svm-global-initiative-logoAs per the SVM Global Initiative website,

(The) foundation of the SVM Global Initiative is program design for SVM Redesign Your Life America.

(A) non-profit organization to convert abandoned military bases into places to end poverty and homelessness.

sheila-tabarsi-ceo-founder-SVM-global-initiativeThe company is founded by Sheila V. Tabarsi (right), who operates it out of the US state of New York. Tabarsi also serves as CEO.

According to Tabarsi’s SVM Global Initiative corporate bio,

Sheila V. Tabarsi, Founder and CEO of Sheila V. & Associates, LLC (New York) and The Marketplace at SV&A, LLC (Costa Rica), is a 4th Generation Native Cherokee/African American Spiritual Life Coach, Universal Life Church Minister, Business and Medical Intuitive with 17 active years of practice performing Clair-empathic healings and various forms of intuitive readings.

A corporate administrative manager, former U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant and Veteran of the ’91 Gulf War, Sheila V. established SVM ReDesign Your Life America, a non-profit organization to convert abandoned military bases into places to end poverty and homelessness.

Looking forward to working with New York State Senators and United Nations Ambassadors, Sheila V. is hoping to help rebuild the lives of hundreds of thousands of financially disadvantaged people all over the world until poverty no longer exists.

There’s no mention of an MLM background in Tabarsi’s bio, with further research not turning up anything either.

As such I believe SVM Global Initiative is Tabarsi’s first MLM venture.

Read on for a full review of the SVM Global Initiative MLM business opportunity.

The SVM Global Initiative Product Line

SVM Global Initiative has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership with the company itself.

Once signed up, SVM Global Initiative affiliates can then purchase matrix subscriptions and participate in the SVM Global Initiative compensation plan.

Bundled with affiliate fees paid are a series of credits, which can purportedly be used in “the marketplace”. This however does not appear to have anything to do with the SVM Global Initiative MLM business opportunity.

The SVM Global Initiative Compensation Plan

The SVM Global Initiative compensation plan sees affiliates purchase weekly matrix subscriptions. Commissions are paid out when they recruit new affiliates who then do the same.

SVM Global Initiative offer three matrix subscription levels, with each matrix based on a 4×4 matrix structure.

A 4×4 matrix places an affiliate at the top of the matrix, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):


These four positions branch out into another four positions each to make up the second level of the matrix. These second level positions branch out again to make up the third level, and once more to make up the fourth.

In total, there are 340 positions in the matrix.

Commissions are paid as positions in the matrix are filled, with positions filled by way of affiliate recruitment.

Each matrix has a different weekly subscription fee and commissions structure, detailed as follows:

Matrix 1 ($33 a week)

  • level 1 (4 positions) – $8.25 per position filled
  • level 2 (16 positions) – $7.87 per position filled
  • level 3 (64 positions) – $8.25 per position filled
  • level 4 (256 positions) – $3.62 per position filled

Matrix 2 ($250 a week)

  • level 1 (4 positions) – $62.50 per position filled
  • level 2 (16 positions) – $40 per position filled
  • level 3 (64 positions) – $50 per position filled
  • level 4 (256 positions) – $62.50 per position filled

Matrix 3 ($750 a week)

  • level 1 (4 positions) – $187.50 per position filled
  • level 2 (16 positions) – $112.50 per position filled
  • level 3 (64 positions) – $150 per position filled
  • level 4 (256 positions) – $187.50 per position filled

Note that these are ongoing weekly commissions.

Note that SVM Global Initiative affiliates must start at Matrix 1 and progress through Matrix 2 and 3. Affiliates cannot buy directly into Matrix 2 or 3 without purchasing subscription to the lower matrix/matrices.

Joining SVM Global Initiative

Affiliate membership with SVM Global Initiative costs between $110 and $990:

  • Standard – $110
  • Premier – $330
  • Elite – $990

The primary difference between these three options is “priority placement”.

What this pertains to is not explicitly clarified, but I believe relates to placement in the three matrix tiers (see SVM Global Initiative compensation plan breakdown above).

This suggests that affiliates are not entered into the matrix on a “first come first served” basis, but rather according to how much they spent on their SVM Global Initiative affiliate membership.


Under the guise of “ending poverty”, the SVM Global Initiative sees affiliates sign up, pay weekly subscription fees and then recruit others who do the same.

As per SVM Global Initiative’s business model, a portion of the fees paid by affiliates are put towards charitable efforts.

A message on the SVM Global Initiative website states that

10% of gross profits earned from both Sheila V. & Associates and The Marketplace go to the further development of SVM ReDesign Your Life America.

In addition to this, SVM Global Initiative affiliates are required to sign a “pledge”, in which they agree to

pay Sheila V. & Associates, LLC on behalf of The SVM Global Freedom Fund a contribution in the sum of $10,000 per month to help end poverty and homelessness.

This $10,000 is supposed to come out of Matrix 3 commissions, with the SVM Global Initiative compensation plan documentation explaining that

it is intended the income you earn (from Matrix 3) afford(s) you the ability to fulfill your pledge agreement monthly.

Before we go any further, let me clarify that I have nothing against charity or combating poverty.

MLM company’s who run on a charity-based business model do so so that any criticism of the model can be deflected against charitable activities tied to the income opportunity.

Specifically one will find participants in the scheme’s first line of defense being to claim the author of such criticism has something against charity.

Unfortunately when it comes to MLM the ends do not justify the means.

As such it’s important to look at SVM Global Initiative’s MLM business opportunity independently of any attached charitable pledges.

In this regard, SVM Global Initiative operate what is otherwise a three-tier recruitment driven pyramid scheme.

Nothing is being marketed or sold to retail customers, with the only source of revenue being that of weekly affiliate subscription fees.

Affiliates then earn commissions directly on the recruitment of new affiliates, with their fees providing the revenue to pay said commissions out.

Furthermore, the correlation between affiliate fees paid and positioning in the matrix also introduces a “pay to play” element to the scheme.

The bottom line is SVM Global Initiative operates as a pyramid scheme, with whatever they do with some of the money flowing through the scheme being neither here nor there.

Whatever charitable intentions is attached to this core model and flow of money is irrelevant.

Due diligence should have revealed that a pyramid scheme is not justified with token charitable donations, but for whatever reason with SVM Global Initiative that didn’t happen.

Strictly speaking from an MLM standpoint (and make no mistake SVM Global Initiative is first and foremost an MLM business opportunity), SVM will collapse once recruitment of new affiliates slows down.

When that happens, those at the bottom of the matrix will find themselves unable to recruit and earn commissions.

Once this has gone on for a few weeks, they’ll then be likely to stop paying their weekly fees. This means that those above them stop earning their commissions and will eventually do the same.

As this effect trickles far up enough along the company-wide affiliate genealogy, eventually an irreversible collapse is triggered.

At that point anyone who failed to recruit enough new affiliates to generate a profit loses out.

As with all pyramid schemes, this is mathematically guaranteed to be the majority of participants.