Jump to Health operates in the health and wellness MLM niche.

The company launched in late 2018 and is based out of New York in the US.

Heading up Jump to Health is founder and CEO Audrey Sommerfeld.

As per Sommerfeld’s Jump to Health corporate bio;

She began her career marketing and developing products for brands like Oil of Olay, Mylanta, Johnsons Baby, Neutrogena, and other notable products and companies.

She fell in love with Direct Sales at Herbalife where she worked on global product management in over 60 countries.

She then joined a start up at the time in ViSalus, helping drive growth with new products, new platforms, new tools and trainings, and more.

She and her team have come together to create Jump to Health.

Sommerfeld was hired by Visalus as Vice President of Marketing and Brand Development in 2007. According to her LinkedIn profile, she left the company in 2013.

After Visalus Sommerfeld worked in some non-MLM roles before launching Jump to Health.

Read on for a full review of Jump to Health’s MLM opportunity.

Jump to Health’s Products

Jump to Health markets nutritional supplements with an anti-media slant;

Learning how to live better involves not buying into what the media tells us is healthy.

Jump to Health claims its product range ‘fills in the nutritional gaps so you can have more energy, more results, more rewards.’

Nutritional supplements featured on Jump to Health’s website include:

  • Control – “combines ingredients that can help curb hunger, boost energy, support metabolism”, retails at $42.50 for 60 capsules
  • Core Shake – “for healthy nutrition and weight management, contains lecithin for healthy benefits”, retails at $60 for a pouch of 22 servings
  • Excelerade – “a healthy, clean energy drink for your body, and your brain”, retails at $48.75 for a tub of 20 servings
  • Fat and Carb Shield – “can help you stay on track and help off set some of the negative effects of fats and carbs plus blocks the absorption of sugar”, retails at $45 for 60 capsules
  • Fiber Pro – “provides a blend of two different types of prebiotic fibers, to help support optimal regularity, immune support and overall good digestive health”, retails at $27.50 for a bottle of 30 servings
  • Fruit Power – “provides antioxidants and super food nutrients from the earth and sea”, retails at $27.50 for 60 capsules
  • Ignite – “fuel your brain, curb your hunger, and burn fat with this ice cream flavor powder”, retails at $42.50 for a bottle of 22 servings
  • Joint Ease re:leaf – “maintaining joint health and providing relief from discomfort”, retails at $78.13 for 30 capsules
  • KeTonic – “for fast ketosis (fat burning), boost mood, focus and energy without caffeine”, retails at $74.95 for a bottle of 15 servings
  • Tea Energy – “contains 3 types of concentrated tea extracts, each with healthy benefits”, retails at $34 for a bottle of 30 servings
  • V Pro – ” plant based protein drink mix is a convenient way to add heart healthy protein to your diet”, retails at $55 for a pouch of 22 servings
  • Veggie Power – “offers concentrated nutrients from botanicals and vegetables to help you get the antioxidants and nutrients you deserve”, retails at $27.50 for 60 capsules

Jump to Health also offer their products in a wide range of themed bundle-packs.

Jump to Health’s Compensation Plan

Jump to Health’s compensation plan pays residual commissions through a unilevel team.

A residual commission Matching Bonus is also available, along with tiered retail commissions and performance-based bonuses.

Affiliate Ranks

There are nine affiliate ranks within Jump to Health’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Associate – sign up as a Jump to Health affiliate (no commissions paid)
  • Active Affiliate (Executive) – generate and maintain 125 PV a month
  • Bronze – generate and maintain 125 PV and 1500 GV a month, recruit and maintain three affiliates (at least one Active Affiliate or higher), and make and maintain one retail customer sale
  • Silver – maintain 125 PV a month, generate 5000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Active Affiliates or higher, have one Bronze in your unilevel team and make and maintain two retail customer sales
  • Gold – maintain 125 PV a month, generate 10,000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Active Affiliates or higher, have one Silver and one Bronze in separate unilevel team legs, and make and maintain three retail customer sales
  • Platinum – maintain 125 PV a month, generate 25,000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Active Affiliates or higher, have one Gold, one Silver and one Bronze in separate unilevel team legs, and maintain three retail customer sales
  • Diamond – maintain 125 PV a month, generate 75,000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Active Affiliates or higher, have one Platinum, one Gold and one Silver in separate unilevel team legs, and maintain three retail customer sales
  • Double Diamond – maintain 125 PV a month, generate 200,000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Active Affiliates or higher, have one Diamond and one Platinum in separate unilevel team legs, and maintain three retail customer sales
  • Triple Diamond – maintain 125 PV a month, generate 500,000 GV a month, maintain three personally recruited Active Affiliates or higher, have one Double Diamond and one Diamond in separate unilevel team legs, and maintain three retail customer sales

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by retail sales and an affiliate’s own orders.

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.

Note that for rank qualification, no more than 60% of required GV can come from any one unilevel team leg.

To count towards retail customer order criteria, orders must be at least $22.

