”

No pricing is provided on Yes Global’s website. Yes Global’s compensation plan suggests its products all cost R720 each (~$40.30 USD).

Yes Global’s Compensation Plan

Yes Global fails to provide compensation plan details on its website. The following is put together from a Yes Global marketing presentation targeting South Africa, dated late 2023.

Yes Global affiliates purchase packages:

  • Consultant – R720
  • Leader – R2150
  • Builder – R8600
  • Pioneer – R18,500

MLM commissions are paid on recruitment of affiliates who do the same.

Yes Global Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within Yes Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as a Yes Global affiliate
  2. Gold – generate R90,000 in accumulated income
  3. Platinum – generate R180,000 in accumulated income
  4.  Sapphire – generate R450,000 in accumulated income
  5. Ruby – generate R900,000 in accumulated income
  6. Emerald – generate R1,800,000 in accumulated income
  7. Diamond – generate R4,500,000 in accumulated income
  8. Double Diamond – generate R9,000,000 in accumulated income
  9. Triple Diamond – generate R18,000,000 in accumulated income
  10. Crown – generate R27,000,000 in accumulated income
  11. Founders Crown – generate R36,000,000 in accumulated income
  12. Crown Ambassador – generate R54,000,000 in accumulated income

Recruitment Commissions

Yes Global affiliates are paid to recruit new affiliates.

Recruitment commission rates are determined by how much a Yes Global affiliate spent on membership:

  • Consultant tier affiliates earn 20% on recruitment of a Consultant, 15% on recruitment of a Leader and 10% on recruitment of a Builder or Pioneer
  • Leader tier affiliates earn 20% on recruitment of a Consultant, 23% on recruitment of a Leader, 18% on recruitment of a Builder and 13% on recruitment of a Pioneer
  • Builder tier affiliates earn 20% on recruitment of a Consultant, 23% on recruitment of a Leader, 26% on recruitment of a Builder and 21% on recruitment of a Pioneer
  • Pioneer tier affiliates earn 20% on recruitment of a Consultant, 23% on recruitment of a Leader, 26% on recruitment of a Builder and 30% on recruitment of a Pioneer

Confusingly, Yes Global also pays a 1% to 2.5% “registration bonus”:

Yes Global’s registration bonus is also tied to recruitment.

Residual Commissions

Yes Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day Yes Global tallies up new sales volume across both sides of the binary team.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of new sales volume matched on both sides:

  • Consultants receive a 4.5% residual commission rate
  • Leaders receive a 5% residual commission rate
  • Builders receive a 5.5% residual commission rate
  • Pioneers receive a 6% residual commission rate

Yes Global’s compensation plan documentation mentions a higher “double pair” rate, however this is not explained.

Note the amount of comparable volume paid out via “double pairing” seems low enough that it’s practically irrelevant.

Matching Bonus

Yes Global pays a Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Yes Global caps the Matching Bonus at ten unilevel team levels.

The Matching Bonus is restricted both by how much an affiliate spent on their membership and what their rank is:

  • Consultants earn a 5% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3 and 2% on level 4 (must be Gold or higher rank)
  • Leaders earn a 5% match on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 (must be Gold or higher rank), 1% on level 5 (must be Platinum or higher) and 1% on level 6 (must be Sapphire or higher)
  • Builders earn a 5% match on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 (must be Gold or higher rank), 1% on level 5 (must be Platinum or higher), 1% on level 6 (must be Sapphire or higher), 1% on level 7 (must be Ruby or higher) and 1% on level 8 (must be Emerald or higher)
  • Pioneers earn a 5% match on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 (must be Gold or higher rank), 1% on level 5 (must be Platinum or higher), 1% on level 6 (must be Sapphire or higher), 1% on level 7 (must be Ruby or higher), 1% on level 8 (must be Emerald or higher), 1% on level 9 (must be Diamond or higher) and 1% on level 10 (must be Double Diamond or higher)

As with the Matching Bonus additional level restrictions apply:

  • levels 1 and 2 – must maintain one affiliate on both sides of the binary team who is purchasing product each month
  • levels 3 and 4 – must maintain two affiliates on both sides of the binary team who are purchasing product each month
  • levels 5 and 6 – must maintain three affiliates on both sides of the binary team who are purchasing product each month
  • levels 7 and 8 – must maintain four affiliates on both sides of the binary team who are purchasing product each month
  • levels 9 and 10 – must maintain five affiliates on both sides of the binary team who are purchasing product each month

Downline Purchase Commissions

Yes Global pays a commission on monthly downline orders via the same unilevel team the Matching Bonus is paid out with (see “Matching Bonus” above):

  • Consultant tier affiliates earn 4% on level 1, 6% on level 2, 8% on level 3 and 6% on level 4
  • Leader tier affiliates earn 4% on level 1, 6% on level 2, 8% on level 3, 6% on level 4, 4% on level 5 and 2% on level 6
  • Builder tier affiliates earn 4% on level 1, 6% on level 2, 8% on level 3, 6% on level 4, 4% on level 5 and 2% on levels 6 to 8
  • Pioneer tier affiliates earn 4% on level 1, 6% on level 2, 8% on level 3, 6% on level 4, 4% on level 5 and 2% on levels 6 to 10

Unilevel Performance Bonus

The Unilevel Performance Bonus is a bonus paid on downline purchase activity each month:

  • generate 0 to 999 monthly GV and receive 5%
  • generate 1000 to 2999 monthly GV and receive 10%
  • generate 3000 to 4999 monthly GV and receive 15%
  • generate 5000 to 9999 monthly GV and receive 20%
  • generate 10,000 to 14,999 monthly GV and receive 25%
  • generate 15,000 to 19,999 monthly GV and receive 30%
  • generate 20,000 or more monthly GV and receive 35%

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is sales volume generated by a Yes Global’s affiliates downline purchases.

Joining Yes Global

Yes Global affiliate membership is tied to the purchase of a “package”:

  • Consultant – R720 (1 product)
  • Leader – R2150 (3 products)
  • Builder – R8600 (12 products)
  • Pioneer – R18,500 (26 products)

The more a Yes Global affiliate spends on membership the higher their income potential.

Yes Global Conclusion

Yes Global presents itself as a typical MLM autoship recruitment scheme.

On its website Yes Global makes a big deal about “regulatory compliance” (right).

This is a strange position to take, given Yes Global’s many regulatory compliance failings:

  • failure to disclose product pricing on Yes Global’s website;
  • failure to provide compensation plan details on Yes Global’s website;
  • unsubstantiated and illegal medical claims regarding Yes Global’s products;
  • use of pay to play (pyramid scheme indicator); and
  • failure to incorporate retail sales into Yes Global’s MLM opportunity (pyramid scheme indicator)

Yes Global’s website domain, “”, was registered last May. Tellingly, recruitment of Yes Global affiliates has already collapsed in Malaysia.

As tracked by SimilarWeb for July 2024, top sources of Yes Global website traffic are Ghana (38%, down 34% month on month), Russia (30%), SOuth Africa (11%, down 81% month on month), Kyrgyzstan (10%) and Lithuania (9%).

None of these countries are known for particularly stringent regulation of MLM pyramid schemes.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

This will see those at the bottom of Yes Global’s pyramid scheme stop making purchases, resulting in those above them also not getting paid.

As this trickles far enough up the company-wide affiliate genealogy, eventually an irreversible collapse is triggered.

Math guarantees the majority of participants in pyramid schemes lose money.