Dmatrx has received a pyramid fraud warning from Russia.

As per the Central Bank of Russia’s June 20th warning, Dmatrx exhibits “signs of a “financial pyramid”.

Dmatrx is a “click a button” Ponzi scheme, believed to be run by Chinese scammers. The MLM side of “click a button” Ponzis is always a pyramid scheme, by way of nothing being marketed or sold to retail customers.

That CBR has issued a fraud warning suggests Dmatrx is targeting Russian nationals.

The typical play for a “click a button” Ponzi is to gain traction in a market and then shut down/collapse. This happens over a few months.

If the Ponzi fails to gain traction in its intended market, it’s abandoned.

Given a backend app template script is used to create “click a button” Ponzis, they are easy to spin up, steal through, shut down and reboot with a different name.

Dmatrx only launched last month so as of yet we can’t confirm it’s targeting Russia. When a regulator catches a “click a button” Ponzi before they’ve disappeared, typically that hastens the exit-scam.