spiritual-income-logoThere is no information on the Spritual Income website indicating who runs or owns the company.

The domain ‘spiritual-income.com’ however was registered on the 13th July 2009 and lists a Shreyas Nandan as the owner of the domain, operating out of Bangalore in India.

Nandan (photo right) appears to own a network of sites of which Spiritual Income appears to be a part of:

  • ‘Securebank.in’ – Investment and insurance
  • ‘Divinepower.in’ – MLM business opportunity
  • ‘Utilitypay.in’ – mobile recharge site
  • ‘Care2Soul.com’ – forum site
  • ‘Face143.com’ – social network

Out of this network only Divine Power and Spiritual Income appear to be MLM companies, with both using identical compensation plans.

The Spiritual Income Product Line

Spiritual Income has no retailable product or service. Instead, members of Spiritual Income have to market membership to the site with membership providing access to ‘meditational songs, e-books and software‘.

The Spiritual Income Compensation Plan

Spiritual Income uses a standard unilevel compensation structure to pay out commissions to members. A unilevel structure places you at the top, with each member you recruit being placed directly under you (your level 1). There is no limit to the amount of new members you can recruit thus your level 1 is no restricted in width.

When your level 1 recruits a new members, this forms your level 2. When your level 2 recruit new members they form your level 3 and so on and so forth.

This unilevel compensation structure pays out down five levels and members are paid a monthly commission for each member in their unilevel team:

  • Level 1 – 100 rupees ($1.93 USD)
  • Level 2 – 50 rupees (96c USD)
  • Level 3 – 25 rupees (48c USD)
  • Level 4 – 10 rupees (19c USD)

Joining Spiritual Income

Membership to Spiritual Income is free, however if you want to participate in the compensation plan you must “upgrade” your membership. This upgrade costs 200 rupees ($3.87 USD) and I believe is a monthly recurring charge.

Given that free membership doesn’t entitle you to the income opportunity, for all intents and purposes $3.87 is the ongoing monthly cost to participate in Spiritual Income.


Despite the name, there’s nothing remotely spiritual or religious about Spiritual Income.

With no products and services, 100% of the company revenue being derived from membership fees and members being only paid out on the recruitment of new members, Spiritual Income has all the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme.

Unless you’ve got a thing for useless e-books and outdated marketing material and like to spend your time recruiting people… you’ll probably want to avoid this opportunity.