Spellbound, aka The Spellbound Co, operates in the personal care MLM niche.

Spellbound’s website represents the company is based out of the UK…

This website and our communications are created for access in the UK.

…but no specific corporate address is provided.

Spellbound initially launched in late 2020. In mid 2021 the company went through a “relaunch”:

Then in March 2022, Spellbound relaunched again;

As of 25/03/2022 at 8pm, we are extremely excited to announce that Spellbound has become the UK and Northern Ireland’s newest Direct Sales company!

After years of experience and passion behind our incredible products as well as a successful affiliate pilot programme, we invite you to join as a Spellbound Ambassador, share these luxury products and participate in our outstanding career plan.

Spellbound’s third iteration is the MLM company we are looking at today.

Heading up Spellbound are mother and daughter team Caroline Ray and Chanelle Fry.

Caroline Ray doesn’t appear to have any MLM experience, at least not recently. Ray’s Spellbound corporate bio credits here with

a long, successful career in education and (she) previously worked in media.

Chanelle Fry made a name for herself in PlanNet Marketing, a travel MLM opportunity she marketed under “The Travel Tribe”.

Fry also incorporated coaching into her MLM business, marketing herself

It’s no secret that COVID-19 obliterated the travel industry worldwide in 2020.

In late 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to wreak havoc across the world, Fry attempted to resuscitate her travel business with an “Ignite 2020” marketing campaign.

That would turn out to be premature, prompting a direction change with Spellbound circa November 2020.

Read on for a full review of Spellbound’s MLM opportunity.

Spellbound’s Products

Spellbound market a range of personal care products. The company’s flagship focus is scented candles, which stems from founders Caroline Ray and Chanelle Fry being “candle freaks”.

As anyone who knows us will testify – we are both complete candle freaks! The joy of lighting a beautiful candle and fully absorbing the fragrance and vibe is addictive isn’t it?

There is no doubt a wonderful, lingering scent can lift your mood, invigorate, relax, and calm you – and let us be honest – who does not need that at the moment?

With that said, we decided to take that idea one step further and harness the healing and manifesting power of intention, mindset, botanicals, crystals and more, to holistically compliment that vibe.

Expect more than candles…

Candle ranges marketed by Spellbound include crystal intention, crystal empowerment and luxury mixology.

Spellbound don’t specify where their candles are made but do state they are made from

pure rapeseed and coconut wax – free from paraffin, soy, palm, beeswax and synthetic additives.

Complimentary product categories featured on Spellbound’s website include accessories, bath & body, clothing, diffusers, wax melt bars, wax warmers.

A full catalog with retail pricing is available on Spellbound’s website.

A monthly subscription box is also available for £19.95.

Never run out of your luxury wax with our stunning new monthly subscription box!

Each month you will be sent a selection of luxury wax bars, some from our existing range but with lots of new and exclusive fragrances available on subscription only!

At time of publication Spellbound’s monthly subscription box was sold out.

Spellbound’s Compensation Plan

Spellbound’s compensation plan pays on retail sales. Residual commissions are paid via a unilevel compensation structure.

There is also a Fast Start Bonus and rank-based Director Bonus on offer.

Spellbound Affiliate Ranks

There are nine affiliate ranks within Spellbound’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Ambassador – sign up as a Spellbound affiliate (£100 GBP in sales volume over a rolling three-month period to qualify for retail commissions)
  2. Quartz Ambassador – generate and maintain 80 PV a month
  3. Amethyst Ambassador – maintain 80 PV a month, generate and maintain 300 GV a month and recruit and maintain two Quartz Ambassadors or higher
  4. Citrine Ambassador –  maintain 80 PV a month, generate and maintain 1000 GV a month and recruit and maintain five Quartz Ambassadors or higher
  5. Jade Ambassador – generate and maintain 120 PV and 2000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain three Amethyst Ambassadors or higher
  6. Ruby Ambassador – maintain 120 PV a month, generate and maintain 5000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Amethyst Ambassador or higher, and recruit and maintain one Citrine Ambassador or higher
  7. Emerald Ambassador – generate and maintain 160 PV and 9000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain three Citrine Ambassadors or higher and one Jade Ambassador or higher
  8. Onyx Director – generate and maintain 200 PV and 20,000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain three Jade Ambassadors or higher, one Ruby Ambassador or higher and one Emerald Ambassador or higher
  9. Diamond Director – maintain 200 PV a month, generate and maintain 50,000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain three Ruby Ambassadors or higher and one Onyx Director or higher

