Beyond Beauty Club operates in the personal care MLM niche.

The company doesn’t provide a corporate address on its website. Beyond Beauty Club’s website terms and conditions cites “Beyond Beauty Club LLC”, which is purportedly registered in Switzerland.

I might be missing something but Beyond Beauty Club’s social accounts are a bit of a mess. On Instagram we have Beyond Beauty Club in English, Spanish, Polish and German.

On FaceBook we have Beyond Beauty Club UK, Beyond Beauty Club Spain, Beyond Beauty Club Poland and Beyond Beauty Club Portugal.

SimilarWeb meanwhile tracks 64% of Beyond Beauty Club’s website traffic as originating from Switzerland (August 2024). The other 36% is from Spain.

Heading up Beyond Beauty Club we have co-founders Dan Holzmann (President), Shari Jafari (CEO) and Simon Ourian.

Dan Holzmann made a name for himself as the CEO of Juice Plus+ Europe between 2012 and 2018.

Holzmann had previously worked in Juice Plus+ mail-order warehouse circa 1993, before signing on as a distributor as the company expanded.

In leaving Juice Plus+, Holzmann stated;

he wants to spend the next 25 years of his life in a different way.

He says he wants to be the boss of his own schedule, and look beyond things like daily operations of the company. He says he wants to invest his time and energy in seeking and taking up new opportunities.

Beyond Beauty Club’s website domain was registered in October 2022, with the company launching shortly after.

In addition to being CEO of Beyond Beauty Club, Shari Jafari is also CEO of Simon Ourian M.D.

Simon Ourian M.D. is a company owned by Simon Ourian that markets its own cosmetic products.

In an October 2023 interview with The Industry Beauty, Jafari stated;

I’ve spent 20 years of my career in the prestige cosmetics industry, working for one of the largest beauty brands in the world, Clinique, across three different continents.

I’ve worked across North America, the Middle East and now in Europe.

Simon Ourian refers to himself as a “cosmetic dermatologist” and “A-list aesthetic specialist”. Ourian owns and runs the Epione Clinic in Beverly Hills, California.

Based on the marketing on Epione Clinic’s website, clearly Ourian has some happy A-list clients. There is also pause for concern, as researched by Adam J. Rubinstein, a certified plastic surgeon, in a March 2019 YouTube video.

In an accompanying website article, Rubenstein states;

Dr. Ourian became famous after getting some endorsements from Kim Kardashian on social media, which blew up his name.

As a result, he started getting more celebrity clients coming in and out of his clinic and eventually became known throughout the internet as the “Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist.

The thing is, he is actually not trained in residency in dermatology. If you look into his background, which is all public record, you’ll see he is, in fact, licensed in the state of California.

However, the Medical Board of California reports that he had training in internal medicine and some in anesthesia. The problem is anesthesiology and internal medicine are not related to dermatology or plastic surgery.

You’ll notice on his website he states that during his residency in UCLA, he became interested in things like dermatology and aesthetics but it doesn’t actually say that he trained in dermatology or aesthetics because he didn’t.

Patients who don’t take the initiative to research their providers before receiving treatment, might think that because he calls himself a “cosmetic dermatologist” that he’s trained in dermatology but, the fact is, he’s not.

One of the more shocking bits of information is that his license was revoked in 2009. There were charges brought against him in 2005 by the state of California for 29 acts of wrongdoing.

The various charges were amended in 2007 and included, gross negligence, repeated negligent acts, inadequate record-keeping, and incompetence.

Dishonest and/or corrupt acts included knowingly making a false document, false or misleading advertising and, maybe one of the more egregious things in my opinion, were aiding and or abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine.

This included taking, what apparently was a nurse, and allowing that nurse to practice medicine as if he was a doctor. It is alleged that Dr. Ourian actually allowed this nurse to perform a facelift in his clinic.

Ourian served five years of probation without incident and retained his medical license.

Rubenstein also cites “quit a number” of malpractice lawsuits filed against Ourian. I’m inclined to let this slide given medical litigation is pretty common in the US (I’ve linked to both the YouTube video and article if you want full details yourself).

Prior to co-founding Beyond Beauty Club, Ourian sold at least one Simon Ourian M.D. product through ByDzyne.

The partnership commenced in 2021 but appears to have come to an end (I couldn’t find any Simon Ourian M.D. products on ByDzyne’s website).

Read on for a full review of Beyond Beauty Club’s MLM opportunity.

Beyond Beauty Club’s Products

While Beyond Beauty Club has reatilable products, the company fails to provide consumers with information and retail pricing on its website.

