Affiliate Institute operates in the marketing tools MLM niche. The company provides a corporate address in Toronto, Canada on its website.

Heading up Affiliate Institute we have founder Kameron George (right).

As per George’s Affiliate Institute corporate bio;

Over ten years ago he was an electrical apprentice when he was first exposed to the idea of digital marketing.

After years of relentlessly chasing every system, “guru”, trick and hack – he finally put the pieces together for himself and it changed his life.

The Affiliate Institute isn’t just a brand, it’s the embodiment of Kameron’s personal philosophy that anyone who is willing to learn and do the work can truly live the life of their dreams.

Circa 2013 George was heavily pushing something called iGlobalPros.

Over the years George has been heavily involved in digital marketing but, at least as far as I could see, not the MLM type.

Circa 2022 George reinvented himself as a crypto bro.

No idea what George got up to in the crypto space. Regardless since ChatGPT launched in late 2022, AI has been replacing crypto as the “grift of choice” for marketers.

This brings us to Affiliate Institute.

Affiliate Institute’s website domain (“”), was first registered in 2008. The private registration was last updated on December 24th, 2023.

Read on for a full review of Affiliate Institute’s MLM opportunity.

Affiliate Institute’s Products

Affiliate Institute has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Affiliate Institute affiliate membership itself.

Affiliate Institute affiliate membership provides access to AI Systems, a purported AI marketing suite of unknown origin.

AI Systems access costs between $49 and $499 a month, depending on what components are required:

Affiliate Institute’s Compensation Plan

Affiliate Institute hides specifics of its compensation plan from consumers.

The following is put together from various Affiliate Institute marketing presentations.

Recruitment Commissions

Affiliate Institute pays a 25% commission on recruitment of affiliates.

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Affiliate Institute pays residual recruitment commissions via a matrix.

Unlock additional earning potential with our matrix-based rewards. Simply put with this additional compensation you can earn commissions and overrides as the company grows.

Details of the matrix are not disclosed. All we know is that commissions are paid as positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment.

Joining Affiliate Institute

Affiliate Institute affiliate membership is $39 annually.

A mandatory AI Systems Lite membership is required ($49 a month), bringing the upfront cost of joining Affiliate Institute to $88.

There are two higher tiers of AI Systems, $199 a month for Pro and $499 a month for Elite. These appear to be additional upsells once an affiliate has signed on at the Lite tier.

Affiliate Institute Conclusion

In initially thought Affiliate Institute was offering AI Systems as both a retail subscription and recruited affiliate subscription.

If you click a referral link from an Affiliate Institute promoter however, you are presented with an order page that forces you in at the AI Systems Lite tier.

As you can see, Affiliate Institute affiliate membership is bundled with AI Systems. There is no way to separate the two.

This makes everyone in Affiliate Institute an affiliate promoter. As per FTC guidelines, an MLM company with no retail sales is a pyramid scheme.

Additional disclosure violations of the FTC Act by Affiliate Institute include:

  • failing to disclose ownership and development details of AI systems; and
  • failing to disclose full compensation plan details

Disclosure failures leave consumers visiting Affiliate Institute’s website unable to make an informed decision about the MLM opportunity.

What I’m seeing with Affiliate Institute is your typical “marketing tools attached to a pyramid scheme to market said pyramid scheme” model.

This happens with virtually every MLM company whose primary product is a marketing suite (AI or otherwise).

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

This will see those at the bottom of the pyramid stop paying monthly fees. This in turn will see affiliates above them stop getting paid.

If new recruits aren’t found, these affiliates will also eventually stop paying monthly fees. This means that affiliates above them then stop getting paid.

Eventually as more and more Affiliate Institute affiliates stop paying fees, an irreversible collapse is triggered.

This Affiliate Institute’s refund policy:

All sales of digital products are final and non-refundable unless otherwise specified in the terms of purchase.

The math behind pyramid schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.