Xaindex fails to provide verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

While Xaindex does provide a list of executives with photos.

I don’t have any specific names but Xaindex COO “Sergio Askovich”, who purportedly “has over 8 years of experience building models for business owners to interact with their audiences”…

…is a model/actor with a distinct hairline:

I couldn’t find the obligatory Boris CEO marketing video bux Xaindex does appear to be using its actors as part of its marketing:

Presumably this means Xaindex’s model/actor executives have been contracted to make appearances.

Boris CEO schemes are typically the calling card of Russians. Xaindex’s Russian connection, at least publicly, is through Master Distributor Dill MadDeuce.

“MadDeuce” appears to be a throwback to Dill’s failed music career.

On FaceBook Dill goes by his actual name, Dil Narzi.

Not sure how Narzi wound up Master Distributor for a Boris CEO Ponzi scheme, but whoever is running Xaindex is also likely in and/or has ties to Russia.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Xaindex touts its ASIC registered Australian shell company.

ASIC are known for non-regulation of MLM fraud. Furthermore anyone can register a company with ASIC using whatever bogus details, there is no verification.

For this reason ASIC registration is favored by scammers residing outside of Australia.

With respect to MLM due-diligence, ASIC registration certificate as proof of legitimacy is therefore meaningless.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Xaindex’s Products

Xaindex has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Xaindex affiliate membership itself.

Xaindex’s Compensation Plan

Xaindex affiliates purchase SUT token with tether (USDT). Within Xaindex, SUT is represented to have a 1 USDT value.

Once acquired, SUT is then invested in Xaindex’s “liquidity pools”.

This is done on the promise of a 250% ROI:

  • Grade A – invest 100 SUT and receive 0.81 SUT a day for a total 250 SUT ROI
  • Grade B – invest 500 SUT and receive 4.05 SUT a day for a total 1250 SUT ROI
  • Grade C – invest 1000 SUT and receive 8.1 SUT a day for a total 2500 SUT ROI
  • Grade D – invest 3000 SUT and receive 24.30 SUT a day for a total 7500 SUT ROI
  • Grade E – invest 10,000 SUT and receive 81 SUT a day for a total 25,000 SUT ROI
  • Grade F – invest 25,000 SUT and receive 202.50 SUT a day for a total 62,500 SUT ROI
  • Grade G – invest 50,000 SUT and receive 405 SUT a day for a total 125,000 SUT ROI
  • Grade H – invest 100,000 SUT and receive 810 SUT a day for a total 250,000 SUT ROI

Note that Xaindex restricts investors from withdrawing over what they’ve invested each week.

E.g. Grade E investors invest 10,000 SUT and are capped at withdrawing up to 10,000 SUT each week.

The MLM side of Xaindex pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Xaindex Affiliate Ranks

There are sixteen affiliate ranks within Xaindex’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Rank 0 – sign up as an Xaindex affiliate and invest
  2. Rank 1 – maintain an Xaindex investment, convince others to invest at least 500 SUT and generate at least 800 and 2000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  3. Rank 2 – invest at least 500 SUT (Grade B or higher), convince others to invest at least 1000 SUT and generate at least 1500 and 3500 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  4. Rank 3 – maintain a 500 SUT or higher investment (Grade B or higher), convince others to invest at least 2000 SUT and generate at least 3600 and 8500 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  5. Rank 4 – invest at least 1000 SUT (Grade C or higher), convince others to invest at least 5000 SUT and generate at least 7200 and 17,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  6. Rank 5 – maintain a 1000 SUT or higher investment (Grade C or higher), convince others to invest at least 10,000 SUT and generate at least 14,500 and 33,500 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  7. Rank 6 – invest at least 3000 SUT (Grade D or higher), convince others to invest at least 25,000 SUT and generate at least 36,000 and 85,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  8. Rank 7 – maintain a 3000 SUT or higher investment (Grade D or higher), convince others to invest at least 50,000 SUT and generate at least 72,000 and 170,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  9. Rank 8 – invest at least 10,000 SUT (Grade E or higher), convince others to invest at least 100,000 SUT and generate at least 145,000 and 335,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  10. Rank 9 – maintain a 10,000 SUT or higher investment (Grade E or higher), convince others to invest at least 200,000 SUT and generate at least 360,000 and 845,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  11. Rank 10 – invest at least 25,000 SUT (Grade F or higher), convince others to invest at least 300,000 SUT and generate at least 725,000 and 1,650,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  12. Rank 11 – maintain a 25,000 SUT or higher investment (Grade F or higher), convince others to invest at least 500,000 SUT and generate at least 1,450,000 and 3,375,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  13. Rank 12 – invest at least 50,000 SUT (Grade G or higher), convince others to invest at least 750,000 SUT and generate at least 3,600,000 and 8,450,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  14. Rank 13 – maintain a 50,000 SUT or higher investment (Grade G or higher), convince others to invest at least 1,000,000 SUT and generate at least 7,250,000 and 16,870,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  15. Rank 14 – invest 100,000 SUT (Grade H), convince others to invest at least 1,250,000 SUT and generate at least 14,450,000 and 33,750,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team
  16. Rank 15 – maintain a 100,000 SUT investment (Grade H), convince others to invest at least 1,500,000 SUT and generate at least 36,150,000 and 84,350,000 SUT investment volume across your binary team