PV stands for “Personal Volume”. PV is sales volume generated by retail customer sales and an affiliate’s own orders.

Spellbound’s compensation documentation states that PV is calculated at “around 80%” of retail pricing.

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.

Note that no more than 50% of required GV can come from any one recruitment leg.

Retail Commissions

Spellbound pays a 15% to 25% commission retail customer orders.

  • 15% is the base retail commission rate available to all Spellbound affiliates
  • generate £250 to £750 GBP in monthly personal retail sales and receive a 20% retail commission rate for that month
  • generate £751 or more GBP in monthly personal retail sales and receive a 25% retail commission rate for that month

Note that this also doubles as a discount on an affiliate’s own placed orders.

Also note that to qualify for retail commissions, a Spellbound affiliate must be “active”.

To qualify as active, a Spellbound affiliate must generate £100 GBP in product sale volume over a rolling three-month period.

I believe this includes an affiliate’s own product orders.

Residual Commissions

Spellbound pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Spellbound caps payable unilevel team levels at seven.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of sales volume generated across these seven levels based on rank:

  • Quartz ranked affiliates don’t qualify for residual commissions
  • Amethyst ranked affiliates earn 4% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • Citrine ranked affiliates earn 5% on level 1 and 4% on level 2
  • Jade ranked affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 4% on level 2 and 3% on levels 3 and 4
  • Ruby ranked affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on levels 3 and 4 and 2% on level 5
  • Emerald ranked affiliates earn 6% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on levels 3 and 4 and 2% on levels 5 and 6
  • Onyx ranked affiliates earn 7% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 4% on level 3, 3% on level 4, 2% on levels 5 and 6 and 1% on level 7
  • Diamond ranked affiliates earn 7% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 4% on level 3, 3% on level 4 and 2% on levels 5 to 7

Fast Start Bonus

Spellbound’s Fast Start Bonus rewards new affiliates with product credit.

There are two components to the Fast Start Bonus; retail and recruitment.

Qualification criteria for both Fast Start Bonus components is a new Spellbound affiliate’s first three months.

Retail Fast Start Bonus

The retail Fast Start Bonus rewards affiliates with product credit for generating retail sales:

  • generate £1000 to £1500 GBP in retail sales and receive £50 GBP in product credit
  • generate £1501 to £2500 GBP in retail sales and receive £100 GBP in product credit
  • generate £2501 to £5000 GBP in retail sales and receive £150 GBP in product credit
  • generate £5001+ GBP in retail sales and receive £250 GBP in product credit

Recruitment Fast Start Bonus

The recruitment Fast Start Bonus rewards affiliates with product credit for hitting recruitment and rank milestones:

  • recruit three retail commission qualified affiliates and receive £25 GBP in product credit
  • recruit six retail commission qualified affiliates and receive £50 GBP in product credit
  • qualify as a Jade Ambassador and receive £100 GBP in product credit
  • qualify as a Ruby Ambassador and receive £200 GBP in product credit

Director Bonus

The Director Bonus rewards Onyx and Diamond Directors with a monthly bonus:

  • Onyx Directors receive £200 GBP a month
  • Diamond Directors receive £500 GBP a month

Joining Spellbound

Spellbound affiliate membership costs are not disclosed on Spellbound’s website. This is a red flag.

