MWR Financial appears to be a new division of the MWR umbrella of companies.

MWR started off as My Warranty Rewards in late 2013. The company is founded by Jay Tuerk and Yoni Ashurov.

In 2015 My Warranty Rewards was rebooted as MWR Life. In addition to the original warranty plan, MWR Life added several additional phone-based services.

I initially figured MWR Financial was another reboot. MWR Life however is still operating under Yoni Ashurov as CEO.

The primary difference between MWR Life in 2015 and today is that it appears to have switched to the travel niche.

Neither Ashurov or Tuerk are mentioned on the MWR Financial website. And outside of having “MWR” in its name, you’d be forgiven for thinking the two companies aren’t related.

The Florida corporate address provided on both company websites however is the same, confirming MWR Financial is, at least on paper, part of Ashurov and Tuerk’s MWR brand.

Cited as CEO of the company on MWR Financial’s website is Brian House (right).

On his LinkedIn profile, House additionally credits himself as a co-founder of MWR Financial.

House does have MLM executive experience through Youngevity. The only MWR connection I was able to make pre MRW Financial though was a livestream recorded two years ago:

Note that the stream itself is unavailable so we only have the title above to go on.

The exact ownership structure of MWR Financial isn’t clear, but I suspect Ashurov and Tuerk are unnamed co-founders.

Well they’d have to be, otherwise this is all one unbelievable coincidence.

MWR Financial could of course clarify all of this on their website but for whatever reason have chosen not to.

Read on for a full review of the MWR Financial MLM opportunity.

MWR Financial Products

MWR Financial’s only product is Financial Edge, a $79.97 monthly subscription to financial themed services.

Financial Edge is marketed as ‘the most comprehensive financial package in the marketplace’ and provides access to

  • CreditMax – credit correct and consulting
  • EquityMax – debt management software
  • MoneyMax – “provides you with UNLIMITED access to top rated CPA’s and CFP’s” and access to TaxBot
  • WealthMax – “financial literacy, education and mentorship program”
  • Debt Resolution Center – “offers the most comprehensive solutions for your financial problems”

MWR Financial claim the above services are offered through Diversified Financial Services LLC.

Each Service accessible through the Plan shall be provided by the Service Provider offering that particular Service.

(MWR Financial) is only a Marketing and Administrative Agent for each Service Provider.

The MWR Financial Compensation Plan

The MWR Financial compensation plan revolves around the sale of Financial Edge to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

MWR Financial Affiliate Ranks

There are six affiliate ranks within the MWR Financial compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Manager – generate and maintain three monthly Customer Points, recruit at least one qualified affiliate and have at least three affiliates on the first level of your unilevel team
  • Senior Manager – generate and maintain five monthly Customer Points, maintain at least one personally recruited qualified affiliate and at least three unilevel legs with a Manager in each
  • Area Manager – generate and maintain seven monthly Customer Points, maintain at least one personally recruited qualified affiliate and at least three unilevel legs with a Senior Manager in each
  • District Manager – generate and maintain nine monthly Customer Points, maintain at least one personally recruited qualified affiliate and at least three unilevel legs with a Area Manager in each
  • Regional Manager – generate and maintain eleven monthly Customer Points, maintain at least one personally recruited qualified affiliate and at least three unilevel legs with a District Manager in each
  • National Manager – generate and maintain thirteen monthly Customer Points, maintain at least one personally recruited qualified affiliate and at least three unilevel legs with a Regional Manager in each

Retail Commissions

MWR Financial affiliates are paid an $80 customer bonus per retail customer they sign up.

Note if a retail customer cancels after their first month only $40 is paid out.

A residual retail commission is paid out monthly, based on the total number of retail customer subscription an affiliate has active:

  • 10 retail customer subscriptions = $25 bonus
  • 25 retail customer subscriptions = $75 bonus
  • 50 retail customer subscriptions = $200 bonus
  • 100 retail customer subscriptions = $500 bonus

Coded Retail Customer Commission

Each retail customer subscription generates an $8 coded bonus.