Retail Commissions

Jump to Health affiliates earn a 25% commission on the sale of products to retail customers.

A Customer Sales Bonus further increases retail commissions, based on monthly generated PV:

  • generate up to $999 in monthly sales and receive a 10% Customer Sales Bonus
  • generate $1000 to $1999 in monthly sales and receive a 15% Customer Sales Bonus
  • generate $2000+ in monthly sales and receive a 20% Customer Sales Bonus

Note that despite the Customer Sales Bonus name, qualifying PV also includes a Jump to Health affiliate’s own orders.

Finally, if a Jump to Health affiliate signs up three preferred customers in the month, they receive a credit on their next monthly autoship order.

The credited amount is equal to the lowest of the three new autoship orders placed.

Recruitment Commissions

Jump to Health affiliates earn a Jump Start Bonus when personally recruited affiliates either sign up with a Jump Start Package or purchase one within their first thirty days.

The Jump Start Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Jump to Health caps the Jump Start Bonus at four unilevel team levels:

  • Active Affiliates earn a 20% Jump Start Bonus on level 1
  • Bronzes earn a 20% Jump Start Bonus on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Silvers earn a 20% Jump Start Bonus on level 1 and 10% on level 2
  • Golds earn a 20% Jump Start Bonus on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3
  • Platinums and Diamonds earn a 20% Jump Start Bonus on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4
  • Double and Triple Diamonds earn a 20% Jump Start Bonus on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on level 4

Note that the wording for the Jump Start Bonus in Jump to Health’s compensation plan is ambiguous;

Independent Jump to Health Executives and above earn a one time Jump Start bonus for helping a personally enrolled Executive promote the Jump to Health product contents of their optional Jump Start Package within 30 days of enrollment.

Promote sounds as if a sale has to be made but the Jump Start Package is referred to in the possessive.

This leads me to believe it is the purchase of the Jump Start Package within 30 days by the recruited affiliate that triggers the Jump Start Bonus, as opposed to any promotion.

Residual Commissions

Jump to Health pays residual commissions via the same unilevel team used to pay recruitment commissions (see above).

Residual commissions are paid on GV, excluding sales volume generated by sign-up orders placed by newly recruited affiliates.

Jump to Health caps residual commissions at eight unilevel team levels.

How many levels a Jump to Health affiliate earns residual commissions on is based on rank:

  • Executives earn 3% on levels 1 and 2
  • Bronzes earn 3% on levels 1 and 2 and 4% on level 3
  • Silvers earn 3% on levels 1 and 2 and 4% on levels 3 and 4
  • Golds earn 3% on levels 1 and 2 and 4% on levels 3 to 5
  • Platinums earn 3% on levels 1 and 2 and 4% on levels 3 to 6
  • Diamonds earn 3% on levels 1 and 2, 4% on levels 3 to 5, 5% on level 6 and 2% on level 7
  • Double Diamonds earn 3% on levels 1 and 2, 4% on levels 3 to 5, 5% on level 6 and 3% on level 7
  • Triple Diamonds earn 3% on levels 1 and 2, 4% on levels 3 to 5, 5% on level 6, 4% on level 7 and 2% on level 8

Matching Bonus

The Matching Bonus is paid on residual commissions earned by unilevel team level affiliates.

Jump to Health caps the Matching Bonus on up to four unilevel team levels:

  • Golds earn a 10% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 5% on level 2
  • Platinums earn a 10% match on levels 1 and 2
  • Diamonds earn a 20% match on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3
  • Double Diamonds earn a 20% match on level 1 and 10% on levels 2 and 3
  • Triple Diamonds earn a 20% match on level 1, 10% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on level 4

Business Bonuses

Business Bonuses are a four-tier bonus structure affiliates qualify for by building their downline and corresponding GV.

  • generate 125 PV in a month and recruit three personally MLM qualified affiliates = $50 Business Starter Bonus
  • generate 125 PV and 875 GV in a month = $100 Business Bonus
  • generate 125 PV and 3875 GV in a month = $400 Business Bonus
  • generate 125 PV and 9875 GV in a month = $1500 Mentoring Bonus

Business Bonus qualification is monthly recurring and paid on the highest tier qualified for.

Note that no more than 40% of required GV can come from any one unilevel team leg.

The Business Bonus and higher tiers also require maintenance of three MLM commission qualified personally recruited affiliates.

Real Bonus

The Real Bonus is an ongoing monthly bonus tied to rank:

  • qualify at Bronze with 1500 monthly GV and receive $100
  • qualify at Silver with 5000 monthly GV and receive $250
  • qualify at Gold with 10,000 monthly GV and receive $500
  • qualify at Platinum with 25,000 monthly GV and receive $1000
  • qualify at Diamond with 75,000 monthly GV and receive $2000
  • qualify at Double Diamond with 200,000 monthly GV and receive $3000
  • qualify at Triple Diamond with 500,000 monthly GV and receive $6000

Global Leadership Bonus

Jump to Health places 2% of company-wide sales volume into a Global Leadership Bonus pool.

