Cryptoption fails to provide verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

Cryptoption is purportedly headed up by CEO Divnendu Tiwari:

Tiwari doesn’t exist outside of Cryptoption’s website. This is a red flag and suggests either an alias is being used and/or a stolen social media photo.

Cryptoption’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on July 27th, 2023.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Cryptoption’s Products

Cryptoption has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Cryptoption affiliate membership itself.

Cryptoption’s Compensation Plan

Cryptoption affiliates invest 100 tether (USDT) or more.

This is done on the promise of 1.5% a day, capped at 500% (this includes MLM commissions).

Cryptoption pays referral commissions on invested USDT down two levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10 USDT per month per investment made
  • level 2 – 5 USDT per month per investment made

Note that once 500% is reached, reinvestment is required to continue earning.

Although not explicitly clarified, I believe hitting the 500% ROI cap cancels out existing referral commissions.

Joining Cryptoption

Cryptoption affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 100 USDT investment.

Cryptoption Conclusion

Cryptoption represents it generates external revenue via trading.

With our team of seasoned experts at the helm, we strive to deliver exceptional returns on your investments while ensuring the utmost security and transparency.

On the topic of transparency, Cryptoption fails to provide evidence it pays withdrawals with trading revenue.

We have an MLM company run by persons unknown, represented by a CEO investors can’t verify exists, that generates trading that also can’t be verified.

Furthermore, Cryptoption’s business model fails the Ponzi logic test.

If Cryptoption already has a “team of seasoned experts” generating at least 1.5% a day, what do they need your money for?

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering Cryptoption is new investment.

Using new investment to pay affiliate withdrawals would make Cryptoption a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Cryptoption of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

Math guarantees that when a Ponzi scheme collapses, the majority of participants lose money.


Update 3rd January 2023 – Cryptoption has collapsed.

As at the time of this update, Cryptoption’s website is no longer accessible.