Mether World operates in the cryptocurrency MLM niche.

The company claims it “was founded in 2020 in Estonia.”

To that end a corporate address in a tiny 1000 population village in Estonia is provided. Given this, it is likely Mether World exists in Estonia in name only.

Supporting this is SimilarWeb tracking 100% of traffic to Mether World’s website as coming from India.

No company ownership or executive information is provided on Mether World’s website.

For that we have to go to mCoin, represented as being a “service” tied to Mether World.

mCoin has its own website, on which the following executive team is provided:

  • Denis Shehu – CEO
  • Andrzej Adam – CMO
  • Daniel Weiss – MO
  • Robert Ciurkot – blockchain bro
  • Paul Smith – second blockchain bro

Social media accounts for Denis Shehu are provided. I clicked through the FaceBook and was the first thing I saw was Dubai:

Dubai is the MLM crime capital of the world.

Any MLM company operating out of Dubai automatically raises red flags. If it’s an MLM crypto company, I can all but guarantee it’s a scam.

I don’t know for sure if he is, but Shehu definately gives off Boris CEO vibes.

There’s something strange about a bunch of Europeans sitting in Dubai scamming only Indians.

From their own marketing, this is what Mether’s top affiliate leadership group look like.

Again I didn’t find anything conclusive, but I’m not inclined to buy the Dubai CEO schtick on this one.

What I did learn is Mether World is a reboot of a collapsed Ponzi scheme.

Mether World also goes by Mether Network. The company was originally launched with MNC Coin:

Through “Mether Digtial World”, Mether World pitched a 2.5% weekly ROI, paid out in MNC coins.

MNC were never publicly tradeable. They didn’t exist outside of Mether World – meaning when Mether World collapsed, investors were left bagholding worthless Ponzi points.

I haven’t been able to pinpoint an exact date, but Mether World’s original MNC Ponzi appears to have collapsed in early to mid 2021.

The reboot of Mether World saw it create mCoin shortly after. And that is what we’re taking a look at today.

Denis Shehu was part of the original Mether World launch but not as CEO. Instead you had these guys in charge:

I’m not 100% sure on the relationship between Andreas Vezonik’s “VolumeX” company and Mether World.

Anyway, whatever VolumeX was it doesn’t exist anymore. It was abandoned around July 2021 – likely when Mether World’s MNC Ponzi collapsed.

Today Andreas Vezonik runs “LeverageX”, presumably a continuation of VolumeX.


Update 23rd September 2022 – Andreas Vezonik has been in touch and states;

It is wrong that I had any connection to this company you are mentioning. They used me in their presentation without my knowledge after they ask me if I want to join.

They approached and wanted me to be “CEO”, I declined and they were pissed. So they started putting me in all presentations in Pakistan in India.

I have proof how their clients from Pakistan were texting me on Instagram to check if im really involved. I told all of them that I was not and warned the founders that its gonna get legal if they don’t stop mentioning my name as reference.

I hate these guys and I don’t want the article to be removed, not at all. They are scammers. But it’s wrong pulling me in.

Vezonik also insists VolumeX is “a running company with a running platform”. /end update


One thing is for sure, there’s a lot more Indian looking people in Mether World’s original marketing than there is now. This further supports Denis Shehu being a Boris CEO.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Mether World’s Products

Mether World has no retailable products or services.

Mether World affiliates are only able to market Mether World affiliate membership itself.

Mether World’s Compensation Plan

Mether World affiliates invest funds on the promise of advertised returns:

  • Bronze Package – invest $30 and receive nothing (see mCoin returns below)
  • Silver Starter Package – invest $90 and receive $3 a week for up to 90 weeks
  • Silver Standard Package – invest $270 and receive $6 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Silver Platinum Package – invest $450 and receive $10 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Gold Exclusive Package – invest $900 and receive $25 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Gold Pearl Package – invest $1800, ROI not disclosed
  • Gold Premium Package – invest $2700 and receive $60 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Gold Ultimate Package – invest $5400 and receive $110 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Platinum Professional Package – invest $10,800 and receive $225 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Platinum Master Package – invest $27,000 and receive $600 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Platinum Master Pro Package – invest $54,000 and receive $1200 a week for up to 100 weeks
  • Platinum Infinity Package – invest $100,000 and receive $2500 a week for up to 100 weeks

The “up to weeks” is stated because packages expire after 500% is reached. This includes the above returns as well as MLM commissions.

In order to continue earning beyond that, reinvestment is required. This includes payment of a €10 EUR fee.

Mether World affiliates also receive annual returns, paid in mCoin Ponzi points:

  • Bronze Package affiliates receive 150% annually for 365 days
  • Silver Starter through to Gold Exclusive Package affiliates receive 150% annually for 730 days
  • Gold Premium and Gold Ultimate Package affiliates receive 175% annually for 730 days
  • Platinum Professional and Platinum Master Package affiliates receive 200% annually for 730 days
  • Platinum Master Pro Package affiliates receive 250% annually for 730 days
  • Platinum Infinity Package affiliates receive 300% annually for 730 days

I didn’t see anything indicating mCoin ROIs counted towards the 500% ROI package cap.

The MLM side of Mether World pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Note that Bronze Package affiliates don’t qualify for MLM commissions.

