venus-fx-logoThere is no information on the Venus FX website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Venus FX website domain (“”) was registered on the 6th of October 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.

On their website Venus FX website claim the company was

incorporated in New Zealand dated 11th December 2015.

It was registered as NZ Limited Company with NZ Business Number: 9429042102731

This record does exist, with Shahidrawadey Shahidan listed as the owner. The address provided is a virtual office address provided for $232 NZD ($161 USD) a year plus $29 NZD ($20 USD) a month.

This confirms that Venus FX exists in New Zealand in name only. Rather, the company appears to be run out of Malaysia:

Due to encouraging, responsive and positive feedbacks, VENUSFX decides to have a centre in Kuala Lumpur hence VENUSFX Malaysia Training Centre was established in January 2016.

VenusFX state their Malaysian center is ‘a meeting point among clients, prospects and the management‘. The presence of Venus FX “management” is indicative of a corporate headquarters.

UK corporate records meanwhile suggest Shahidrawadey Shahidan is Malaysian and lives in Malaysia.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Venus FX Product Line

Venus FX has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Venus FX affiliate membership itself.

The Venus FX Compensation Plan

The Venus FX compensation plan sees affiliates invest between $100 and $10,000 and recruit others who do the same.

Commissions are paid on affiliate recruitment, in addition to a 4% to 6% daily ROI for 80 days.

Recruitment Commissions

Venus FX affiliates sign up by investing between $100 to $10,000.

  • $100
  • $500
  • $1000
  • $3000
  • $5000
  • $10,000

Recruitment commissions are paid out at a rate of 25% of funds invested by a newly recruited affiliate.

Affiliates who don’t invest themselves are paid separate commissions down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • 30% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates
  • 20% on level 2
  • 10% on level 3

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Residual recruitment commissions in Venus FX are paid out via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, with two positions directly under them.

These initial two positions form the start of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):


Subsequent positions in the binary are generated via the creation of new levels, with each level housing double the positions of the previous level.

Theoretically a binary team can extend an infinite depth, with positions in a Venus FX binary team generated each time a new affiliate is recruited.

At the end of each day invested funds across both binary sides are tallied up. A Venus FX affiliate is then paid 10% of the invested volume on their weaker binary side.

Matched volume on both binary sides is flushed, with the process repeating itself the next day.

A daily cap on binary earnings is determined by how much a Venus FX affiliate invested when they signed up:

  • invest $100 and earn up to $500 a day
  • invest $500 and earn up to $1000 a day
  • invest $1000 and earn up to $2000 a day
  • invest $3000 or more and earn up to $3000 a day

Passive ROIs

Funds invested by Venus FX affiliates attract a 4% to 6% daily ROI for 80 days.

After 80 days Venus FX takes 30% of the total ROI and pays the affiliate the remaining 70%.

An affiliate can then re-invest or withdraw their earnings.

Referral commissions are available on ROIs earned by a Venus FX affiliate’s downline, paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):


If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Venus FX cap payable unilevel levels at ten, with affiliates paid 1.5% of any ROIs earned by their unilevel team.

Joining Venus FX

Free Venus FX affiliates are only able to earn three levels of recruitment commissions.

Full access to the Venus FX income opportunity requires a minimum investment of between $100 and $10,000.

The amount a Venus FX affiliate invests directly impacts their earning potential through the Venus FX compensation plan.


The premise behind Venus FX’s ROIs is managed forex. No further details are provided and affiliates have no idea what is being invested in or where.

What we do know is that affiliate investment is the only verifiable source of revenue entering Venus FX.

We also know that Venus FX pay at least 25% of invested funds out as commissions, whilst claiming to generate a 320% to 480% ROI on the same invested funds in 80 days.

Does that sound remotely plausible to you?

Furthermore, if you were able to consistently generate 320% to 480% ROIs every 80 days, why not take a small loan from a bank and after a few years retire as the richest person in the world?

There’s a high probability Venus FX are running a Ponzi pyramid hybrid scheme. And most of the information available about the company supports this.

For starters there’s the New Zealand incorporation. There’s absolutely no legitimate reason for an MLM company based out of Malaysia to be incorporated in New Zealand with a virtual mailing address.

Then there’s Venus FX’s payment methods, IzziPay and bitcoin.

IzziPay is a hokey payment processor you’ve never heard of. It’s run by iGateway Limited, a shell company registered in New Zealand in December, 2015.

Venus FX’s Shahidrawadey Shahidan is listed as the sole Director of the company

A company with the same name was also incorporated by Shahidan in the UK on February, 2016.

Bitcoin is of course unregulated, which perfectly aligns with Venus FX’s purported forex activities.

So we’ve got a bunch of forex activity which may or may not be taking place, pie in the sky ROIs, pyramid scheme style recruitment commissions… and the same guy running the scheme has his own payment processor he uses to manage invested funds through.

Oh and everything is incorporated through offshore shell companies.

Sounds like a pretty solid money laundering operation to me…