ezzy-earn-logoThere is no information on the Ezzy Earn website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Ezzy Earn website domain (“ezzyearn.com”) was registered on the 21st of July 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

Alexa currently estimate that 78% of all traffic to the Ezzy Earn website originates out of Bangladesh. This strongly suggests that whoever is running Ezzy Earn is also based out of Bangladesh.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Ezzy Earn Product Line

Ezzy Earn has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Ezzy Earn affiliate membership itself.

The Ezzy Earn Compensation Plan

Ezzy Earn affiliates earn money by signing up and then “installing some apps”.

Ezzy Earn do not disclose the nature of these apps on their website.

Referral commissions are paid out on app earnings by affiliates, via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):


If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliates unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of commissions earned by affiliates in a unilevel team.

Ezzy Earn don’t disclose specific referral commissions, but do state an affiliate can earn 25% ‘from up to 7 levels’ and 100% from level 8 onward.

Whether this is effectively a 100% matching bonus or not is unclear.

Joining Ezzy Earn

Ezzy Earn affiliate membership is $20 for one app license or $90 for five licenses.

An app license is required to get paid via a downloadable Ezzy Earn app that functions as an affiliate backoffice.

A free Ezzy Earn affiliate membership is available, however it must be upgraded to paid membership within 15 days.


Earn is really very Ezzy with us. Perfect app that makes your free time to earn more and more money from unlimited referrals

With smart phones these days pretty much being mini computers, they should be run as such.

Would you install software you didn’t know anything about, from a company you don’t even who know is running things?

Granted Ezzy Earn unlikely own the apps they require affiliates to install, but still.

And with respect to the MLM opportunity, how does installing some apps generate income anyway?

The Ezzy Earn website does mention advertising as follows:

App Promotion Becomes Very easy With Huge Network of EzzyEarn.

EzzyEarn is a New Advertisement Platform Through which Advertisers can Take Benefit of Our 100% Genuine Network.

That to me sounds like they’re leveraging Ezzy Earn affiliate numbers to get paid on app installs. Not the best return on advertising dollars spent, as Ezzy Earn affiliates are primarily signed up on the premise of an MLM income opportunity.

Meanwhile the Ezzy Earn affiliate fee (license) seems to be grossly inflated.

Ezzy Earn’s app doesn’t do anything other than track affiliate earnings via a mobile backoffice. Is that really worth $20?

And how long on average would it take an Ezzy Pay affiliate to earn back their $20 license spend and be in profit?

On top of the MLM referral commissions paid out I can’t image app install commissions being all that much.

The good news is that the affiliate license fee doesn’t appear to be commissionable, so there’s no chain-recruitment going on.

Commissions are generated via app installs, which are presented as being funded by third-party app developers engaging Ezzy Earn to advertise.

Whether or not that’s attractive to you as an MLM income opportunity however is another matter.