This bonus is paid out as follows:

  • Managers receive up to 25 cents
  • Seniors receive up to 50 cents
  • Areas receive up to $3.50
  • Districts receive up to $4.50
  • Regionals receive up to $5.50
  • Nationals receive up to $8

When a new retail customer pays their monthly Financial Edge subscription, the system searches upline for a qualified Manager or higher affiliate.

The first affiliate found is paid their maximum rank coded bonus.

The system then searches higher to pay the remaining coded bonus out to.

When a National affiliate is found, they are paid what is left of the $8 coded bonus.

If the first upline affiliate found is a National, they are paid the full $8 coded bonus.

Qualified Qualification

Certain MWR Financial commissions and bonuses require an affiliate to be qualified.

Qualified qualification requires an MWR Financial affiliate to be up to date with membership fees and be generating at least three Customer Points a month.

  • purchase Financial Edge as an affiliate = 2 Customer Points
  • sell Financial Edge to a recruited affiliate or retail customer = 2 Customer Points
  • pay monthly affiliate membership fee = 1 Customer Point

Recruitment Bonuses

MWR Financial affiliates are paid a Momentum Bonus based on the following recruitment criteria:

  • recruit three qualified affiliates within your first thirty days and receive $150
  • recruit three qualified affiliates who each recruit three qualified affiliates within forty days and receive $450
  • recruit three qualified affiliates who each recruit three qualified affiliates within ninety days and receive $900

Expansion Bonus

The Expansion Bonus is paid when downline affiliates achieve Qualified qualification.

If a personally recruited affiliate becomes Qualified within thirty days of signing up, the affiliate who recruited them is paid a $25 Expansion Bonus.

A residual coded Expansion Bonus is also paid out as follows:

  • Manager receive up to $10
  • Senior receive up to $20
  • Area receive up to $45
  • District receive up to $55
  • Regional receive up to $65
  • National receive up to $75

The coded Expansion Bonus pays a maximum of $75.

When a MWR Financial affiliate achieves Qualified status, the system searches upline for a Manager or higher affiliate.

The first found affiliate is paid their portion of the coded Expansion Bonus.

Managers are paid $10, Areas are paid $45, Districts are paid $55 and so on.

What’s left is paid to higher ranked affiliates, until a National affiliate is found and the entire $75 is paid out.

Note that if a National affiliate is found upline, they receive what hasn’t been paid out of the $75 to lower ranked affiliates.

This can be as high as the entire $75 if they are the first upline affiliate found.

Daily Guarantee Commissions

MWR Financial pay a Daily Guarantee commission based on monthly Customer Points generated by an affiliate and those they personally recruit.

  • 9 Group Customer Points = $5 a day
  • 36 Group Customer Points = $20 a day
  • 150 Group Customer Points = $30 a day
  • 300 Group Customer Points = $50 a day
  • 550 Group Customer Points = $100 a day
  • 1100 Group Customer Points = $150 a day
  • 1750 Group Customer Points = $200 a day
  • 2750 Group Customer Points = $300 a day
  • 4250 Group Customer Points = $500 a day
  • 9250 Group Customer Points = $1000 a day

The above amounts are “paid as a topup against the previous month’s
earnings,  inclusive of Luxury Vehicle Club bonuses”.

Note that no more than one third of the monthly Group Customer Point amount can come from any one unilevel leg.

To qualify for Daily Guarantee Commissions, an affiliate must recruit and maintain three qualified affiliates and one retail customer subscription.

Check Match Bonus

MWR Financial pay a 25% check match on residual commissions earned by personally recruited affiliates (excluded Daily Guarantee commissions).

Presidential Bonus

Area Manager and higher ranked MWR Financial affiliates qualify for the Presidential Bonus.

The Presidential Bonus is paid out monthly, based on Customer Point generation by an affiliate and their personally recruited affiliates.

  • 225 Group Customer Points a month = $500 bonus
  • 750 Group Customer Points a month = $1000 bonus
  • 1750 Group Customer Points a month = $2500 bonus
  • 3750 Group Customer Points a month = $5000 bonus
  • 7500 Group Customer Points a month = $10,000 bonus
  • 11,250 Group Customer Points a month = $15,000 bonus
  • 18,750 Group Customer Points a month = $25,000 bonus
  • 37,500 Group Customer Points a month = $50,000 bonus
  • 75,000 Group Customer Points a month = $100,000 bonus

A 50% match is paid on the Presidential Bonus.

