WellNetIQ is a German MLM company and operates in the nutritional supplement MLM niche.

Heading up WellNetIQ we have Executive Director Tilman Spangenberg (right).

As per Spangenberg’s WellNetIQ corporate bio;

Tilman Spangenberg began his career by studying economics and business administration with a focus on strategic planning and corporate management.

With his thesis on practical aspects of early recognition of opportunities and risks in the corporate environment, he earned a doctorate in economics.

In 2003 he entered business and became a professional in financial consulting and direct sales.

Spangenberg’s LinkedIn profile doesn’t reference any MLM companies. From 2006 to signing on with WellNetIQ in October 2022, Spangenberg worked at a chemical manufacturer, pharmaceutical company, heater manufacturer and CannaCare

CannaCare is a German manufacturer of “high qualify CBD products”. An August 2023 press-release from Carlsquare cites Frank Otto as “the single largest shareholder” in CannaCare.

This leads us to a June 2023 article from Direct Selling Magazine, citing Otto and Michael Oplesch as founders of WellNetIQ.

“Our cold pre-launch phase is coming to an end. “All the foundations have now been created to be able to offer potential sales partners an all-round optimal business model,” sums up CEO Dr. Tilman Spangenberg.

“The hot pre-launch of WellNetIQ is scheduled to begin in October 2023.”

The previously linked Carsquare press-release above covers Otto’s August 2023 investment into SynBiotic SE.

Serial entrepreneur Frank Otto has invested in SynBiotic SE (“SynBiotic”), one of Germany’s leading listed CBD specialists.

Frank Otto’s investment comes as the SynBiotic group merges with CBD specialist CannaCare Health GmbH, where Frank Otto is the single largest shareholder today.

As part of his investment, Frank Otto will become a major shareholder in SynBiotic, reflecting his confidence that SynBiotic will secure a pre-eminent position in the booming market for hemp products.

Another August 2023 press-release from SynBiotic SE references WellNetIQ as a “marketing subsidiary” of CannaCare.

Putting all of this together, we have Frank Otto as the effective owner of CannaCare and SymBiotic SE, whose products are marketed and sold through the MLM company WellNetIQ.

Presently WellNetIQ appears to only be active in Austria. As of April 2024, SimilarWeb attributed 100% of WellNetIQ’s ~416 monthly website visits to Austria.

Read on for a full review of the WellNetIQ MLM opportunity.

WellNetIQ’s Products

WellNetIQ markets a range of CBD supplements, manufactured by Frank Otto’s other companies; CannaCare and SynBiotic SE.

  • IQ Power Mini – 275 mg CBD oil, retails at 30 EUR a bottle
  • IQ Power Basic – 450 mg CBD oil, retails at 45 EUR a bottle
  • IQ Power – 825 mg CBD oil, retails at 86.25 EUR a bottle
  • IQ Power Plus – 1500 mg CBD oil, retails at 136.25 EUR a bottle
  • IQ Power Plus Spray – 1500 mg broad spectrum CBD oil, retails at 140 EUR a bottle
  • IQ Power Ultra – 4500 mg broad spectrum CBD oil, retails at 245 EUR a bottle
  • IQ Power Balm – “anti-inflammatory cannabinoid ointment with a broad spectrum”, retails at 48.75 EUR a tub (200 mg)
  • IQ Power Balm Mini – “contains 20 mg of cannabinoids mixed with shea butter and various seed oils, including cannabis sativa seed oil, among others”, retails at 63.25 EUR for ten 5 ml “plastic jars”
  • IQ Power Patches – “broad spectrum cannabinoids, delivered transdermally” (10 mg), retails at 73.75 EUR for a box of small and medium patches or 86.25 EUR for a box of large patches
  • IQ Power Cool – “soothing cannabinoid cooling gel with a broad spectrum of action” (200 mg) , retails at 36.25 EUR a tube
  • IQ Power To Go – “spray for on the go, with 54 mg cannabinoids, in 3 flavours”, retails at 23.75 EUR for a 2.5 ml bottle

WellNetIQ’s Compensation Plan

WellNetIQ hides “detailed income plan” details from consumers behind an email capture form:

This is an immediate red flag.

