RockRaise provides no verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, RockRaise provides a random “company registration number” on its website for “RockRaise SIA”. Under this RockRaise’s “General Manager” Axel Steen is listed.

Steen is featured in RockRaise’s marketing material but doesn’t appear to exist outside of the company.

I can’t confirm for sure but RockRaise’s Axel Steen is a good Boris CEO candidate.

Since launch RockRaise has switched out the actor representing the company. Steen is gone and it’s now “Alexander”:

Steen and Alexander have similar accents (I’m going with German).

RockRaise SIA is a Latvian shell company. Corresponding with this, RockRaise provides a purported corporate address in Latvia on its website.

Punching this address into Google Maps however reveals it’s some random residential building. RockRaise obviously doesn’t have any actual ties to Latvia.

It should further be noted that, for the purpose of MLM due-diligence, basic incorporation in any jurisdiction is meaningless.

The reason for this is any bogus information can be used for basic incorporation. Case in point:

One curiosity worth mentioning is RockRaise’s targeting of India.

The ploy is marketing nonsense but the Indian government gets a mention on RockRaise’s website:

Indian national holidays are also noted on RockRaise’s official FaceBook page:

These are unlikely to be coincidental. Whoever is running RockRaise is either based in and/or has ties to India, or at the very least is specifically targeting Indians.

Random stab in the dark but this guy might know who’s behind RockRaise:

Now if you’re wondering, “Well OK, what’s up with the German accents then?”, that’s where CPI Tech comes in.

Before it launched “cpitech” ran a RockRaise logo contest on 99 Designs:

CPI Technologies is a German blockchain bro company, headed up by founders Marvin Steinberg and Maximilian Schmidt.

Our company is located in Mainz, Germany. CPI team consists of software developers, Blockchain and smart contract experts, marketing and analytics geniuses, top-level UX / UI designers, copywriters, data scientists and mathematicians, all working together on innovative projects for customers from all over the world.

Whether CPI Tech is running RockRaise I can’t say, but they were definitely involved in setting it up. That involvement is also likely why RockRaise’s Boris CEOs have German accents.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

RockRaise’s Products

RockRaise has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market RockRaise affiliate membership itself.

RockRaise’s Compensation Plan

RockRaise affiliates invest in an undisclosed token on the promise of a 1600% ROI.

By paying €150 EUR a month for “Premium Membership”, this ROI is increased but the specific increase amount isn’t disclosed.

The MLM side of RockRaise pays on recruitment of Premium Membership affiliates.

RockRaise Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within RockRaise’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as a RockRaise affiliate
  2. Executive – personally recruit and maintain 3 Premium Members (split 1/1/1), and generate €450 GV a month
  3. Bronze – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 12 Premium Members (split 4/4/4) and generate €1800 GV a month
  4. Silver – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 30 Premium Members and generate €4500 GV a month
  5. Gold – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 75 Premium Members and generate €11,250 GV a month
  6. Sapphire – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 225 Premium Members and generate €33,750 GV a month
  7. Ruby – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 500 Premium Members and generate €75,000 GV a month
  8. Emerald – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 1250 Premium Members and generate €187,500 GV a month
  9. Diamond – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 2500 Premium Members and generate €375,000 GV a month
  10. Blue Diamond – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 5000 Premium Members and generate €750,000 GV a month
  11. Red Diamond – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 1500 Premium Members and generate €2,250,000 GV a month
  12. Black Diamond – maintain 3 personally recruited Premium Members, have a total downline of 30,000 Premium Members and generate €4,500,000 GV a month

RockRaise tracks downlines via a perpetual 3xx matrix. That is a matrix that has three legs, which continues down an infinite depth:

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment.

Required recruited Premium Member ratios are provided for Executive and Bronze above. For Silver and higher, no more than 40% of required monthly GV can come from any one matrix leg.

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is the sum total of downline monthly Premium Membership fees (€150 EUR a month per Premium Member).

Monthly Commissions

RockRaise pays a weekly commission based on rank:

  • Executives earn €37.50 EUR a week
  • Bronzes earn €135 EUR a week
  • Silvers earn €225 EUR a week
  • Golds earn €450 EUR a week
  • Sapphires earn €1125 EUR a week
  • Rubys earn €2250 EUR a week
  • Emeralds earn €5625 EUR a week
  • Diamonds earn €11,250 EUR a week
  • Blue Diamonds earn €22,500 EUR a week
  • Red Diamonds earn €56,250 EUR a week
  • Black Diamonds earn €112,500 EUR a week

Pension Plan

RockRaise’s Pension Plan is a monthly bonus, again tied to rank:

  • Bronzes receive €60 EUR
  • Silvers receive €100 EUR
  • Golds receive €200 EUR
  • Sapphires receive €500 EUR
  • Rubys receive €1000 EUR
  • Emeralds receive €2500 EUR
  • Diamonds receive €5000 EUR
  • Blue Diamonds receive €10,000 EUR
  • Red Diamonds receive €25,000 EUR
  • Black Diamonds receive €50,000 EUR

Millionaire’s Club

RockRaise takes 1% of monthly company-wide revenue and places it into the Millionaire’s Club.

Black Diamond ranked affiliates receive an equal share of the Millionaire’s Club pool each month.

Joining RockRaise

RockRaise affiliate membership is available at two price-points:

  • Affiliate – €25 EUR
  • Premium Member – €150 EUR a month

The more a RockRaise affiliate spends on affiliate membership, the higher their income potential.

RockRaise Conclusion

RockRaise is an MLM crypto Ponzi. At least that’s how it’s presented.

At some point the token Ponzi has taken a backseat to recruitment, which is the backbone of RockRaise’s compensation plan.

When it launched, RockRaise intended its “Pension Plan” to be a way to force affiliates to invest in the token:

That’s since been dumped, with the Pension Plan now paid out in euros (if there are still restrictions they aren’t disclosed).

Does RockRaise’s token even exist? No idea. It’s a bit odd reading about future scams “projects” when the existence of the original token scam can’t be identified.

Nonetheless the 1600% token ROI is the marketing hook RockRaise uses to lure investors in.

To that end we have what appears to be a pointless free customer membership option. Sign up, invest in tokens, something something 1600%? It’s not very clear.

Then there’s the  €25 EUR one-time affiliate fee option. I think these guys can still earn commissions but that also isn’t clear.

Premium Membership is €150 EUR a month and that I know has access to RockRaise’s compensation plan.

So basically you drop €150 EUR a month and get paid to recruit others who do the same. And attached to that is a bunch of blockchain bro bullshit.

Like their token, RockRaise’s illegal bank promises haven’t materialized. It’s all coming soon.

Meanwhile visits to RockRaise’s website are in decline (Alexa rank is currently 7.5 million). And that’s about it.

Be it the token Ponzi scheme or MLM pyramid side of the business, math guarantees the majority of RockRaise affiliates will lose money.


Update 25th September 2023 – RockRaise has collapsed.

As at the time of this update RockRaise’s website is no longer available.