Suponic Global provides no information on their website about who owns or runs the company.

In fact as I write this, Suponic Global’s website is just an affiliate login form.

Languages offered on Suponic Global’s website are English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese, suggesting a focus on Asia.

Appearances can be deceiving however, with further research revealing Suponic Global is run by US residents.

At the time of publication Alexa pegs the US as the largest source of traffic to Suponic Global’s website (72%).

One official Suponic Global marketing video is marketed by “Francis from Southern California”. And here’s a list of names provided in scripts Suponic Global provides to affiliates:

Jay was too broad a name for me to pin down. As per a video uploaded recently by serial scam promoter Ryan Conley, “Jacques” and “AC” refers to Jacques Johnson and AC Green.

AC Green is a retired basketball player. Jacques Johnson is credited as Suponic Global’s CEO.

“Elmer” refers to Elmer Dugaduga, who hosts Suponic Global webinars. “Robert” is supposedly Robert Horry, another retired athlete. I wasn’t able to turn up anything concrete on the other names.

Finally, Suponic Global is also using a Bank of America account to solicit investment through (see review conclusion for more info).

Prior to its current iteration, Suponic Global operated simply as “Suponic”. Marketing videos on the company’s website date back to January 2019.

One video depicts a Suponic presentation somewhere in Asia. This explains the company’s apparent Asian roots.

It also suggests the first iteration of Suponic failed, prompting the Suponic Global reboot we’re reviewing today.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Suponic Global’s Compensation Plan

Suponic Global affiliates invest in SPG tokens on the promise of daily returns:

  • SPG1 – invest $100 and receive 250 SPG
  • SPG2 – invest $500 and receive 1250 SPG
  • SPG3 – invest $1000 and receive 2500 SPG
  • SPG4 – invest $5000 and receive 12,500 SPG
  • SPG5 – invest $10,000 and receive 25,000 SPG

Returns are paid in SPG tokens.

An additional 5% in SPG tokens is given but these have to be used within Suponic Global’s apps.

Referral Commissions

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of funds invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Suponic Global affiliates receive referral commissions based on how much they themselves invested when they signed up:

  • invest at SPG1 and receive a 5% referral commission rate
  • invest at SPG2 and receive a 6% referral commission rate
  • invest at SPG3 and receive a 7% referral commission rate
  • invest at SPG4 and receive an 8% referral commission rate
  • invest at SPG5 and receive a 10% referral commission rate

Residual Commissions

Suponic Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

To qualify for residual commissions, each Suponic Global affiliate must recruit two investing affiliates (placed on on each side of the binary team).

At the end of each day Suponic Global tallies up new investment volume across the binary team.

Affiliates are paid a percentage of volume generated on their weaker binary team side:

  • invest at SPG1 and receive a 6% residual commission rate, capped at $300 a day
  • invest at SPG2 and receive a 7% residual commission rate, capped at $1000 a day
  • invest at SPG3 and receive an 8% residual commission rate, capped at $2000 a day
  • invest at SPG4 and receive a 9% residual commission rate, capped at $5000 a day
  • invest at SPG5 and receive a 10% residual commission rate, capped at $10,000 a day

Matching Bonus

The Matching Bonus is paid as a percentage of residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.

Suponic Global pays the Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Matching Bonus is capped at thirty unilevel team levels.

How many levels the Matching Bonus is paid on is determined by how much a Suponic Global affiliate has invested:

  • invest at SPG1 and receive a 1% match across levels 1 to 5
  • invest at SPG2 and receive a 1% match across level 1 to 5 and 0.75% across levels 6 to 10
  • invest at SPG3 and receive a 1% match across levels 1 to 5, 0.75% across levels 6 to 10 and 0.5% across levels 11 to 15
  • invest at SPG4 and receive a 1% match across levels 1 to 5, 0.75% across levels 6 to 10, 0.5% across levels 11 to 15 and 0.25% across levels levels 16 to 20
  • invest at SPG5 and receive a 1% match across levels 1 to 5, 0.75% across levels 6 to 10, 0.5% across levels 11 to 15, 0.25% across levels 16 to 20 and 0.1% across levels 21 to 30

Suponic Global requires affiliates to engage with their app daily to qualify for the Matching Bonus.

SPG Investment Bonus

Suponic Global rewards affiliates with an SPG token bonus when unilevel team affiliates invest in additional SPG tokens.

