profit-mania-logoThere is no information the Profit Mania website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Profit Mania website domain (“”) was first registered on August 4th, 2005. The registration was last updated on the 19th of March, 2016, suggesting this is when the current owner(s) of the domain took possession of it.

Unfortunately the Profit Mania domain registration is set to private, providing no information on who owns the business.

The Profit Mania Terms and Conditions lists a “Registered Office Address” as follows:

Go Ads Media Ltd.

71-75 Shelton Street,

Covent Garden,

London, United Kingdom

Further research reveals the above address belongs to Garden Studios, a virtual office provider.

Go Ads Media Ltd. itself is a shell company incorporated on the 26th of February, 2016.

The UK Companies House record for the business lists one Director, Ana Maria Gomes Claro Ferreira.

According to the record Ferreira is based out of Portugal, which is likely where Profit Mania is being operated from.

Unfortunately Ferreira’s full name only appears online in conjunction with Go Ads Media Ltd’s incorporation, so I’m unable to provide any additional background information.

Given everything else about Profit Mania is thus far bogus, I also haven’t ruled out that Ferreira doesn’t exist.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Profit Mania Product Line

Profit Mania has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Profit Mania affiliate membership itself.

Once signed up, Profit Mania affiliates are able to invest and participate in the attached MLM income opportunity.

Bundled with each investment are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Profit Mania website.

The Profit Mania Compensation Plan

The Profit Mania compensation plan sees affiliates invest in three offered plans:

  1. Profit Basic – invest $5 and receive a $5.75 ROI
  2. Profit Pro – invest $15 and receive an $18 ROI
  3. Profit Pro+ – invest $50 and receive a $65 ROI

Referral commissions are available out on funds invested by recruited affiliates, paid out down six levels of recruitment (unilevel).

For reasons unknown, Profit Mania fail to disclose the specific percentage amounts they pay out as referral commissions.

Joining Profit Mania

Affiliate membership with Profit Mania is tied to a minimum $5 investment.


According to the official Profit Mania Facebook page, the scheme initially launched back in May, 2015:


Citing the usual payment processor issues Ponzi schemes come up with, by July Profit Mania had collapsed.

As all know, this site have problems with Paypal what result in get all business money blocked in Paypal account.

Site have around $3000 debt (Total of all members balances).

If you’ve been pitched Profit Mania recently they’re now looking to you to pay off that $3000 ROI liability.

You then hope other suckers join after you, otherwise you don’t get paid your ROI.

As with all Ponzi schemes, once new investment dries up Profit Mania will find itself unable to meet it’s ROI liabilities.

This didn’t take long to happen the first time around. The relaunch is likely to be a repeat performance.