Diva Secret International operates in the nutritional supplement MLM niche.

The company is based out of Malaysia and headed up by founder John Britto (aka Prospero JB).

Britto’s Diva Secret International corporate bio details a legal background.

John Britto- LLB(London) began his career as a Legal Advisor in Statsym Berhad.

His expertise were then, in Labour Court matters where he began to love the interaction with people from all walks of life. This earned him the moniker “people’s man.”

Despite a cited “more than fifteen years” involvement in MLM, no specifics are provided.

Further research reveals that before founding Diva Secret International, Britto was promoting SuperLife World.

SuperLife World was a Malaysian MLM pyramid scheme targeting Africa.

SuperLife World abandoned its FaceBook page in September 2022. Today the company’s website is not accessible, suggesting SuperLife World collapsed around that time.

This coincides with Diva Secret International’s website domain being registered on August 3rd, 2022. Diva Secret International would go on to launch in September 2022.

I can’t speak to most of last year but, outside of Cameroon, whatever recruitment in Africa Diva Secret International was able to capture has since died out.

As of December 2023, SimilarWeb tracked top sources of traffic to Diva Secret International’s website as Cameroon (31%), the Philippines (25%), the US (16%), South Africa (11%) and Thailand (9%).

Outside of the US and South Africa, Diva Secret International recruitment appears to be stagnant.

Read on for a full review of Diva Secret International’s MLM opportunity.

Diva Secret International’s Products

Diva Secret International markets a stem cell supplement they call Diva Secret Stem Cells.

Diva Secret Stem Cells possess an incredible potential that has left everyone in awe.

These remarkable stem cells hold the key to unlocking the secrets of our bodies’ regenerative abilities, offering a tantalizing glimpse into a future where the limitations of healing are shattered.

Diva Secret Stem Cells are like a key that holds the potential to unlock the secrets of regeneration and rejuvenation.

They possess a unique combination of ingredients with the awe-inspiring ability to let cells self-renew and repair damaged or diseased tissues, setting the stage for groundbreaking recovery within the body, letting you live a holistic life.

No peer-reviewed studies are provided to back up Diva Secret International’s marketing claims.

Diva Secret International fails to provide retail pricing for Diva Secret Stem Cells on its website.

Diva Secret International’s Compensation Plan

Diva Secret International affiliates sign up and purchase Diva Secret Stem Cells.

  • Starter – $32.50
  • Bronze – $62.50
  • Silver – $112.50
  • Gold – $450
  • Diamond – $1100

Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

Diva Secret International Affiliate Ranks

There are eight affiliate ranks within Diva Secret International’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Affiliate – sign up as a Diva Secret International affiliate
  • Executive – receive $3000 in commissions and bonuses
  • Star Executive – receive $5000 in commissions and bonuses
  • Star Manager – receive $10,000 in commissions and bonuses
  • Star Director – receive $25,000 in commissions and bonuses
  • Diamond Director – receive $50,000 in commissions and bonuses
  • Crown Director – receive $150,000 in commissions and bonuses
  • President – receive $300,000 in commissions and bonuses

Recruitment Commissions

Each Diva Secret International affiliate membership corresponds to sales volume (BV):

  • Starter – 22.5 BV
  • Bronze – 45 BV
  • Silver – 90 BV
  • Gold – 380 BV
  • Diamond – 900 BV

Recruitment commissions are paid as a dollar percentage of the above sales volume amounts:

  • Starter tier affiliates receive a 20% recruitment commission rate
  • Bronze tier affiliates receive a 25% recruitment commission rate
  • Silver tier affiliates receive a 30% recruitment commission rate
  • Gold tier affiliates receive a 35% recruitment commission rate
  • Diamond tier affiliates receive a 40% recruitment commission rate

Note that Diva Secret International’s recruitment commissions are coded. This means that 40% is paid out on all new recruitment BV.

When an affiliate ranked less than Diamond recruits a new affiliate, the commission percentage difference between their rate and 40% is passed upline.

Practically speaking, higher ranked Diva Secret International ranked affiliates receive differential recruitment commission rates on downline recruitment efforts.

Key In Bonus

The Key In Bonus is a bonus recruitment commission paid only to Diamond tier affiliates.