  • SPG1 tier affiliates receive a 2% bonus on SPG token investment across levels 1 to 5
  • SPG2 tier affiliates receive a 2% bonus on SPG token investment across levels 1 to 10
  • SPG3 tier affiliates receive a 2% bonus on SPG token investment across levels 1 to 15
  • SPG4 tier affiliates receive a 2% bonus on SPG token investment across levels 1 to 20
  • SPG5 tier affiliates receive a 2% bonus on SPG token investment across levels 1 to 25

This bonus effectively functions as an autoship commission.

Suponic Global affiliates are required to invest $100 in SPG tokens each month to qualify. The bonus is paid on unilevel team affiliates who do the same.

Global Pool Bonus

Suponc Global takes 4% of company-wide revenue and places it into four separate Global Pools.

Suponic Global affiliates can earn a share in these pools based on the following qualification criteria:

  • Pro-Gamer – earn $20,001 in accumulated residual commissions and receive a share in a 1% Global Pool
  • Elite-Gamer – earn $100,001 in accumulated residual commissions and receive a share in a 1% Global Pool
  • Exec-Gamer – earn $500,001 in accumulated residual commissions and receive a share in a 0.5% Global Pool
  • Master-Gamer – earn $1,000,001 in accumulated residual commissions and receive a share in a 0.5% Global Pool

Joining Suponic Global

Suponic Global affiliate membership is tied to an initial $100 to $10,000 investment.

  • SPG1 – $100
  • SPG2 – $500
  • SPG3 – $1000
  • SPG4 – $5000
  • SPG5 – $10,000

The more an affiliate invests the higher their income potential via Suponic Global’s compensation plan.

In order to qualify for all commissions and bonuses offered, Suponic Global affiliates must continue to invest at least $100 a month.

Investment into Suponic Global is made via bank transfer or bitcoin.


Suponic Global’s SGC token is yet another entry into the MLM Ponzi points niche.

SGC is worthless outside of Suponic Global, and exists solely for the company to commit securities fraud through.

Suponic Global’s admins create SGC tokens on demand at little to no cost. The scam involves selling them to gullible investors under the guise on the pitch of future profits.

The ruse behind Suponic Global is mobile games. To that end the company has set up a “me too” game platform that nobody outside of Suponic Global will ever use.

The game featured in Suponic Global’s marketing material is Ink Wars. Ink Wars is developed by Media Hive Ltd and is already available stand-alone for Android.

Why would you waste your time playing it through Suponic Global? Well, you wouldn’t.

Suponic Global’s marketing material references betting a bit, suggesting behind the “family friendly” apps there’s gambling apps offered.

This is what SGC is hitched to, creating a gambling platform that again nobody outside of Suponic Global is ever going to use.

The gist of Suponic Global’s compensation plan is recycling invested funds through SGC tokens.

You sign up and invest in SGC tokens. How much you invest directly impacts your income potential, which is already a play to play regulatory red flag.

Then you recruit others who do the same, for the purpose of acquiring more SGC tokens.

If waiting around for “dividend” returns is too slow for you, you can pay $100 a month and collect commissions on those recruited under you who do the same.

None of this is of course legal, both by way of securities fraud and Suponic Global operating as a Ponzi scheme. Suponic Global is not registered to offer securities in any country.

It’s worth noting that in these early stages, Suponic Global is laundering invested funds Bank of America:

Master & S Inc. appears to be a shell company. The address used to create the account returns multiple businesses, suggesting it’s virtual.

There is a Richard Pyo on social media from California, but I’m not sure if it’s the same guy laundering money for Suponic Global.

In any event filed SARs can’t be too far behind.

Getting back to Suponic Gobal, the Ponzi element comes into play when affiliates cash out SGC tokens through an internal exchange.

Withdrawal requests are paid from funds invested into SGC tokens, creating a closed-loop flow of money within the company.

SGC’s internal value is set by Suponic Global. The company will pay withdrawal requests as long as new funds are invested, failing which cue withdrawal delays and the usual excuses.

Another possibility is dumping SGC on a few dodgy exchanges to pull the exchange exit-scam.

Either way, as an Suponic Global affiliate bagholding worthless SGC tokens, you’re screwed.

Math guarantees that the majority of investors in a Ponzi scheme lose money. Suponic Global won’t play out any different.