I can’t speak to what compensation plan details WellNetIQ is hiding, but this is a breakdown of what they do share with consumers on their website.

WellNetIQ Affiliate Ranks

There are seven affiliate ranks within WellNetIQ’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Ambassador – sign up as a WellNetIQ affiliate
  2. Silver – generate 1000 to 4999 GV a month
  3. Gold – generate 5000 to 14,999 GV a month
  4. Platinum – generate 15,000 to 44,999 GV a month
  5. Ruby – generate 50,000 to 149,999 GV a month
  6. Emerald – generate 150,000 to 499,999 GV a month
  7. Diamond – generate 500,000 or more a month

WellNetIQ’s compensation plan states that

In order to achieve or confirm a rank, 3 lines of at least 150 points each are necessary.

This suggests that in order to promote from Ambassador to Silver (and beyond), at least three recruitment legs are required generating at least 150 GV each a month.

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is sales volume generated by an affiliate and their downline.

Note that for rank qualification, no more than 50% of required GV can come from any one recruitment leg.

Retail Commissions

WellNetIQ pays commissions on sales to retail customers.

Retail commission rates are determined by rank:

  • Ambassadors earn 2%
  • Silvers and Golds earn 5%
  • Platinums earn 6%
  • Rubys earn 7%
  • Emeralds earn 7.5%
  • Diamonds earn 8%

Residual Commissions

WellNetIQ pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

WellNetIQ caps payable unilevel team levels at twenty.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of sales revenue generated across these twenty levels based on rank:

  1. Ambassadors earn 5% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 2% on level 2
  2. Silvers earn 5% on levels 1 to 3 and 2% on levels 4 to 6
  3. Gold earn 5% on levels 1 to 5 and 2% on levels 6 to 10
  4. Platinums earn 6% on levels 1 to 5, 4% on levels 6 to 10 and 2% on levels 11 to 15
  5. Rubys earn 7% on levels 1 to 5, 5% on levels 6 to 10 and 2% on levels 11 to 15
  6. Emeralds earn 7.5% on levels 1 to 5, 5.5% on levels 6 to 10, 3% on levels 11 to 15 and 2% on levels 16 to 20
  7. Diamonds earn 8% on levels 1 to 5, 6% on levels 6 to 10, 4% on levels 11 to 15 and 2% on levels 16 to 20

Joining WellNetIQ

Basic WellNetIQ affiliate membership costs aren’t disclosed.

New WellNetIQ affiliates can sign up with a Starter Pack, the costs of which are disclosed:

  • Bronze Starter Pack – 246 EUR
  • Silver Starter Pack – 475 EUR
  • Gold Starter Pack – 930 EUR

The only difference between WellNetIQ’s Starter Packs appears to be bundled products.

WellNetIQ Conclusion

WellNet IQ, as presented, is a straight forward MLM company marketing CBD supplements.

One thing I’m a bit confused on though is, while neighboring Austria speaks Germany, why WellNetIQ hasn’t taken off in its own country.

Not sure if that speaks to the retail viability of WellNetIQ’s products or whether something else is going on.

In any event, WellNetIQ does a great job of disclosing executives, its products and retail pricing. This makes WellNetIQ hiding a “detailed income plan” a let down. There’s no need for it.

Basic information consumers need to evaluate WellNetIQ is not a marketing tool.

As with anywhere where CBD oil is legal, price comparison is recommended for both WellNetIQ affiliates and retail customers.

I didn’t spot anything out of the ordinary with WellNetIQ’s supplements so you should easily be able to find comparable products.

Assuming there’s nothing funky in WellNetIQ’s “detailed income plan”, what is disclosed is a simple unilevel plan. One potential area for concern is the lack of retail volume qualifiers.

This leaves WellNetIQ open to autoship recruitment, which at the cost of retail sales would see it operate as a pyramid scheme.

That said, WellNetIQ recruitment requirements top out at three and required volume is open-ended.

In summary; assuming WellnetIQ’s products are competitively priced in its target European market(s), the MLM compensation plan is such that there aren’t any immediate concerns.

Retail volume qualifiers would certainly alleviate potential pyramid concerns. Ditto providing consumers with access to whatever WellNetIQ’s “detailed income plan” is.

Good luck!