Instead, visitors to Beyond Beauty Club’s website are directed to a “virtual AI consultation” or Simon Ourian M.D.’s website (the AI consultation is also hosted on Simon Ourian M.D.’s website)

Beyond Beauty Club’s “virtual AI consultation” demands an email address before access to the tool is granted.

Attached to the email harvester is a twenty-one page data privacy document. Needless to say I didn’t progress past this point.

Clicking on the other link dumps us on the Simon Ourian M.D. homepage. On Simon Ourian M.D.’s website we find a large personal care product range.

Categories within Simon Ourian M.D.’s website product range include:

  • cleansers
  • toners
  • moisturizers
  • boosters & serums
  • eye care
  • masks
  • exfoliants
  • sheet masks
  • UV protection
  • skin tints and
  • face tools

I’m a bit confused here, as it appears consumers can just buy Simon Ourian M.D. products external to Beyond Beauty Club.

Infact by dumping visitors of its own website onto Simon Ourian M.D.’s website, Beyond Beauty Club actively encourages this.

For an MLM company that is supposed to be marketing its own products as part of its own business opportunity, this is very strange behaviour.

Beyond Beauty Club’s Compensation Plan

Beyond Beauty Club fails to provide consumers with a copy of its compensation plan on its website.

The following analysis is put together from official Beyond Beauty Club compensation documentation, dated November 2023.

Beyond Beauty Club Distributor Ranks

There are thirteen distributor ranks within Beyond Beauty Club’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Brand Ambassador – sign up as a Beyond Beauty Club distributor
  2. Brand Partner 1 – generate and maintain 100 PV and 500 GV a month
  3. Brand Partner 2 – maintain 100 PV a month, generate 500 GV a month and have at least one Brand Partner 1 or higher ranked distributor in your downline
  4. Brand Partner 3 – maintain 100 PV and generate 1000 GV a month, and have two Brand Partner 1 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  5. Brand Champion 1 – generate and maintain 200 PV and 4000 GV a month and have two Brand Partner 2 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  6. Brand Champion 2 – maintain 200 PV and generate 8000 GV a month, and have two Brand Partner 3 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  7. Brand Champion 3 – maintain 200 PV and generate 16,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Champion 1 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  8. Brand Leader 1 – generate and maintain 300 PV and 30,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Champion 2 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  9. Brand Leader 2 – maintain 300 PV and generate 60,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Champion 2 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  10. Brand Leader 3 – maintain 300 PV and generate 120,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Leader 1 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  11. Brand Legend 1 – generate and maintain 400 PV and 360,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Leader 2 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  12. Brand Legend 2 – maintain 400 PV and generate 720,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Leader 3 or higher ranked distributors in your downline
  13. Brand Legend 3 – maintain 400 PV and generate 1,440,000 GV a month, and have two Brand Legend 1 or higher ranked distributors in your downline

PV stands for “Personal Volume”. PV is sales volume generated by sales to retail customers and a Beyond Beauty Club distributor’s own orders.

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is the total PV generated by a Beyond Beauty Club distributor and their downline.

Note that for each rank, Beyond Beauty Club specifies minimum GV amounts required outside of “main pillars”.

This is taken to mean recruitment legs but how many legs isn’t specified. As such I have not provided these GV restriction amounts above.

Also note that for required downline distributors, Beyond Beauty Club only counts these required distributors down three levels of recruitment (levels 1 to 3 of the unilevel team).

Retail Commissions

Beyond Beauty Club pays commissions on retail orders based on total monthly PV:

  • generate 1 to 499 PV in a month and receive a 20% retail commission rate for that month
  • generate 500 to 999 PV in a month and receive a 25% retail commission rate for that month
  • generate 1000 or more PV in a month and receive a 30% retail commission rate for that month

Recruitment Commissions

Beeyond Beauty Club distributors earn a €75 EUR bonus on their fourth recruited distributor. Thereafter €25 EUR is paid out per distributor recruited.

Residual Commissions

Beyond Beauty Club pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places a distributor at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited distributor placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 distributors recruit new distributors, they are placed on level 2 of the original distributor’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 distributors recruit new distributors, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Beyond Beauty Club caps residual commissions across three unilevel team levels.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of sales volume generated across these three levels based on rank:

  • Brand Partner 1 – 5% on level 1 (personally recruited distributors)
  • Brand Partner 2 – 8% on level 1
  • Brand Partner 3 – 10% on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Brand Champion 1 and higher – 10% on level 1, 5% on level 2 and 3% on level 3

Fixed Bonus

Beyond Beauty Club’s Fixed Bonus appears to be a monthly bonus paid to qualified Brand Champion 1 and higher ranked distributors.