Note that required binary team amounts can be on either side (i.e. one side must have one value and the other side the other value, which side has which doesn’t matter).

Recruitment Bonus

Xaindex pays a recruitment Bonus for recruiting affiliate investors within their first four weeks:

  • convince others to invest 1000 SUT and receive 100 SUT
  • convince others to invest 2500 SUT and receive 250 SUT
  • convince others to invest 5000 SUT and receive 1000 SUT
  • convince others to invest 10,000 SUT and receive 1000 SUT
  • convince others to invest 25,000 SUT and receive 2500 SUT
  • convince others to invest 50,000 SUT and receive 5000 SUT
  • convince others to invest 100,000 SUT and receive 10,000 SUT

Referral Commissions

Xaindex pays a referral commission on invested SUT via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Xaindex caps referral commissions at four unilevel team levels.

How many levels referral commissions are earned on is determined by how much an Xaindex affiliate has invested:

  • Grade A and B tier affiliates earn 5% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 2% on level 2
  • Grade C and D tier affiliates earn 6% on level 1 and 3% on level 2
  • Grade E and F tier affiliates earn 7% on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
  • Grade G and H tier affiliates earn 8% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on level 4

Residual Commissions

Xaindex pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week Xaindex tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.

Residual commissions are paid as percentage of new investment volume on the weaker binary team side:

  • Grade A tier affiliates earn an 8% residual commission rate, capped at 100 SUT a week
  • Grade B tier affiliates earn a 9% residual commission rate, capped at 500 SUT a week
  • Grade C tier affiliates earn a 9% residual commission rate, capped at 1000 SUT a week
  • Grade D affiliates earn a 10% residual commission rate, capped at 3000 SUT a week
  • Grade E affiliates earn a 10% residual commission rate, capped at 10,000 SUT a week
  • Grade F tier affiliates earn an 11% residual commission rate, capped at 25,000 SUT a week
  • Grade G tier affiliates earn an 11% residual commission rate, capped at 50,000 SUT a week
  • Grade H tier affiliates earn a 12% residual commission rate, capped at 100,000 SUT a week

Matching Bonus

Xaindex pays a Matching Bonus via the same unilevel structure used to pay referral commissions (see “Referral Commissions” above).

Whereas referral commissions are capped at four unilevel team levels, the Matching Bonus pays down ten unilevel team levels.

