Team Travel MVP provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Team Travel MVP’s website domain (“”) was initially registered in March 2019.

The private registration was last updated on March 10th, 2021.

Further research reveals Tony Verran citing himself as CEO of Team Travel MVP on LinkedIn.

According to his profile, Verran is based out of California. This syncs with a corporate suite address in California provided on Team Travel MVP’s website.

Verran’s LinkedIn profile cites him as CEO of Team Travel MVP since July 2016.

I believe Team Travel MVP is a reboot of My Dream Sports Biz, a collapsed MLM company launched on or around 2011.

Affiliate marketing copy credits Verran as the creator and CEO of My Dream Sports Biz.

I wasn’t able to ascertain whether Verran had any other MLM experience. Why his corporate bio isn’t provided on Team Travel MVP’s website is unclear.

Read on for a full review of Team Travel MVP’s MLM opportunity.

Team Travel MVP’s Products

According to its website, Team Travel MVP markets discount team hotel accommodation, tickets and collectibles.

How these fit into the MLM opportunity is unclear.

Clicking through to Team Travel MVP’s accommodation information page, reveals a pitch for “huge savings on hotels”.

Team Travel MVP, through our extensive network of travel partners, provide huge discounts on hotel accommodations for youth, high school, and collegiate sports teams as well as organizations and tournaments throughout the United States and Canada.

We offer great rates, free rooms/upgrades for coaches, and we do all the booking work.

Best of all, our service to teams and coaches is 100% free! (We make our money on large bulk hotel contracts.)

To get a quote you have to email Team Travel MVP or call them. That’s great for Team Travel MVP, no idea what affiliates are supposed to do.

Clicking through to tickets and collectibles reveals blank pages:

No explanation is provided. Needless to say this is pretty shabby for an MLM company launched in 2016.

Team Travel MVP’s Compensation Plan

Team Travel MVP affiliates sign up and pay membership fees. MLM commissions are paid on recruitment of affiliates who do the same.

Retail commissions do exist within Team Travel MVP’s compensation plan, however they have nothing to do with the MLM opportunity.

Retail Commissions

Team Travel MVP’s compensation plan pitches a 5-10% commission on the package price of any tickets or collectibles sold.

As stated above, the tickets and collectibles section of Team Travel MVP’s website is broken.

Recruitment Commissions

Recruitment commissions are split into two tiers, Trainee and Captain.

Trainee appears to be regular affiliates. To qualify as a Captain a Team Travel MVP affiliate must buy in at the affiliate membership tier and pass up two Captain commission rates to whoever recruited them.

Passed up Captain commissions are paid at 80% of the full Captain commission rate.

Once qualified as a Captain, a Team MVP affiliate earns the full Captain commission rate on their own recruitment, and 80% on recruitment of affiliates by their recruited Trainee tier affiliates.

Here is the dollar breakdowns per Team MVP affiliate membership tier:


  • recruit a Rookie tier affiliate and earn $50
  • recruit a Superstar tier affiliate and earn $200
  • recruit a Hall of Famer tier affiliate and earn $400
  • recruit an MVP tier affiliate and earn $850

Captain (personal recruitment)

  • recruit a Rookie tier affiliate and earn $250
  • recruit a SuperStar tier affiliate and earn $1000
  • recruit a Hall of Famer tier affiliate and earn $2000
  • recruit an MVP tier affiliate and earn $4250

Captain (passed up Trainee sales)

  • earn $200 per Trainee affiliate recruited by your personally recruited affiliates
  • earn $800 per Superstar affiliate recruited by your personally recruited affiliates
  • earn $1600 per Hall of Famer tier affiliate recruited by your personally recruited affiliates
  • earn $3400 per MVP tier affiliate recruited by your personally recruited affiliates

Note that MVP tier affiliates qualified at Captain also receive overrides from their “area”.

I believe these are 80% Captain commissions generated by Trainee affiliate recruitment when their upline are also Trainee tier.

Matching Bonus

SuperStar and higher tier Team Travel MVP affiliates qualify for a “Team Travel Match Bonus”.

  • Superstars receive a 30% Team Travel Match Bonus
  • Hall of Famers and MVPs receive a 40% Team Travel Match Bonus

What the Team Travel Match Bonus is paid out on isn’t specified.

Additional Bonuses

Team Travel MVP’s compensation plan references a “Major Market Leadership Bonus Pool”, “MVP Lead Pool” and “equity opportunity”.

No specific details are provided.

The equity pool in particular is a red flag as it could be a front for securities fraud.

Joining Team Travel MVP

Team Travel MVP affiliate membership is available at four price-points:

  • Rookie – $500 upfront or $250 and then $100 a month for four months ($650 total)
  • Superstar – $1950 upfront or $1250 and then $250 a month for five months ($2450 total)
  • Hall of Famer – $4450 upfront or $2450 and then $500 a month for five months ($4950 total)
  • MVP – $8950 upfront or $5000 and then $1000 a month for five months ($10,000 total)

The primary difference between Team Travel MVP’s affiliate membership price-points is income potential.


If My Dream Sports Biz had a similar compensation plan to Team Travel MVP, it’s easy to see why it collapsed.

Team Travel MVP is a four-tier pyramid scheme wrapped in sports marketing.

New affiliates sign up, with how much they spend directly impacting their income potential.

Each Team Travel MVP affiliate membership is a tier in the pyramid. You have to buy in to that tier to earn on that tier.

You will only need to qualify one time at each product level — thereafter you are a Team Captain at that product level forever!

Commissions are paid on personal recruitment and downline recruitment efforts.

The retail side of Team Travel MVP has nothing to do with its MLM opportunity.

That both tickets and collectibles, the only two retail product offerings, are broken on Team Travel MVP’s website is telling.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, when affiliate recruitment collapses so too will commissions.

The math behind pyramid schemes guarantees the majority of participants lose money.