25% is paid to the first Presidential Bonus qualified affiliate.

The other 25% is paid to the first upline Presidential Bonus qualified affiliate earning a higher tier of the bonus.

Note that up to 33.3% of required group Customer Points can be sourced from any one unilevel leg.

Car Bonus

Senior Manager and higher ranked affiliates can qualify for a monthly Car Bonus payment as follows:

  • generate and maintain 200 group Customer Points a month = $500 Car Bonus
  • generate and maintain 500 group Customer Points a month = $1250 Car Bonus
  • generate and maintain 1750 group Customer Points a month = $3000 Car Bonus

Note that up to 33.3% of required group Customer Points can be sourced from any one unilevel leg.

Joining MWR Financial

MWR Financial affiliate membership is $99 and then $40 a month.

Affiliates who don’t pay the $40 a month fee are only paid non-MLM retail commissions.


I’m not really sure why MWR Financial exists.

MWR Life very much presents itself as a travel niche MLM company, based on their Travel Advantage VIP membership.

There’s no mention of the financial subscription on the front-end website.

Dig a little deeper though and, at least as of October 23rd, you’ll find MWR Life are still selling Financial Edge:

If I can subscribe to Financial Edge through MWR Life, why does MWR Financial exist?

Then there’s the whole “Financial Edge provided by a third-party merchant” thing.

Financial Edge is billed as a collection of services provided by Diversified Financial Services LLC. No information about Diversified Financial Services is provided.

My own research lead me down a wormhole of inactive LLCs, and that was only in Florida.

Key to Financial Edge being truly independent is Brian House having nothing to do with Diversified Financial Services.

And on that I’m not really sure.

House’s history directly ties him to services very much like what are offered through Diversified Financial Services.

From January 1991 to December 2016, House ran My Financial Advantage as Founder and CEO.

On House’s LinkedIn profile, My Financial Advantage is described as a

complete financial solutions company offering credit restoration, debt elimination & unlimited financial advice on demand.

Sound familiar?

Oh and fun fact, back in 2013 My Financial Advantage was pitched to TelexFree investors, who collectively would go on to lose over three billion dollars to the Ponzi scheme.

No word on whether that was factored into My Financial Advantage’s “financial solutions” for those that signed up.

If I didn’t know any better, Diversified Financial Services is just My Financial Advantage with a new name.

But, like I said, I wasn’t able to independently confirm so take it for what it is.

Moving on to MWR Financial’s compensation plan, I have mixed feelings about the implementation of retail.

First and foremost I have to question that if Financial Edge as a retail subscription, why did MWR Life change focus?

MWR Financial have made some great efforts to encourage retail sales, including upfront, coded and sliding-scale retail commissions and bonuses – but all of that is let down by the company’s qualification criteria.

3 Customer Points, all of which can be self-purchased.

2 points for maintaining a Financial Edge subscription and 1 point for continuing to pay your $40 a month affiliate fee.

That’s all that’s initially required to qualify for MLM commissions.

Ranking up in the MWR Financial compensation plan introduces recruitment requirement and higher Customer Point amounts.

The problem is the higher Customer Point amounts can be satisfied via recruitment. 2 points per personally recruited affiliate signed up to Financial Edge if I’m not mistaken.

This signing up for Financial Edge and then recruiting affiliates who do the same means an MWR Financial affiliate can ignore retail altogether.

It drags the opportunity into pyramid scheme territory. And the only reason for that is if Financial Edge isn’t viable as a standalone retail subscription.

As a prospect MWR Financial affiliate, try paying for Financial Edge for three months before committing as an affiliate.

It’ll cost you the same as an affiliate anyway, so you’re not losing anything by doing so.

If after three months as a retail subscriber you’re satisfied you can market Financial Edge to other retail customers, proceed.

If not… well, you have your answer.


Update 4th May 2024 – BehindMLM published an updated MWR Financial review on May 3rd, 2024.