The Matching Bonus is paid as a percentage of residual commissions earned across these ten levels based on rank:

  • Rank 1 affiliates earn a 5% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), 2% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
  • Rank 2 affiliates earn a 5% match on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 1% on levels 3 and 4
  • Rank 3 affiliates earn a 5% match on level 1, 4% on level 2, 2% on level 3 and 1% on levels 4 and 5
  • Rank 4 affiliates earn a 6% match on level 1, 5% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 and 1% on levels 5 and 6
  • Rank 5 affiliates earn a 7% match on level 1, 5% on level 2, 4% on level 3, 3% on level 4, 2% on level 5 and 1% on level 6
  • Rank 6 affiliates earn a 7% match on level 1, 6% on level 2, 5% on level 3, 4% on level 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on level 6 and 1% on level 7
  • Rank 7 affiliates earn an 8% match on level 1, 6% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 4% on level 5, 3% on level 6 and 1% on level 7
  • Rank 8 affiliates earn an 8% match on level 1, 7% on level 2, 6% on level 3, 5% on levels 4 and 5, 4% on level 6, 2% on level 7 and 1% on level 8
  • Rank 9 affiliates earn a 9% match on level 1, 7% on level 2, 6% on levels 3 and 4, 5% on levels 5 and 6, 3% on level 7 and 1% on level 8
  • Rank 10 affiliates earn a 9% match on level 1, 8% on level 2, 7% on level 3, 6% on levels 4 and 5, 5% on level 6, 4% on level 7 and 1% on level 8
  • Rank 11 affiliates earn a 10% match on level 1, 8% on level 2, 7% on levels 3 and 4, 6% on levels 5 and 6, 5% on level 7, 2% on level 8 and 1% on level 9
  • Rank 12 affiliates earn a 10% match on level 1, 9% on level 2, 8% on level 3, 7% on levels 4 and 5, 6% on level 6, 5% on level 7, 3% on level 8 and 1% on level 9
  • Rank 13 affiliates earn an 11% match on level 1, 9% on level 2, 8% on levels 3 and 4, 7% on levels 5 and 6, 6% on level 7, 4% on level 8 and 1% on levels 9 and 10
  • Rank 14 affiliates earn an 11% match on level 1, 10% on level 2, 9% on level 3, 8% on levels 4 and 5, 7% on level 6, 6% on level 7, 5% on level 8, 2% on level 9 and 1% on level 10
  • Rank 15 affiliates earn a 12% match on level 1, 10% on level 2, 9% on levels 3 and 4, 8% on levels 5 and 6, 7% on level 7, 5% on level 8, 3% on level 9 and 2% on level 10

Rank Achievement Bonus

Xaindex rewards affiliates for qualifying at Rank 1 and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Rank 1 and receive 100 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 2 and receive 200 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 3 and receive 500 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 4 and receive 1000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 5 and receive 2000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 6 and receive 3500 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 7 and receive 5000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 8 and receive 10,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 9 and receive 25,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 10 and receive 50,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 11 and receive 100,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 12 and receive 250,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 13 and receive 500,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 14 and receive 750,000 SUT
  • qualify at Rank 15 and receive 1,000,000 SUT

Joining Xaindex

Xaindex affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires an initial 100 to 100,000 USDT investment.

Xaindex Conclusion

Xaindex is yet another MLM crypto Ponzi scheme hiding behind an AI marketing grift:

XAINDEX is a high-tech crypto platform developed by unique experts with more than 7 years of experience in the practical application of various neural networks and artificial intelligence models in investments and traditional business processes.

Anytime you see actors/models fronting an MLM company, it’s a safe bet that everything on their site is baloney.

Notwithstanding Xaindex fails to provide verifiable evidence of any of its marketing claims.

With Xaindex we appear to have Russian scammers hiding behind cliched ASIC registration.

If we run a search on ASIC’s website, we find Xaindex Technologies PTY LTD was registered with ASIC on November 30th, 2022.

Thus far all that’s been filed is a 3-page Application for Registration as a Proprietary Company.

Without audited financial reports, Xaindex’s ASIC registration is as meaningless as basic shell company registration.

All the scammers behind Xaindex have done is register an Australian shell company (Xaidnex Technologies PTY LTD) with bogus details, and paid ASIC to register it.

This requires no verification, and by the time ASIC does anything about the bogus registration Xaindex will be long gone.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Xaindex of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.

Xaindex’s inevitable exit-scam is baked in with their SUT token.

Xaindex’s Ponzi scheme is built around SUT. Converting SUT back into tether happens within Xaindex, up until it collapses.

Regardless of whether SUT is dumped on dodgy public exchanges at some point, when Xaindex collapses investors will be left bagholding yet another worthless Ponzi token.