Wealthy Ad Shares Review: 250% ROI over 50 days
The Wealthy Ad Shares website contains no information about who owns or runs the company.
The domain ‘wealthyadshares.com’ was registered on March 17th 2012 however the domain registration is set to private.
As always, if a MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The Wealthy Ad Shares Product Line
Wealth Ad Shares has no retailable products or services. Instead, members make investments into the scheme and bundled with each investment are advertising credits.
These advertising credits can be used to display advertising on an inhouse network shown on the Wealthy Ad Shares website.
The Wealthy Ad Shares Compensation Plan
Wealthy Ad Shares guarantee members a 2.5% daily ROI over 100 days (250% total ROI).
Investments are made in $10 allotments and 30% of each ROI paid out must be re-invested back into the scheme.
Additionally, Wealth Ad Shares also pays out referral commissions on investments made by people you recruit into the company.
On investments of members you directly recruit (your level 1) you earn 10% and on investments their recruits make (your level 2) you earn 5%.
Joining Wealthy Ad Shares
Membership to Wealthy Ad Shares is free however investments need to be made into the scheme if members wish to earn a commission.
Members can either invest themselves and earn a ROI, or recruit other people and encourage them to invest and earn referral commissions on their investments.
With no other revenue stream other than the investments made by members, it’s clear to see that Wealthy Ad Shares is a basic Ponzi scheme.
The company tries to pass itself off as an ‘advertising website”, however you can’t actually purchase any advertising from them.
Amusingly Wealthy Ad Shares also mention in their FAQ that they do
not guarantee or promise any returns on our daily plans.
Yet on the very same page at the top there’s a big yellow box advertising ‘2.5% Daily for 100 Days’. Sounds like a guarantee to me guys…
Ponzi scheme status is confirmed in Wealthy Ad Shares refund policy, which states:
All purchases are non-refundable advertising credits.
If I don’t use the credits I’m supposedly purchasing though, how come I can’t get a refund on them? The answer of course is that you never actually purchased any credits but rather made an investment.
The second you made an investment the money you invested was used to pay off existing returns that were owed… and that’s the very definition of a Ponzi scheme.