SBG Global fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

SBG Global’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on February 9th, 2022.

A visit to SBG Global’s website reveals one clickable link:

This link takes visitors to SBG Rewards, operating from “” (privately registered on September 23rd, 2022).

At one point the domain “” was also part of SBG Global. This domain and whatever was on it has already abandoned.

Under SBG Global branding, SBG Rewards pitches “MMIT Rewards” as a “fixed returns staking platform”.

In researching SBG Global I noted these three individuals kept popping up:

They wore sunglasses and parade around in front of everybody, so I figured they were in charge.

To get names I had to turn to independent coverage of some random crypto bro event in Dubai, held in May 2023.

The short fat guy with a moustache is SBG Global CEO Anil Yadav:

Yadav is also cited as SBG Global’s founder:

The long-haired tall guy is SBG Global CMO Praveen Rai.

The third guy didn’t have a speaking role so I’m still not sure who he is.

Possibly due to language-barriers, I was unable to put together an MLM history on either Yadav or Rai.

Originally from India, it seems SBG Global’s executives have since fled to Dubai. This syncs with marketing on SBG Rewards’ website:

Due to the proliferation of scams and failure to enforce securities fraud regulation, BehindMLM ranks Dubai as the MLM crime capital of the world.

BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.

If you want to know specifically how this applies to SBG Global and associated companies, read on for a full review.

SBG Global

SBG Global has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market SBG Global affiliate membership itself.

SBG Global’s Compensation Plan

It should be noted that SBG Global hides compensation plan details from consumers.

The following analysis is based on SBG token investment. SBG Global has since launched multiple tokens, all of which are presumed to have a similar, if not identical, staking component.

We’ll cover SBG Global’s other tokens in the conclusion of this review.

SBG Global affiliates invest cryptocurrency into SBG packages:

  • Silver – invest 50 SBG and receive 0.3% a day, capped at 90 SBG (300 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Gold – invest 100 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 300 SBG (2000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Topaz – invest 200 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 600 SBG (4000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Platinum – invest 500 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 1500 SBG (10,000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Diamond – invest 1000 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 3000 SBG (20,000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Ruby – invest 2000 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 6000 SBG (40,000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Emerald – invest 3000 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 9000 SBG (60,000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Sapphire – invest 5000 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 15,000 SBG (100,000 SBG if no withdrawals)
  • Singapore – invest 10,000 SBG and receive 0.5% a day, capped at 30,000 SBG (200,000 SBG if no withdrawals)

Note that if an SBG GLobal affiliate recruits five affiliate investors within 21 days of making an investment, the daily ROI rate is doubled (total ROI paid out remains the same).

The MLM side of SBG Global pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

SBG Global Affiliate Ranks

There are seven affiliate ranks within SBG Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria they are as follows:

  • Expert – generate 50,000 SBG in downline investment
  • Pro – generate 100,000 SBG in downline investment
  • Star – generate 200,000 SBG in downline investment
  • 2 Star – generate 500,000 SBG in downline investment
  • 3 Star – generate 1,000,000 SBG in downline investment
  • 4 Star – generate 3,000,000 SBG in downline investment
  • 5 Star – generate 5,000,000 SBG in downline investment

Note that up to 50% of required downline investment is counted from any one recruitment leg.

The remaining 50% of required downline investment must come from at least four additional recruitment legs.

Referral Commissions

SBG Global pays a 5% commission on cryptocurrency invested by recruited affiliates.

ROI Match

SBG Global pays a ROI match via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

SBG Global caps payable unilevel team levels at twenty.

A ROI Match is paid as a percentage of daily returns paid out across these twenty levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 20% match
  • level 2 – 15% match
  • level 3 – 12% match
  • level 4 – 10% match
  • level 5 – 8% match
  • level 6 – 5% match
  • levels 7 to 10 – 3% match
  • levels 11 to 15 – 2% match
  • levels 16 to 20 – 1% match

Note that each unilevel team level must be unlocked through recruitment. E.g. recruit one affiliate investor to unlock level 1, recruit two affiliate investors to unlock level 2 etc.

Rank Achievement Bonus

SBG Global rewards affiliates for qualifying at Expert and higher with the following Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Expert and receive a 1% ROI Match bonus
  • qualify at Pro and receive a 2% ROI Match bonus
  • qualify at 1 Star and receive a 4% ROI Match bonus
  • qualify at 2 Star and receive a 6% ROI Match bonus
  • qualify at 3 Star and receive an 8% ROI Match bonus
  • qualify at 4 Star and receive a 10% ROI Match bonus
  • qualify at 5 Star and receive a 12% ROI Match bonus

Reward Pools

SBG Global takes 5% of company-wide investment and places it into five smaller Reward Pools.

SBG Global share these Reward Pools with 2 Star and higher ranked affiliates:

  • 2 Stars receive a share in a 2% Reward Pool
  • 3 Stars receive a share in a 1% Reward Pool
  • 4 Stars receive a share in a 1% Reward Pool
  • 5 Stars receive a share in a 1% Reward Pool

Joining SBG Global

SBG Global affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 50 SBG investment.

SBG is an internal token created by SBG Global. SBG Global solicits investment into SBG in various cryptocurrencies.

SBG Global Conclusion

There’s a reason that when you visit SBG Global’s website all you can do is click on their staking scheme.

SBG Global is a multi-tier shit token staking Ponzi scheme.

In the compensation analysis of this review I’ve only detailed SBG Global’s original SBG staking scheme. In addition to SBG, there’s also BGVT, MMIT and Zillion XO.

MMIT appears to be the most recently launched, and well…

Regardless of how many shit tokens SBG Global has and plans to launch, the underlying staking Ponzi scheme is the same.

SBG Global affiliates invest cryptocurrency in exchange for one of SBG Global’s shit tokens. Those tokens are then parked with SBG Global on the promise of passive returns (staking).

No external source of revenue exists, with all withdrawals funded by subsequent investment into SBG Global’s shit tokens.

Additionally, with nothing marketed or sold to retail customers, the MLM side of SBG Global functions as a pyramid scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve SBG Global of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.