onecoin-logoOneCoin aren’t happy about YouTube terminating their OneLife account, and have threatened to take “legal action” against the company.

onecoin-threaten-youtube-with-legal-action-onelife-account-terminatedIn a post published a few hours ago to the OneLife Facebook page, OneCoin addressed the closure of the OneLife YouTube account:

On Monday, we posted two informative videos on YouTube which were the subject of many aggressive and defamatory comments.

The OneLife channel is currently unavailable, but we’ll be taking legal action to ensure you can access our content there.

What legal action and on what basis OneCoin will sue YouTube is unclear.

When YouTube shut down the OneLife account, viewers of previously hosted videos were informed the videos were unavailable for YouTube policy violations pertaining to spam, deceptive content and scams.

As per YouTube policies, which all content creators agree to when they create an account:


Some users create content which attempts to trick others for their own financial gain. Content that deliberately tries to mislead users for financial gain may be removed, and in some cases strikes may be issued to the uploader.

Please be wary of claims that seem too good to be true, as they likely are.

Perhaps OneCoin is objecting to YouTube inferring that OneCoin is a scam. Either way, YouTube has deep pockets and a lawsuit between the two parties would certainly be interesting to watch.