Pro Vision fails to provide executive or ownership information on its website.

Pro Vision has two known website domains; “” and “”. Both domains were privately registered on January 10th, 2023.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Pro Vision’s Products

Pro Vision has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Pro Vision affiliate membership itself.

Pro Vision’s Compensation Plan

Pro Vision affiliates pay a 100 tether (USDT) membership fee.

Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

Note that Pro Vision pays all commissions and bonuses in Pro Vision token (PVT).

Also note that Pro Vision penalizes affiliates who don’t recruit with a withdrawal fee:

  • recruit less than 10 affiliates and pay a 40% withdrawal fee
  • recruit 10 or more affiliates and pay a 30% withdrawal fee

Pro Vision Affiliate Ranks

There are six affiliate ranks within Pro Vision’s compensation plan:

  1. Level 1 – generate a downline of at least ten affiliates
  2. Level 2 – generate a downline of at least

Signing up bonus

Pro Vision rewards affiliates who sign up with 1% of fees paid by the forty affiliates who signed up before them.

Note the signing up bonus is paid in PVT and is a variable bonus based on actual affiliate fees paid.

Recruitment Commissions

Pro Vision generates 1 million PVT a month and splits it 100,000 PVT across ten tiers.

Pro Vision affiliates qualify for an equal share in each tier each month as follows:

  • tier 1 qualification requires an investment of 1000 USDT and pays out for 49 months only (limited to the first 500 investors who invest 1000 USDT)
  • tier 2 qualification requires recruitment of two affiliates
  • tier 3 qualification requires recruitment of three affiliates
  • tier 4 qualification requires recruitment of four affiliates
  • tier 5 qualification requires recruitment of five affiliates
  • tier 6 qualification requires recruitment of six affiliates
  • tier 7 qualification requires recruitment of seven affiliates
  • tier 8 qualification requires recruitment of eight affiliates
  • tier 9 qualification requires recruitment of nine affiliates
  • tier 10 qualification requires arecruitment ten affiliates
  • tiers 2 to 9 are based on undisclosed recruitment criteria

The MLM side of Pro Vision pays on membership fees paid and investment by recruited affiliates.

Referral Commissions

Pro Vision pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Pro Vision caps payable unilevel team levels at ten.

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of 100 USDT membership fees paid across these ten levels as follows:

  • affiliates who recruit one affiliate earn 10% on level (personally recruited affiliates) and 3% on level 2
  • affiliates who recruit two affiliates earn 10% on level 1, 3% on levels 2 and 3 and 4% on level 4
  • affiliates who recruit five affiliates earn 10% on level 1, 3% on levels 2 and 3, 4% on level 4, 5% on levels 5 to 8 and 10% on levels 9 and 10

Reinvestment bonus

Pro Vision affiliates earn a 0.25% reinvestment commission on reinvested PVT tokens.

Reinvestment commissions are paid 40 levels upline (unilevel).

Withdrawal Bonus

Pro Vision affiliates earn a 10% commission on withdrawals made by personally recruited affiliates.

Joining Pro Vision

Pro Vision’s marketing material cites affiliate membership costing 100 USDT.

Pro Vision’s website provides a 110.9 USDT cost:

This suggests Pro Vision affiliate membership cost is variable.

Full participation in Pro Vision’s attached income opportunity requires an additional 1000 USDT investment.

Pro Vision Conclusion

Pro Vision readily admits 100% of USDT fees paid in are recycled to pay commissions and bonuses.

This makes Pro Vision a pyramid scheme.

Pro Vision fails to provide evidence it has registered with financial regulators.

This means Pro Vision’s 200 PVT a month for 49 months passive investment scheme constitutes securities fraud:

With no external revenue, meaning PVT cashed out is funded by membership fees and invested tether, this part of Pro Vision also functions as a Ponzi scheme.

Like any pyramid scheme, those who recruit the most will earn at the expense of the majority of Pro Vision affiliates.

Affiliates who invest in Pro Vision’s 1000 USDT investment scheme might very well receive PVT for 49 months, but they will be left unable to cash out when Pro Vision inevitably collapses.

PVT itself is a TRC-20 shit token. These can be created in a few minutes at little to no cost.

Outside of Pro Vision PVT is worthless. When the time comes, expect Pro Vision to just disappear and/or initiate a public exchange PVT dump.