MLM Reviews @ BehindMLM

DailyMines Review: Cloud mining ruse Ponzi scheme

Daily Mines, aka TheDM, MyDMFarms and TheDMFarms, fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. DailyMines’ current website domain (“”), was privately registered on October 31st, 2023. Daily Mines originally operated from “”, privately registered in August 2021. DailyMines launched on its original .COM domain in or around June 2023. It’s not clear [Continue reading…]

BuddyX Review: BDYX token pump & dump Dubai Ponzi

BuddyX fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. BuddyX’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on July 21st, 2023. It should be noted that prior to July 2023, BuddyX went by BuddyCorp. That iteration of the company appears to have collapsed, making BuddyX a reboot. Further research reveals BuddyX marketing videos citing [Continue reading…]

Frequense Review: Pitcocks go solo with LaCore Enterprises

Frequense fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. Frequense’s website domain (“”), was registered in June 2023. The private registration was last updated on December 21st, 2023. In Frequense’s website Terms and Conditions we find the Texas corporate address for LaCore Enterprises. The only reference to LaCore Enterprises on Frequense’s website is [Continue reading…]

IDAA Games Review: Alpha GamesCoin Ponzi scheme

IDAA stands for Independent Digital Assets Alliance. Within the context of being an MLM company, IDAA is a sprawling mess: What we’re going to focus on in this review is IDAA Games and GrowthPool. IDAA Games is an MLM opportunity centered around Alpha GamesCoin token investment. GrowthPool is a separate MLM income opportunity marketed within [Continue reading…]

202020Fund Review: Already collapsed Ponzi rebooted

The first iteration of 202020Fund was set up on the domain “”. It lasted a few weeks before collapsing. I know this because I’d queued 202020Fund up for review in Q3 2023. When it came up, 202020Fund’s original website was gone. A few months later 202020Fund resurfaced on a new website domain, “”. 202020Fund’s original [Continue reading…]

Exby Review: Arbitrage Trading ruse MLM crypto Ponzi

Exby fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. Exby’s website domain (“”), was registered in September 2022. The private registration was last updated on September 15th, 2023. Exby’s social media profiles were created around the same time. This means September 15th is on or around the time Exby’s owners took possession of [Continue reading…]

Seletti AI Review: Forex trading ruse MLM crypto Ponzi

Seletti AI fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. Seletti AI’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on October 19th, 2023. Official Seletti AI marketing videos in the website backoffice feature “Lenny” (right), as CEO of the company. Someone going by “Tarek” is presented as Saletti AI’s “Relations Manager”. Both Lenny and [Continue reading…]

EchoOne Review: Trading ruse MLM crypto Ponzi

EchoOne fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. In an official marketing presentation, EchoOne cites “Nicholas Bennett” as its CEO: Bennett doesn’t exist outside of this marketing slide. It’s unclear whether he’s an actual person. Offical EchoOne marketing videos feature stock footage with robodub narration. This is typical of non-native English speaking [Continue reading…]

MGM Capital Review: “Multi-asset management” ruse Ponzi

MGM Capital (aka MGM Capital Traders), fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. MGM Capital’s website domain (“”), was registered in November 2022. The private registration was last updated on October 30th, 2023. MGM Capital’s official Twitter profile was created in August 2023. As of September 13th, the company was still “coming [Continue reading…]

All Capital Review: Roulette ruse Boris CEO Ponzi

All Capital operates from two known website domains: – privately registered on August 25th, 2023 – privately registered on August 25th, 2023 On a marketing video, embedded into both of All Capital’s websites, “Dorfman” is presented as founder of the company. Dorfman of course doesn’t exist outside of All Capital’s marketing. The actor [Continue reading…]