Products ordered from us will be delivered by Royal Mail in the UK and no international delivery is offered at this time.

As above, seeing as products are only shipped across the UK (and Northern Ireland), it is presume Spellbound only accepts UK resident affiliates.


Spellbound quite obviously started off as a COVID-19 lockdown project.

As you can imagine, this endeavour has been no easy task during lockdown but has certainly given us something to focus all our creativity and energies on the last few months.

There’s nothing wrong with that. Travel was dead at the time and people have to move on.

Where I’m a little concerned is the lack of disclosure regarding Spellbound’s products. Namely where they’re manufactured (Spellbound do provide basic ingredient details).

One thing I couldn’t help but notice is the the entire clothing range appears to be stock photos with branding Photoshopped on.

As to the product theme, Spellbound is a bit out there.

Intention candles infused with crystals for manifesting and self improvement.

Not being familiar with the term, I had to look up “intention candles”.

Necessite, who market their own range of intention candles, states;

Intention candles are used to manifest wishes and desires. They are a way to bring your dream life into reality.

It’s all rather simple. When you light it, it illuminates your intentions, and when you meditate on it, it releases a message and sends your energy out into the universe.

Some of Spellbound’s candles are set with crystals.

Manifest your dreams and goals for 2022 with our luxury LIMITED EDITION candle entitled MANIFEST.

A truly stunning, 0.5 litre candle, infused with complimentary Blue Apatite, Clear Quartz and Citrine crystals.

The crystals are supposed to enhance desired intentions. You’re supposed to

remove crystal stone during first burn and recharge using natural moonlight or sunlight.

I believe this is an extension of Chanelle Fry’s stint as a “Manifestation Mentor” coach.

Full disclosure: I think this intent candles are complete baloney. But I acknowledge I’m not Spellbound’s target market.

There’s nothing wrong with crystal candle woo for a bit of a laugh. When combined with MLM though, there’s an inherent danger.

MLMs attract people wanting to better themselves financially. Tying your products into that and self-empowerment is a potentially dangerous combination.

Hey guys, this isn’t working out for me.

Have you tried burning more money intention candles?

This can keep someone trapped in a monthly purchase cycle in the hope their business takes off, in the false hope that burning candles and manifesting is a substitute for work.

I mean that’s the kind of people Spellbound comes off as trying to, forgive the pun, attract to its MLM opportunity.

For their part Spellbound have no retail sales qualifiers. It’s just a straight minimum £100 GBP over a rolling three months. This bumps up to 80 PV at Spellbound’s first rank.

If that PV is self-funded, with an affiliate hoping they manifest success… well, you can see where the financial trap is.

blocks negative energies, increases psychic awareness and assits [sic] connection to powerful cosmic forces

Thankfully it’s just Spellbound’s candles that are a bit overboard. The rest of the range has similar vibes but more grounded:

Manifest the Success you desire with this powerful SUCCESS fragrance range.

Our goal for you is that you achieve all your goals and dreams. Enjoy the sweet smell of Success with our Sparkling Pink Champagne and Pomelo with a hint of juicy grapefruit.

Scents definitely do evoke the senses, that much Spellbound has going for it.

Areas of improvement are disclosure. We’ve covered product manufacturing details but there’s also affiliate membership costs. This isn’t something an MLM company should be leaving off its website.

While the “ask how your upline is generating their monthly PV requirement” due-diligence does still apply for Spellbound, it also might be worth asking about the manifestation thing.

Especially if that’s the marketing hook that drew you in.

Ask your potential Spellbound upline what their manifestation goals are, and how Spellbound’s products fit into that. Pay particular attention to what, if any, of the stated goals have been achieved.

While I still don’t see candles and personal care products playing a significant role with respect to running a successful MLM business (or any business for that matter), if that’s what you’re going for then ask to see results.

Just don’t fall too hard into the woo hole. You can always dig yourself out of a monthly financial commitment by moving onto something else.