Platinum and higher ranked affiliates receive one share per 20,000 GV they generate in a month.

Diamond and higher ranked affiliates receive a bonus match on GV generated by personally recruited Diamond and higher ranked affiliates.

This bonus GV is put towards the affiliate’s Global Leadership Bonus pool GV tally at the end of each month.

The Global Leadership Bonus pool is calculated and qualified for monthly.

Joining Jump to Health

Jump to Health affiliate membership is $79 annually or $9.95 a month.

Recruitment commissions are tied to an affiliate purchasing a Jump Start Package, either when they sign up or within their first thirty days.

The are two Jump Start Packages featured on Jump to Health’s website:

Jump Start Keto Basic – Jump Start weight loss and reset your body with the power of a keto lifestyle.

Jump Start Keto Advanced – Keto Advance provides the same benefits as our Keto Basic kit with the addition of Keto Energy!

Jump Start Keto Basic retails for $173, Jump Start Keto Advanced for $211.25. It is unclear whether these are the same prices Jump to Health affiliates pay.


I believe enough time passed between Audrey Sommerfeld leaving Visalus and launching Jump to Health, to disqualify it as a clone.

However that’s not to say some Visalus inspiration might have gone into Jump to Health’s launch.

As a stand-alone MLM company, nothing much in the product line stood out to me. That’s not to say any of it was bad, just that I think you’ll find readily equivalents in local stores and online.

Our nutrition products were designed to fill nutritional gaps from prebiotic fiber (helps support good gut health, mood, memory and more) to protein, fruit & vegetable phytonutrients.

I’d like to think if anyone was lacking in the above areas it’s nothing that can’t be fixed by assessing your diet. On the other hand I know that for some people that’s not how things work in the real world.

Nothing standing out in Jump to Health’s product range isn’t necessarily a negative. For one it makes price comparison straight forward.

The first stand-alone product featured in Jump to Health’s online catalog is Control.

Jump Kick Control contains about 75 mg of caffeine (about 1/3 to ½ cup of coffee) from guarana, has green tea extract, and chromium that supports healthy blood sugar levels in the normal range.

A quick search of “75 mg caffeine green tea extract chromium” reveals competing products priced at $20-$25. Control is $42.50.

This was just a ballpark search. If you’re seriously comparing Jump to Health’s range to the competition you’ll obviously want to sketch things out in more detail.

The point is that while Jump to Health’s supplements span a wide range of niches within wellness, the retail sales pitch might be a challenge.

This is typically why you’ll see nutrition based MLM companies hitch themselves to a flagship product, something you can’t easily find elsewhere for cheaper.

Moving onto the compensation plan, what I liked to see were baked in retail sales qualifiers – although I’m not sure how effective they are.

Jump to Health’s current compensation plan states;

We estimate that a typical plan participant will earn between $500 and $1,500 per year in commissions, exclusive of retail profits.

Presumably this is across the lower ranks.

Bronze, Silver and Gold respectively require one, two and three $22 min retail orders for rank qualification. Granted that’s a minimum order amount, but it’s still just under half of the 125 PV (not $) required for rank qualification and maintenance.

Also I’m not sure how strictly Jump to Health police retail sales.

RETAIL SALES: The sale of Jump to Health product to a retail customer through the purchase and resell of product or through online referral sales.

The purchase component it easy to track. Historically MLM companies don’t have the best track record when it comes to  ensuring affiliates don’t inventory hoard and actually make retail sales.

I couldn’t find any literature on how Jump to Health track actual retail sales beyond “I’m buying all this stuff to retail resell, promise!”

Jump to HEalth Independent Executives certify that when he or she orders product from Jump to HEalth. 70% of product has been soled [sic] before reorders are made.

Sounds to be me like an honesty system, and we know how that plays out.

I’ll give Jump to Health the benefit of the doubt (if anyone wants to chime in the comments below to clarify that’d be great), but without retail order tracking this renders the three $22 min retail orders for rank qualification as pseudo-compliance.

I’m emphasizing this as it ties into the questionable retail viability of Jump to Health’s products.

The other things I liked to see were tiered retail bonuses and the autoship incentive. It’s nice for an MLM company to provide affiliates with an autoship discount when they generate retail autoships, as opposed to recruited affiliate autoship orders.

Jump to Health aren’t alone in this though, and it’s not enough to differentiate them.

The rest of the compensation plan was standard fare.

What I think the go here is firstly identify which of Jump to Health’s products you’d be interested in as a retail customer (no attached income opportunity).

Treat that like any other purchase and do your price comparison research. If Jump to Health comes out on top, great! Try the products as a customer and if you think you can create a market, signing up as an affiliate can be trialed for just $9.95 a month.

If you can’t justify the cost of Jump to Health’s products over similar offerings, you’re likely to run into this wall when attempting to market the products yourself.