United Partners fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

United Partners’ website domain (“unitedpartners.io”), was privately registered on January 27th, 2023.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, United Partners provides an address in the UK on its website. This appears to correspond to the UK shell company United Fintech Solutions LTD.

Incorporation details for Triple Ex GmbH (Switzerland),  Triple Ex Crypto LLP (UK) and Stockpoint OU (Estonia) are also provided.

Stockpoint is a Russian cryptocurrency exchange launched in 2018.

As for the other three shell companies; due to the ease with which scammers are able to incorporate shell companies with bogus details, for the purpose of MLM due-diligence they are meaningless.

It should be noted that “Triple Ex Marketplace” is linked from United Partners website and appears to be run by the same people.

Triple Ex Exchange operates from the domain “3ex.ch”, privately registered in July 2021.

The only clue we get as to who’s running United Partners and Triple Ex Exchange is in the footer of United Partner’s website:

BotHelp is a Russian marketing services company. United Partners’ implementation of BotHelp is in Russian.

This strongly suggests whoever is running United Partners has ties to Russia.

Further supporting this is a December 2021 press-release covering a Triple Ex Marketplace marketing event, purportedly held in Istanbul in 2021.

On November 21, Titanic Business Kartal, Luxury Hotel in Istanbul Turkey held a presentation of Triple Ex Token.

Young developers team (Crypto Exchange Stockpoint) together with professionals in the diamond industry created a diamond exchange Triple Ex Marketplace, where everyone can buy and sell diamonds for cryptocurrency at the investment price.

To get access to the Marketplace, you need to buy a Triple Ex Token (3-Ex).

I don’t know if this was a staged event (typical of Russian schemes) but can verify the speakers had typical Russian accents.

If the marketing is to be believed, Triple Ex Marketplace was launched by Stockpoint. United Partners appears to be a spinoff of Triple Ex Marketplace.

United Partners as an MLM opportunity has no retailable products or services.

The business model is a simple “staking” Ponzi, built around Triple Ex Token (3-EX) and United Diamond’s Dollar Token (UDDT).

Triple Ex Token is an ERC-20 shitcoin, creatable in a few minutes at little to no cost. UDDT is stablecoin “exclusively listed on Stockpoint”.

The flow of money into United Partners is affiliates buy 3-EX with tether on Stockpoint.

3-EX is then deposited into the Triple Ex Marketplace, where it is staked on the promise of a 24% annual ROI.

As I understand it to then cash out, United Power affiliates have to “purchase” diamonds on their Market Place website.

After that affiliates “sell” the diamonds back. This is just clicking buttons and has nothing to do with diamonds.



UDDT is received on the back-end, which is then cashed out on Stockpoint. Naturally United Partners affiliates have to meet 3-Ex token investment thresholds the more they want to cash out.

There might be some intermediary steps I’ve missed and/or slight variations, but that’s the gist of it. That’s United Partners’ “diamond trading” investment scheme.

The MLM side of the business is handled through United Partners.

United Partners hides its MLM opportunity from consumers.

We are pleased to introduce you to the TRIPLE EX affiliate program.

The company is offering this affiliate program not only to make a profit as an investor, but also to generate additional income and create your own affiliate network.

Whereas I wouldn’t normally put a review together unless I’d seen a compensation plan, I can nonetheless confirm United Partners is MLM as per their marketing videos:

Essentially, United Power’s diamond trading ruse is built-in money laundering. I don’t know why they bother, as it’s pretty obvious and not going to fool anyone.

While I can’t confirm the same people are behind both schemes, I got strong Cancri Jewelry vibes going through United Power.

Cancri Jewelry is another Russian Ponzi scheme that runs the buying jewelry ruse. Like United Power, Cancri Jewelry represents it is based out of Turkey.

Turkey is convenient for Russians because of the current geopolitical climate. Turkey also has a decent diamond market, so scammers are able to tap into that for their marketing.

At the very least United Power seems to drawn strong inspiration from Cancri Jewelry.

Rewinding back to 2018, StockPoint was likely launched to latch onto the 2017 crypto pump. Today, StockPoint’s website traffic is so low that SimilarWeb doesn’t track it.

From the lack of engagements on StockPoint’s social media posts, we can presume it effectively collapsed some time ago.

That brings us to the launch of 3-EX in late 2021 (note United Power’s website falsely represents 3-EX launched in 2022).

You might have noticed United Power’s marketing features the Triple Ex Marketplace website backoffice – which is an odd place to put United Power’s MLM opportunity.

I believe this is because the original MLM was launched through Triple Ex Marketplace Exchange. United Power seems to be a 2023 rebrand of the same scheme, which has flopped since it originally launched in 2021.

Website traffic to both Triple Ex Marketplace’s and United Power’s websites are also dead. Nonetheless, someone out there is still trying to get this scam off the ground; United Power came in as a reader review request.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, when affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve United Power, Triple Ex Marketplace and Stockpoint of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of investors lose money.