Buy Time claim to be a holding company incorporated in the UK as Buy Time Incorporated LLP.

Further research reveals Buy Time Incorporated LLP was incorporated on October 19th, 2016.

The address used to incorporate Buy Time Incorporated LLP is used by over a hundred companies, suggesting Buy Time Incorporated LLP exists in the UK in name only.

Two shell companies are listed as “officers” of Buy Time Incorporated LLP; Buy Time Incorporated LTD (Seychelles) and Damitra Group LTD (Seychelles). Both companies appear to have been incorporated in Seychelles with virtual addresses.

Damitra Group is tied to the Richmond Berks Ponzi scheme as a Managing Partner with power of attorney.

Serguiu Valuta signed the document on behalf of DamitraGroup LTD on January 9th, 2016:

Richmond Berks launched in late 2016 and promised investors a 1.6% daily ROI. Reader comments on BehindMLM’s Richmond Berks review suggest the company has ceased paying investors.

Buy Time identify Dmitrijs Lutovs as CEO, President and founder of the company. No information about Lutovs is provided.

This is inline with Richmond Berks, who named the owners of the company but also failed to provide any additional information.

Dmitrijs Lutovs is listed as the owner of the Buy Time website through an address in Riga, Latvia:

Lutovs does have a social media presence on Facebook, however the account was only created on December 31st, 2016, a day after the Buy Time website domain was registered.

Read on for a full review of the Buy Time MLM opportunity.

Buy Time Products

Buy Time has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Buy Time affiliate membership itself.

The Buy Time Compensation Plan

Buy Time affiliates invest funds on the promise of an advertised annual ROI.

  • invest $20 and receive $72.80 after 52 weeks
  • invest $50 and receive $182 after 52 weeks
  • invest $100 and receive $374.92 after 52 weeks
  • invest $200 and receive $749.84 after 52 weeks
  • invest $500 and receive $1929.20 after 52 weeks
  • invest $1000 and receive $3858.40 after 52 weeks
  • invest $5000 and receive $20,020 after 52 weeks
  • invest $10,000 and receive $40,040 after 52 weeks
  • invest $25,000 and receive $100,100 after 52 weeks

Note that to withdraw ROI payments on $100 investments or higher, Buy Time affiliates must re-invest an amount equal to or greater than initially invested.

Referral commissions on funds invested are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Buy Time cap payable unilevel levels at ten, with commissions paid out as a percentage of funds invested across these ten levels.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
  • levels 2 and 3 – 5%
  • level 4 – 4%
  • level 5 – 3%
  • level 6 – 2%
  • levels 7 to 10 – 1%

Career Rewards

Buy Time affiliates can earn Career Rewards based on the following recruitment criteria:

  • personally invest $100 or more, recruit at least three affiliates who have each invested $100 and generate $10,000 in total downline investment volume = $300 bonus
  • personally invest $500 or more, recruit at least five affiliates who have each invested $100 and generate $30,000 in total downline investment volume = $900 bonus
  • personally invest $1000 or more, recruit at least ten affiliates who have each invested $200 and generate $100,000 in total downline investment volume = $2000 bonus
  • personally invest $3000 or more, recruit at least twelve affiliates who have each invested $200 and generate $300,000 in total downline investment volume = $6000 bonus
  • personally invest $5000 or more, recruit at least fifteen affiliates who have each invested $500 and generate $900,000 in total downline investment volume = $18,000 bonus
  • personally invest $10,000 or more, recruit at least twenty affiliates who have each invested $500 and generate $2,700,000 in total downline investment volume = $54,000 bonus
  • personally invest $25,000 or more, recruit at least twenty-five affiliates who have each invested $1000 and generate $8,100,000 in total downline investment volume = $81,000 bonus
  • personally invest $100,000 or more, recruit at least three affiliates who have each invested $5000 and generate $2,430,000 in total downline investment volume = $243,000 bonus

Joining Buy Time

Buy Time affiliate membership is tied to a $20 to $25,000 investment.


The ruse behind Buy Time’s ROI payouts is that the company is ‘purchasing airtime on TV channels, information space, media resources’. This airtime is then sold for a profit, providing revenue to pay affiliates with.

Of course there’s no proof of any of this happening. Buy Time affiliates simple invest funds and collect a passive ROI, no questions asked.

Buy Time does provide a list of “partners” it is purportedly working with on their website, but again no proof of any such partnerships (beyond showing company logos) is provided.

In any event, the idea that a new company in Latvia is able to buy and resell airtime to generate annual ROIs of up to 400% a year doesn’t come to close to passing the Ponzi logic test.

Firstly if this was even possible, why would Serguiu Valuta and whoever is behind Damitra Group share the revenue with affiliates?

Secondly which gullible moron companies are purchasing airtime from Buy Time at vastly inflated prices? And who is selling the airtime?

And why do Buy Time affiliates have to reinvest 100% of what they initially invested to withdraw the paid ROI? That’s not how legitimate business operates.

While Lutovs (or the person playing him) does appear to be an actual person, Buy Time is otherwise set up to launder funds through shell companies across multiple jurisdictions.

The connection to Richmond Berks through Damitra Group is also significance, as it ties Buy Time directly to an existing Ponzi scheme.

As with Richmond Berks, all Buy Time are doing is shuffling newly invested funds around to pay off existing investors. This makes Buy Time a Ponzi scheme.

The referral commissions add an additional pyramid layer to the scheme, as without new investors Buy Time will be unable to meet its daily ROI obligations.

According to the Buy Time website, affiliates can only withdraw every two weeks. This gives Lutovs and friends plenty of time to do a runner when invested funds run out.

Unfortunately for Buy Time affiliates, by the time they realize there’s no money left it will be too late. Ponzi math dictates that for Lutovs and his fellow scammers to make money, the majority of Buy Time affiliates must lose it.