day-cash-out-logoThere is no information on the Day Cash Out website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Day Cash Out website domain (“”) was registered on the 9th of March 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Day Cash Out Product Line

Day Cash Out has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Day Cash Out affiliate membership itself.

Bundled with Day Cash Out affiliate membership is access to an ebook library.

The Day Cash Out Compensation Plan

The Day Cash Out compensation plan sees affiliates pay $11 to sign up and earn commissions when they recruit others who do the same.

Commissions in Day Cash Out are paid via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):


If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Day Cash Out cap payable unilevel levels at fifteen, with commissions paid out as a percentage of $10 out of the $11 every newly recruited affiliate pays.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 35%
  • levels 2 and 3 – 10%
  • levels 4 to 11 – 5%
  • level 12 – 2%
  • levels 13 to 15 – 1%

Joining Day Cash Out

Affiliate membership with Day Cash Out is $11.


With nothing being marketed to or sold to retail customers, Day Cash Out is a simple $11 buy-in pyramid scheme.

Affiliates pay $11 to qualify to receive commissions, with commissions paid out when they recruit others who do the same.

As with all such recruitment-driven schemes, once recruitment of new affiliates slows down, commission payouts will cease.

This eventually triggers a collapse, which mathematically guarantees the majority of Day Cash Out affiliates will lose out.