Mether World Affiliate Ranks

There are ten affiliate ranks within Mether World’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Executive – sign up as a MetherWorld affiliate and generate $1500 in downline investment volume
  2. Senior Executive – recruit two Executives and generate $5000 in total downline investment volume
  3. Manager – recruit two Senior Executives and one Executive, and generate $15,000 in total downline investment volume
  4. Senior Manager – recruit two Managers and one Senior Executive, and generate $40,000 in total downline investment volume
  5. Diamond – recruit two Senior Managers and one Manager, and generate $75,000 in total downline investment volume
  6. Blue Diamond – recruit two Diamonds and one Senior Manager, and generate $200,000 in total downline investment volume
  7. Director – recruit two Blue Diamonds and one Diamond, and generate $500,000 in total downline investment volume
  8. President – recruit two Directors and generate $1,000,000 in total downline investment volume
  9. Ambassador – recruit two Presidents and generate $5,000,000 in total downline investment volume
  10. Crown Ambassador – recruit two Ambassadors and generate $10,000,000 in total downline investment volume

Introduction Bonus

The Introduction Bonus rewards affiliates for recruiting Bronze Package affiliates.

The Introduction Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Mether World caps the Introduction Bonus at nine levels of recruitment.

The Introduction Bonus is paid per Bronze Package affiliate recruited as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – $15
  • level 2 – $1
  • levels 3 to 9 – 50 cents

Referral Commissions

Mether World affiliates earn a 10% referral commission on recruitment of Silver Starter Package and higher tier affiliates.

Residual Commissions (investment)

Mether World pays residual commissions on funds invested by recruited affiliates.

Investment residual commissions are paid out via a binary team compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day Mether World tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid a percentage of funds invested on their weaker binary team side.

Residual commission percentage amounts are determined by rank:

  • Executives receive a 5% residual commission rate
  • Senior Executive receive a 7% residual commission rate
  • Managers receive a 9% residual commission rate
  • Senior Managers receive an 11% residual commission rate
  • Diamonds receive a 13% residual commission rate
  • Blue Diamonds receive a 15% residual commission rate
  • Directors receive an 18% residual commission rate
  • Presidents receive a 21% residual commission rate
  • Ambassadors receive a 23% residual commission rate
  • Crown Ambassadors receive a 25% residual commission rate

Matching Bonus

Mether World pays a Matching Bonus on residual ROI commissions.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of referral and residual ROI commissions paid to personally recruited affiliates.

Mether World pays the Matching Bonus via the same unilevel team the Introduction Bonus is paid with (see “Introduction Bonus” above):

  • Managers earn a 5% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • Senior Managers earn a 5% match on level 1 and 3% on level 2
  • Diamonds earn a 5% match on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 2% on level 3
  • Blue Diamonds earn a 5% match on level 1, 3% on level 2 and 2% on levels 3 to 5
  • Directors earn a 5% match on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on levels 3 to 5 and 1% on levels 6 and 7
  • Presidents and higher earn a 5% match on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on levels 3 to 5, 1% on levels 6 to 8 and 2% on level 9

Residual Commissions (mCoin)

Mether World pays residual commissions via the same unilevel team structure the Introduction Bonus is paid with (see “Introduction Bonus” above).

Residual commissions are paid in mCoin, as a percentage of mCoin returns paid to unilevel team affiliates.

Mether World caps residual commissions at eighteen unilevel team levels:

  • level 1 – 1%
  • level 2 – 1.5%
  • level 3 – 2%
  • level 4 – 2.5%
  • level 5 – 3%
  • level 6 – 2.5%
  • level 7 – 2%
  • level 8 – 1.5%
  • levels 9 to 18 – 1%

Rank Achievement Bonus

Mether World rewards Senior Executives and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Senior Executive and receive a $200 luxury watch
  • qualify at Manager and receive a $600 Apple iPhone
  • qualify at Senior Manager and receive a $1000 MacBook
  • qualify at Diamond and receive a $4000 “Single Europe Trip”
  • qualify at Blue Diamond and receive a $10,000 “Couple Europe Trip”
  • qualify at Director and receive a $25,000 Innova Crysta
  • qualify at President and receive a $50,000 BMW
  • qualify at Ambassador and receive a $150,000 Porsche
  • qualify at Crown Ambassador and receive a $300,000  Rolls Royce

Joining Mether World

Mether World affiliate membership is tied to an initial $30 to $100,000 investment.

After receiving a 500% ROI or 90 to 100 weeks expires, reinvestment is required to continue earning.

Mether World solicits investment in fiat, bitcoin, mCoin and tether.

Mether World Conclusion

Mether World is a simple MLM crypto Ponzi scheme.

You sign up, you invest, people steal your money and then you steal money invested after you. That’s the business in a nutshell.

With nothing marketed or sold to retail customers, the MLM side of Mether World operates as a pyramid scheme.

I wish I had something conclusive to tie Mether World to India beyond probability. There’s little bits and pieces everywhere but nothing definitive.

Mind you it doesn’t matter where Mether World is run from, but it would confirm Denis Shehu and what’s left of his team are just playing executives.

In any event, we need only look as far as MNC Coin to see Mether World’s future.

As per the April 2021 promo above, MNC Coin had it’s own website up at “”.

At time of publication that domain is for sale.

When Mether World inevitably collapses again, which shouldn’t be too much longer at this rate…

…mCoin will be abandoned and history will repeat itself.

The math behind MLM Ponzi schemes guarantees the majority of investors lose money.