Aquila Holdco Limited fails to provide ownership or executive information on their website.

Aquila Holdco Limited’s website domain (“”), was registered with bogus details on October 29th, 2022.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, Aquila Holdco Limited provides incorporation details for Aquila Holdco Limited in New Zealand.

The address used to incorporate Aquila Holdco Limited has nothing to with the company.

Furthermore for the purpose of MLM due-diligence, basic incorporation in any jurisdiction is meaningless.

It’s as simple as submit bogus details, pay a fee and get a certificate – which Aquila Holdco Limited of course provides on their website.

In the source-code of Aquila Holdco Limited’s website we find an Instagram link for Bofbot Limited:

Bofbot Limited is a collapsed Ponzi scheme that pitched up to 4% a day. As opposed to New Zealand, Bofbot Limited pretended it was based out of the UK.

From Aquila Holdco Limited’s website source-code, we also find the simplified Chinese character “漏”:

This strongly suggests Chinese scammers are behind Bofbot Limited and Aquila Holdco Limited.

While I can’t say for sure, the typical Chinese Ponzi playbook is to operate from a county neighbouring China or from south-east Asia.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Aquila Holdco Limited’s Products

Aquila Holdco Limited has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Aquila Holdco Limited affiliate membership itself.

Aquila Holdco Limited’s Compensation Plan

Aquila Holdco Limited affiliates invest cryptocurrency on the promise of daily returns of up to 3.1%:

  • invest $10 to $10,000 and receive 1.1% an hour for 24 hours (note this plan was supposed to have been cancelled on December 30th, 2022 but is still on Aquila Holdco Limited’s website)
  • invest $50 to $499 and receive 2% a day for 30 days
  • invest $500 to $50,000 and receive 3.1% a day for 30 days

Aquila Holdco Limited pays referral commissions on invested funds down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 5%
  • level 2 – 2%
  • level 3 – 1%

Joining Aquila Holdco Limited

Aquila Holdco Limited affiliate membership is free.

An initial investment of $10 or more is required to fully participate in the attached income opportunity.

Aquila Holdco Limited solicits investment in various cryptocurrencies.

Aquila Holdco Limited Conclusion

Aquila Holdco Limited is a particularly lazy Ponzi reboot:

The scammers behind it will likely continue to milk their script with new websites and fake companies until the saps investing dry up.

The ruse behind Aquila Holdco Limited is cryptocurrency trading.

We trade for you, all you have to do is refresh your account balance once a day and withdraw the accumulated funds at any time.

From a business standpoint, anyone capable of legitimately generating 26.4% a day isn’t providing you access for free. In fact they’re unlikely to be providing you access at all.

As was done with Bofbot Limited, Aquila Holdco Limited recycles newly invested funds to pay off withdrawals.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Aquila Holdco Limited of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.