BlixTrade fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

BlixTrade’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on June 15th, 2023.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, BlixTrade provides incorporation details for Blixt Group Limited.

Blixt Group Limited was incorporated in the UK in March 2020. Given BlixTrade’s website domain was registered less than a month ago, Blixt Group Limited is unlikely to have anything to do with BlixTrade.

In BlixTrade’s website source-code we find a reference to Yandex:

Although not definitive, this suggests BlixTrade is being run by eastern Europeans. Typically this means Russia and/or Ukraine.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

BlixTrade’s Products

BlixTrade has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market BlixTrade affiliate membership itself.

BlixTrade’s Compensation Plan

BlixTrade affiliates invest USD equivalents in cryptocurrency.

This is done on the promise of advertised passive returns:

  • Affiliate Plan – invest $100 to $900 and receive 1.8% a day for 6 days
  • Deluxe Plan – invest $1000 to $50,000 and receive 2% a day for 7 days
  • Blix Trade Diamond – invest $51,000 to $9,999,999 and receive 3% a day for 7 days
  • Compound Plan – invest $50,000 to $9,999,999 and receive 3.5% a day for 60 days

Referral Commissions

BlixTrade pays an 8% referral commission on cryptocurrency invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Recruitment Bonus

When a BlixTrade affiliate generates a downline of 30 recruited affiliates, they receive a $4000 bonus.

Note that recruited affiliates must have invested to count towards the Recruitment Bonus.

Joining BlixTrade

BlixTrade affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $100 investment.

BlixTrade solicits investment in bitcoin, ethereum and tether.

BlixTrade Conclusion

BlixTrade is a particularly lazy MLM crypto Ponzi – even the logo of the company isn’t spelt right.

Photos on BlixTrade’s website are poorly photoshopped:

And marketing copy is stolen from other websites.

Although incorporation details for Blixt Group Limited are provided in BlixTrade’s marketing presentation, on its website a different UK incorporation number is provided:

Yes, it’s a well registered company in the united kingdom with it’s verified Licenced Company Number 5702162.

That number does not correspond to any UK registered company.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve BlixTrade of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.