  • recruit a Bronze affiliate and receive $1.50
  • recruit a Silver affiliate and receive $3
  • recruit a Gold affiliate and receive $12
  • recruit a Diamond affiliate and receive $30

Residual Commissions (binary)

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day Diva Secret International tallies up how many boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells have been sold, corresponding to recruitment.

Residual binary commissions are paid based on paired boxes, one on both sides of the binary team.

  • Starter tier affiliates receive $4 on their first pair and then $2 per pair thereafter
  • Bronze tier affiliates receive $4 on their first two pairs and then $2 per pair thereafter
  • Silver tier affiliates receive $4 on their first four pairs and then $2 per pair thereafter
  • Gold tier affiliates receive $4 on their first eight pairs and then $2 per pair thereafter
  • Diamond tier affiliates receive $4 on their first twenty pairs and then $2 per pair thereafter

Note that Diva Secret International caps residual binary commissions based on how much an affiliate has spent on fees:

  • Starter tier affiliates can earn up to $16 a day
  • Bronze tier affiliates can earn up to $64 a day
  • Silver tier affiliates can earn up to $136 a day
  • Gold tier affiliates can earn up to $432 a day
  • Diamond tier affiliates do not have a residual commission cap

Residual Commissions (unilevel)

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Diva Secret International caps payable unilevel team levels at eleven.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of sales volume generated across these levels based on how much a Diva Secret International affiliate has spent:

  • Bronze tier affiliates receive 3% on levels 1 to 3
  • Silver tier affiliates receive 3% on levels 1 to 6
  • Gold tier affiliates receive 3% on levels 1 to 9
  • Diamond tier affiliates receive 3% on levels 1 to 12

Note that Diva Secret International market their “unilevel bonus” as a 2×12 matrix. I’m going with how it’s named but this could also be a forced matrix commission structure.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Diva Secret International rewards affiliates for qualifying at Executive and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Executive and receive $50
  • qualify at Star Executive and receive $150
  • qualify at Star Manager and receive $300
  • qualify at Star Director and receive $500
  • qualify at Diamond Director and receive $1000
  • qualify at Crown Director and receive $2500
  • qualify at President and receive $5000

Inventory Loading Bonuses

Diva Secret International rewards affiliates for inventory loading (buying more product then they could ever possibly consume).

  • Sub-Stockist (sign up as a Diamond, purchase three more Diamond packages (160 boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells)) – receive 3000 PINS and receive 3% on generated sales volume
  • Stockist (sign up as a Diamond, purchase six more Diamond packages (280 boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells)) – receive 6000 PINS and receive 7% of generated sales volume
  • Country Representative (sign up as a Diamond, purchase ten more Diamond packages (440 boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells)) – receive 10,000 PINS and receive 10% of generated sales volume

Not really sure what PINS are but it appears to be a recruitment tool.

Joining Diva Secret International

Diva Secret International affiliate membership costs between $32.50 and $1100.

  • Starter – $32.50 for one box of Diva Secret Stem Cells
  • Bronze – $62.50 for two boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells
  • Silver – $112.50 for four boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells
  • Gold – $450 for sixteen boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells
  • Diamond – $1100 for forty boxes of Diva Secret Stem Cells

Diva Secret International Conclusion

For all intents and purposes, Diva Secret International is a reboot of SuperLife World.

Both schemes combine pyramid recruitment with a stem cell supplement, marketed on illegal unsubstantiated medical claims.

The primary difference between SuperLife World and Diva Secret International is this time around, John Britto is running the show.

The key problem with Diva Secret International’s business model is nothing is marketed to or sold to retail customers.

Instead you sign up, pay a fee and then get paid on recruitment of SuperLife World affiliates.

Pay to play is also a problem, with how much an affiliate spends when they sign up dictating income potential.

Diva Secret International appears to make a conscious effort to evage regulators and health authorities in Malaysia, by not actively promoting itself locally.

This is also something SuperLife World did.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

This will see existing affiliate stop purchasing to earn, eventually resulting in a collapse.

The math behind pyramid schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.

This happened with SuperLife World and will inevitably happen again with Diva Secret International.