Last November Maskcara rebranded as Seint.

The exact date Maskcara’s official Facebook page was rebranded Seint was November 7th.

On Seint’s website the following explanation is provided;

Recognizing and enhancing the beauty that already exists in every face has always been our inspiration, so we are thrilled to announce that in 2020 Maskcara Beauty is changing its name to Seint to better reflect its purpose.

This change is inspired by our belief that seeking, experiencing, and cultivating beauty is a sacred work; the work of saints.

I um… OK.

On the corporate side Seint is still headed up by Maskcara founder Cara Brook (right).

Seint’s product line is a continuation of Maskcara’s personal care range. The range does change over time but, as with Maskcara, a full product catalog with retail pricing is provided on Seint’s website.

BehindMLM reviewed Maskcara in July 2019. I intended to put together a formal updated write up but discovered the comp plan is the same.

The only change I can see with Seint is that the Maskcara affiliate ranks have been renamed.

  • –> Artist I
  • Elite –> Artist II
  • Top –> Artist III
  • Ambassador –> Artist IV
  • Elite Ambassador –> Artist V
  • Top Ambassador –> Artist VI
  • Influencer –> Artist VII
  • Elite Influencer –> Artist VIII
  • Top Influencer –> Artist IX
  • Executive Director –> Artist X

Rank qualification and commissions paid out are the same.

In light of this I felt a formal top to bottom Seint review wasn’t justified.

If you’re after a breakdown of Seint’s compensation plan check out the conclusion of our Maskcara review.


Update 3rd July 2024 – Seint has announced it is terminating its MLM opportunity.