  • qualify at Brand Champion 1 and receive €175 EUR a month
  • qualify at Brand Champion 2 and receive €345 EUR a month
  • qualify at Brand Champion 3 and receive €465 EUR a month
  • qualify at Brand Leader 1 and receive €575 EUR a month
  • qualify at Brand Leader 2 and receive €1395 EUR a month
  • qualify at Brand Leader 3 or higher and receive €2100 EUR a month

Rank Achievement Bonus

Beyond Beauty Club rewards distributors for qualifying at Brand Partner 1 and higher, initially within set timeframes:

  • qualify at Brand Partner 1 within 1 month of signing up and receive €115 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Partner 2 within 2 months of signing up and receive €175 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Partner 3 within 3 months of signing up and receive €285 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Champion 1 within 6 months of signing up and receive €345 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Champion 2 within 9 months of signing up and receive €465 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Champion 3 within 12 months of signing up and receive €575 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Leader 1 (no time limit) and receive €1115 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Leader 2 (no time limit) and receive €2310 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Leader 3 (no time limit) and receive €4620 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Legend 1 (no time limit) and receive €11,550 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Legend 2 (no time limit) and receive €23,100 EUR
  • qualify at Brand Legend 3 (no time limit) and receive €57,500 EUR

Note that a 100% matching bonus is paid on Rank Achievement Bonuses received by personally recruited distributors (up to Brand Leader 3).

Infinity Bonus Pool

Beyond Beauty Club takes 2% of company-wide revenue and places it into an Infintiy Bonus Pool.

Brand Leader 1 and higher ranked distributors receive shares in the Infinity Bonus Pool each month as follows:

  • Brand Leader 1 ranked affiliates receive 1 share
  • Brand Leader 2 ranked affiliates receive 3 shares
  • Brand Leader 3 ranked affiliates receive 5 shares
  • Brand Legend 1 ranked affiliates receive 10 shares
  • Brand Legend 2 ranked affiliates receive 15 shares
  • Brand Legend 3 ranked affiliates receive 25 shares

Note that one Beyond Beauty Club distributor can receive no more than 25% of the Infinity Bonus Pool in any given month.

Joining Beyond Beauty Club

Beyond Beauty Club fails to disclose distributor membership costs on its website.

Marketing in Beyond Beauty Club’s website suggests distributor fees are charged monthly (€38.34 a month plus an addition fee?).

Beyond Beauty Club Conclusion

Beyond Beauty Club comes off as a tool for Simon Ourian M.D. to market himself with. That’s not a bad thing but it leaves me wondering why Beyond Beauty Club exists.

Perhaps the biggest tell that Beyond Beauty Club is just a funnel for Simon Ourian M.D. is signing up through Beyond Beauty Club takes place on Simon Ourian M.D.’s website:

Second, we have all of Beyond Beauty Club’s products listed on Simon Ourian M.D.’s website.

Why not just have launched Simon Ourian M.D. as an MLM company? Or shift whatever Simon Ourian M.D. is supposed to be now to Beyond Beauty Club and then shut Simon Ourian M.D. down?

It’s all a bit confusing and comes off janky.

Given Simon Ourian and Shari Jafari are already attached to Simon Ourian M.D., Dan Holzmann feels like a third-wheel. Again, not really sure what the intention is here but it’s… weird.

Moving on to Beyond Beauty Club’s compensation plan, the glaring issue is there are no retail volume qualifiers.

Monthly PV requirements ramp up but if you look at the equivalent GV (e.g. 400 PV at Brand Legend 1 requires 360,000 GV a month), that’s not an unreasonable self-fund.

The €2100 Fixed Bonus at Brand Legend 1 could be pumped into product purchases and easily satisfy 400 PV a month with change to spare.

In this sense Beyond Beauty Club comes off as an autoship recruitment scheme. It’s subtle but I’m not seeing any alternative focus on retail sales.

The fact that Beyond Beauty Club has no retail product pricing on its own website is a supporting tell.

All in all Beyond Beauty Club’s issue as an MLM opportunity isn’t its products. They might be sound given Simon Ourian has put his name on them but as it is they feel external to Beyond Beauty Club.

The issue with Beyond Beauty Club is its identity, which its many disclosure failings feed into (compensation details, retail pricing and joining costs.

These are all consumer protection red flags, with each omission of important information leaving consumers unable to make an informed decision about Beyond Beauty Club.

Approach with caution if you’re able to get this information before providing Beyond Beauty Club with any personal information. But I’m also leaning towards “avoid” until these compliance issues are addressed.