Gameas provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

The company’s website serves only as a signup form for recruited affiliates. Existing Gameas affiliates are also able to log in.

Gameas’ website domain (“”) was first registered in April 2020. The private registration was last updated on March 3rd, 2021.

Gameas’ current website went live in April 2021. This suggests the company’s owners took possession of the domain in March.

Alexa currently ranks the top sources of traffic to Gameas’ website as Panama (34%), Cameroon (15%) and Ecuador (10%).

I noticed Gameas’ official compensation plan uses periods to denote $1000s instead of commas.

This is a standard seen typically in non-English speaking countries. It suggests whoever is running Gameas isn’t from a native English speaking country.

On official Gameas webinars, the individual on the right is represented as Gameas’ CEO.

With a bit of research I was able to identify this person as Dionisio Simoes.

According to Simoes’ official LinkedIn profile he’s based out of Lisboa, Portugal.

As per social media posts related to Gameas, in early May Simoes’ traveled to Dubai.

Although there has always been MLM related fraud in the UAE, since 2020 in particular Dubai has emerged as a safe haven for MLM scammers.

As of May 30th Simoes is still in the UAE. In the latest Gameas webinar I could find Simoes talks about opening a “head office” in Dubai.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Gameas’ Products

Gameas has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Gameas affiliate membership itself.

Gameas’ Compensation Plan

Gameas affiliates invest bitcoin on the promise of an advertised 200% ROI.

Gameas’ official compensation material states the 200% ROI is paid out at a rate of 4% daily.

  • Pack 10 – $10
  • Pack 25 – $25
  • Pack 50 – $50
  • Pack 100 – $100
  • Pack 200 – $200
  • Pack 300 – $300
  • Pack 500 – $500
  • Pack 1000 – $1000
  • Pack 2000 – $2000
  • Pack 3000 – $3000
  • Pack 5000 – $5000

Note that although quoted investment amounts are in USD, Gameas only solicits investment in bitcoin.

Presumably this means Gameas also pay out returns and all commissions in bitcoin too.

The MLM side of Gameas sees commissions paid on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Recruitment Commissions

Gameas affiliates earn 12% of bitcoin invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions

Gameas pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day Gameas tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.

A 12% residual commission is paid on funds invested on the weaker binary team side.

Note that Gameas caps daily residual commissions based on how much an affiliate has invested:

  • Pack 10 affiliates can earn up to $10 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 25 affiliates can earn up to $25 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 50 affiliates can earn up to $50 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 100 affiliates can earn up to $100 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 200 affiliates can earn up to $200 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 300 affiliates can earn up to $300 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 500 affiliates can earn up to $500 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 1000 affiliates can earn up to $1000 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 2000 affiliates can earn up to $2000 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 3000 affiliates can earn up to $3000 in residual commissions daily
  • Pack 5000 affiliates can earn up to $5000 in residual commissions daily

Once weaker binary team volume is paid out on, it is matched against the strong binary team side and flushed.

Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Gameas rewards affiliates with bonuses for generating accumulated weaker binary team side investment volume.

  • generate $150,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive $1000
  • generate $300,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive $2000
  • generate $500,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a “premium smartphone” valued at $1000
  • generate $750,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a Macbook valued at $1500
  • generate $1,500,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a motorcycle valued at $5000
  • generate $3,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a Chevrolet Onix
  • generate $,5000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a Toyota Corolla
  • generate $10,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive and receive a Mercedes Benz A180
  • generate $25,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a Mercedes Benz GLC
  • generate $50,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a BMW 180
  • generate $100,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume and receive a “mansion” valued at $250,000

Joining Gameas

Gameas affiliate membership is tied to an initial $10 to $5000 investment paid in bitcoin.

Note that after a 200% ROI is reached, reinvestment is required to continue earning.


Gameas represents it generates external revenue via

the best team of traders in cryptocurrencies, forex, arbitration and multimarket.

I have no idea what a “multimarket” is but trading is the most typical ruse used by MLM crypto Ponzi schemes.

Gameas provides no evidence of trading or any other external source of revenue.

Furthermore Gameas is quite upfront about offering a passive investment opportunity:

This is important, because passive investment MLM opportunities are a securities offering.

Gameas fails to provide evidence it has registered its securities offering in any jurisdiction.

This means thatĀ at a minimumĀ Gameas is committing securities fraud. Securities fraud is illegal the world over.

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering Gameas is new investment.

Using new investment to pay existing affiliates 4% a day makes Gameas a Ponzi scheme.

Paying commissions on affiliate investor recruitment adds an additional pyramid layer.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Gameas of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

Comments left on Gameas’ official Facebook page suggest this happened two weeks ago:

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.

TL;DR: Don’t send bitcoin to scammers on the impossible promise of 4% a day.